Ah yes the start of a mini story

It was dark but as there were a lot of lights to make up for it

Most of them were bio luminescent lights

The steets were empty at this time .This gave me a creepy feeling

I was wearing a fur coat and hood because it was damn cold and the hood only protected me from the wind

yeah apparently there are seasons here as well it is truly a piece of art

It was very difficult leaving the palace because there were guards almost everywhere

I reached the back of the market it was an area filled with nothing but darkness

But then suddenly there was a faint light from the darkness and due to the light a person's silhouette could be seen but it wasn't clear bevause of the very dim light

? : I knew you would arrive but i didn't expect 30 minutes late what were you doing

It sounded like a women's voice and she sounded very calm and composed

Jay : (Sarcastingly ) Well pardon me your highness for being late

(mocking )Atleast you didn't have to sneak around the palace just to get here

Jay : Well let me get to the point why have you called me here

? : (Attempted sarcasm ) well of someone had read my note he would understand why would i call him here

Jay : Before it drags out , tell me why am I supposed to be here

? : Take my hand and follow me

I took her hand and followed her through the darkness apparently she also had a hood on so there was no chance of seeing what she looked like

After walking dor a while she told me to wait

And then there was a fire that lit up the entire room very traditional lights

And then every torch was lit spontaneously revealing the entire area

The area was like a cave with pillars on each side and statues holding spears down side up

As for the lady she removed her hood she was the same captain who had arrested me