Strict time limit


Suddenly there was a huge scream and in there were slashes seen but blink of an eye all the blood monsters were lying on the floor

Jay : Planning to die , sorry but your plan has been foiled

I suddenly got teary . I couldn't believe my eyes . I was almost about to die . Even if a second late i would have perished

Jay : Don't worry now , you're safe now (smiling)

38 blood monsters killed : level up

+1 skill point gained

All stats have been increased by 3

Weapon mastery level has been upgraded to

weapon mastery 2

The horn was taken to a temporary spot so that it could be blown

Jay : Let's go ,

Dyne : yes let's move

( When i first met this guy i didn't like him at all . When i saw my successor hanging with him. I thought where have my descendents gone wrong.

But now i realise that i was the one who was wrong .

Sure he might be a bit rude and unrespectful and has a somewhat high temper

But now i think that is what make him (Him )

The floor was starting to fill with monsters again

Jay : Climb onto my back

I climbed onto his back wothout any second thought

He opened the window and jumped from the floor . I was shit scared

Maybe i need to change my opinion about him again

The new location was 5km from the museum

Quest completed:

Reward : Chain quest

New quest : Sound the horn

Time limit : 10 min

Reward : Tempest will join the battle

Failure : Temoest will not join the battle , the horn will be destroyed and the team will be killed by the blood demon

Jay : Ah great , strict time limit , my favorite (inner thoughts + sarcasm )