Sayonara Team Omega

The battle has been won .The struggle was finally over . But there were many casualites 246 people confirmed dead . Tempest was heavily injured . They city was in ashes .It had reached an unrecoverable state . The topograhy of the land land had changed .

Except the barrier everything was destroyed. The barrier is truly a miracle .

After 1 day in the morning

Ryan's bunker was the only thing that was left .

After an intense battle we got a rest and got refreshed . Still as there was nothing for me to do i was just lazing around in the bed

Dyne : Hey Jay ! , can you show me your spear. please please please

Jay : Sure , here take it (yawning)

I opened the inventory for real this time and passed him the spear

Dyne examined the spear and replied

Dyne : I can make one of these for now

Dyne : I think it is supposed to be a 3 staged weapon that changes with its patner .

Dyne : For it you need a compatible soul crystal .

and i actually have one of those with me right now . Which i bought from an auction on the surface .

Dyne : So can i make one of my own , please

I was dozing off so i didn't hear anything . And this made Dyne enraged . He grabbed my nose and blocked the air flow which made me get un comfortable and wake up from my sleep .

Dyne : Can i make one of these spear for myself , please .

As he was saying this he clenched the spear very tightly and he sounded very rude .

Jay : Do whatever you want and please don't disturb me (yawning)

And by accidently doing this i created a time loop . The original creation story of the spear was also distorted

With this after some time a funeral for Phizon was held as all held Phizon in high respect everyone was hurt not because he killed his people and destryoed their homes but because he died .

In the funeral which was continued for the whole day . There was an honor for the contributions to the city and then he was mourned . At night shower of fireworks because he once said

"When i will die , i will just simply go on a journey to meet my master . So you shouldn't be sad but you should celebrate "

All of the people respected Phizon even the ones who didn't respect anyone . That's how much a big person he was .

After that it was time to return to the original timeline .

I was discussing with Dyne that how he should write his diary so that it would loop again and it would form a time loop . Tempest was given medication and was taken care of as he was heavily injured during the fight . And soon the returned to the ocean after he was healed .

After all the discussions were done it was time to head back .

Jay : Wait how so we head back now that the entire place is destroyed

Sara : The entire place doesn't matter the only place which matter is the one we time jumped in

Jay : How are we able to time travel if there is no mechanism like the pedestal from last time .

Sara : The pedestal is still there . It was apparently created 555 years ago when .The Hero Helios appeared.

We headed to the site with the entire team

Ren : Thank you for everything . I am very greatful to you . And Sara when i first saw you i thought you were the girl of my dreams . But then it was quickly shattered when i found out you were Dyne's descendent.

Ryan : Even though there were differences between us i liked you as a brother . Here i even created a small gift for you .

Z : (almost crying ) Why do you have to go , please don't leave . (starts tearing )Please , pleasee

Elle : They have to go , now Z even i am sad that they couldn't just stay with us for a few more days .

Dyne : When i first saw you i hated you but i always kept it to myself but i now even like you , You have my permission you can take your shot

Jay : Thank you for accomodating us

Sara hugged both of her ancestors and when i inserted the spear in the pedestal we were once again consumed by a bright white light .

And this is what happened to Raizon when we left.

All of the people were now homeless the people and they dispersed on the surface . With the oath that all of the technological and biological knowledge will not be shared with the world .

The people who didn't left their home took the same oath . And thus the current Raizon was built .