Mr 4

Hmmm .... i feel heavy . Something is on my body . It is putting weight on my body . It seems that i am unable to breath . I can't see anything . Where am i ? .

Am i going to die here . Am i ? . I can hear noises of digging . Am i under the ground . I can't move the soil is soft . Oh shit i am buried underground . I gotta get out of here .

Wait why is the ground shaking . And at that moment i was dug out of the ground .

(Very Heavy breathing ) .

McElroy: I thought you have died you bastard .

Jay : If i plan things , how am i going to die . I would have atleast thought of something.

Jay : So what is the situation.

McElroy: Terry betrayed us . Grace is in their hands .

Jay : So what should we do . Ask for commission or take revenge .

McElroy: Both .

Jay : That's the answer i wanted to hear .

We were once again there this time to take revenge . This time we sneaked inside . But before we dug a hole to store our belongings inside .

Inside the mansion we put some soldiers to sleep and reached the office . The mansion was very quiet . Amd there was no sign of Terry .

To try to get info we tried to listen from the door .

Lance : I think it is time for the next step of the plan .

? : Indeed i have informed the supreme overlord about this matter . The piece that they hold is very essential to us . To uncover it and to see (stops)

? : I think we have some guests with us .

? : I know you are listening so please enter the room .

We gently open the door . There was sitting a man with a mask but this time it wasn't covering his whole face . Thus his brown hair could be seen . Other than that he wore blue clothes . His mustache was trimmed . He had no beard .

Lance : You again , i thought you died .

Jay : Killing me is quite difficult you see.

Jay : (interrupts lance ) Before you say anything . First stamp this paper . As we completed your commission. And bought the girl you told us to bring .

? : I think you should fullfill your contract . Stamp it .

Lance felt humiliated but still held it in . He opened the drawer and removed a stamp . On the stamp was an insignia of the family . A snowflake very ironic .

? : Very well gentlemen , please take a seat .

? : As you see we have noticed that your talents are very impressive.

? : Oh my , i forgot my manners please forgive me . I cannot give your my name but you can call me Mr 4 .

? : As i we discussed that your talents are very impressive so we would like to hire you or recruit you into our organization.

I saw the opportunity.

Jay : May i trouble you to spare a few details about your organization.

? : Definately, you shouldn't join any organization without knowledge.

4 : We are a secretive organization known as the Immortals . We are an independent organization and we don't work under anyone. In our organization we have two task . The fall of corruption . and about our second goal I am unable to elaborate to say anything unless you join . We do not opress anyone and everyone here has joined us on their free will .

Jay : What do you plan to do with the girl .

4 : Classified .

Jay : Thank you for your invitation but i am sorry i would like to decline .

4 : We are sorry too but we have to eliminate you now