With this much money in our pockets it would be unwise to not spend it .
Well as we have to travel all the damn time . It would be nice to have a place to return to . Where should we settle . In Elba , The capital , maybe in a small town or village . Well i have money to build a small scale mansion for myself . But a person needs to be humble .
After that a carriage to travel . Or atleast two horses of good breed and bred for speed .
But i will have to leave this world someday with McElroy. So spending a good amount of money will be good but not that much that we have to beg to stay at an inn .
Currently i have placed all of the money in the inventory .
Having a inventory is a blessing i was yearning for . People would not think much of it but just live like me once . You will miss the days .
And atlast we found the house which matched our description . A vibrant and lovely one . The house of a baron . But he used to torture many people in his basement for fun . What a sick bastard . It was our 30 th house and we were tired .
But my cliche meter was ticking very hard . I called priest from the temple of some random goddess and made them purify the house from up to down every corner . No spot left behind . For every type of ghost. And even asked the neighbours for any type of for any rumors .
NO CLICHES ALLOWED HERE . Only original content or improvised .
The barons mansion was 2 stroyed with 20 rooms 1 bathroom . an inner courtyard and a lawn .
Alas someplace to return to . Atleast i feel so .
This is the start of a stable slow life .
Meanwhile .
Master its been 996 years since i saw you . I wanted to go with you the three of us .
Me , Ikaros , and .... but you placed an important mission on us as we know it . And i will ot let you down .
But i am very frail due to my age . At least i need to live and test him . And to do that i will become