Moonlight Thunder sword

Before i go to the guild there is one more thing i must do . Make me an weapon . Mostly a bladed weapon . Because i have to conjure a weapon everytime i want to use a bladed skill .

I have the method and blueprints and materials needed to make a Zetarium sword .Mostly a katana .

I borrowed smithy from a blacksmith for sometime by paying him of course .

First i mixed the all the material needed to make Zetarium . That is Black bull's horn , Iron , Platinum , Powdered crystals of Avarin and tears of Roa . I had to empty 50 % treasury for these materials so it better be worth it .

Then made a mould for my katana . Melted the materials and poured into the mould .

Now it takes 20 hours for zetarium to solidify . Then it is taken out and hammered into shape for 4 hours i was constantly hammering . Because the center of gravity is different in a katana as it is towards the hilt to ensure a smooth cut .

Excess and irregularities are removed . Then some mana stones are fitted for elemental affinity . such as lightning stone .

And done . A vibrant shining blue sword made of zetarium .

Let see what the system has to say about it .

Name : Unknown .

Durability : 100 %

Rank : Unique .

Attack : 367 damage per second .

Attribute : Lightning.

Buff : Increased attack power .

Description : An exact replica of the moon light thunder king's sword .

After taking a look at the description the exact name came to my minds .

Name : Moonlight Thunder sword .

I kept it as it's name and then regretted it .But it can't be changed now

And btw who is moonlight thunder king .

According to books in library : Moonlight thunder king was famous for his swordsmanship and his lightning magic .

He used to exist during the Hero Helios era

Traces of his swordsmanship can be found in today's imperial knights training