
Instead of pondering i decided to let it go after reflecting on myself. As i was roaming around the streets of Fort Bronx . The fort Bronx itself was just like a lively little town . I walked down the alley and reached the market . There were evenly laid out stalls and stores .

I decided to look around and something jnteresting caught my eye . A seller was selling swords . Now anyone would think that this is very ordinary.

I went to the stall to take a look at his wares because many people had gathered . And the weapons he was selling were totally shit . Don't believe me here take a look . I pointed the camera towards one of the swords .

Crumbling steel sword .

Atk : 12

durability. : 25 % .

Description: Please just change this . I beg you .

Blunt dagger .

Atk : 5

Durability : 44 % .

Description: For God's sake atleast sharpen this atleast once .

And after 10 minutes 2 knights picked him and took him with themselves . He got what he deserved . I wanted to get some clothes as mine got destroyed .

I was starting to head towards a clothing store when i felt a hand behind me and someone heavily breathing . When i turned behind it was a knight fully dressed in his uniform .

? : Hah hh hah hhh hah i i fi fi finally found you . I was looking for you everywhere .

Jay : Just take a breath and then talk .

Knight : (Deep breath ) You have been invited to a dinner party held by the general . At 8 pm sharp .

Jay : Got it . Umm here's some reward for all the hassle .

I picked some gold coins from the inventory .

Knight : I was just doing my duty i don't need any kind of reward

Jay : Cmon consider this as a small gift of appreciation.

Knight : If you say so .

He took the coins and was on his way . You could see the dedication pf the knight just by looking in his eyes .

I don't have anything good to wear so i entered the shop . And was greated by the store owner who was wearing round glasses fully dressed in white clothes .

Owner : Welcome esteemed guest (smile) what do you need .

Jay : I need some clothes for a dinner party . Do you have something for that .

Owner : Indeed . We have something that will exactly match you .

For some reason i felt an ominous aura around me for a millisecond and it dissappered.

The owner went into the backroom and bought a white and red coat . The red was on the corners with white in the center and on the left chest there was a jewel with a pearl string acting as a rope hanging from down the jewel .

Owner : This will definately suit a customer like you .

I wore it and i felt as something was digging through my skin .

And soon fragments of teeth fell out from the cloth .

Owner : How is this possible .You were supposed to have your vitality stolen and be dead on the floor .

Why are you alive .

Jay : I have quite the hardskin don't I .

Thank you to the revolutionary effect of Hard skin skill from the path of gain skill tree . After gaining this skill my skin became hard which made it difficult to kill me by stabbing or cutting . I couldn't imagine my life without without the hard skin skill . Thank you Hard skin skill from the path of gain skill tree for protecting me always .

That's enough advertising for now . Now to more pressing matters .

(Cracking my hands) .

Jay : I need some answers .

At this stage the face of the owner was filled with fear .

Owner : Okay okay I'll tell you .

Both of us seated at the couch .

Jay : Start .

Owner : The coat you wore is partly a parasitic being named (Ginor) which sometimes take the form of objects . But it cannot return to it's original state and is stuck to the form it is in forever. To feed itself it latches upon the host and sucks out blood from the host completely sucking it dry .

Hearing that i threw the coat and lit it on fire . And burned it until it was turned to ashes . I was still furious .

Jay : Did i tell you to stop , continue (furious) .

Owner : Yyyes . However it is said that if after sucking the blood of the host if it is killed and its fluid extracted it helps in increasing the vitality and increasing life expectancy of a person .

My grandson is very ill and could die at any moment i talked to the doctor and the priest but it was in vain . So i had to do it please understand .

Jay : Okay i understand and empathize with you . Even i have someone with a similar condition as you .

Owner : (sobbing) Ttthank you for understanding me .

Jay : Leaving that aside how are you willing to compensate me .

Owner : Uhh you can take anything from here for free .

Jay : Hmmm i think i deserve morecompensation

Owner : I'm sorry but i can only offer you this much .

Jay : Don't worry old man , i won't take anything from here except the clothes I'll be wearing .

And that's i got free clothes for me . Clothes which could have costed over 10000 helios . Damn the increasing prices .