Witch of the rainforest

The witch was on the chair sipping tea . It would be truly comfortable as it was raining outside . The witch was seemed quite old and could die any second .

She was wearing plain clothes and a hat (indoors) . She had normal brown eyes and white hair due to her age . Her face had some wrinkles and dark spots .

" You must be tired from your long journey please have a seat " .

She waved her hand and a chair made from skeletal dust appeared out of thin air .

" Please have a seat " .

I was wondering that something would be wrong with it so i asked her to change seats with me.

" My my , don't worry the chair isn't some sort of trap " and she sat on the skeletal chair .

" Now , I know you have a lot of questions for me but answer my question first "

" Where did you come from " .

Jay : From Elba .

Witch : No i meant where is your origin .

Jay : Beyond the stars .

Witch : I see so you are a gatebuster . One who arrives every 1000 years . So you are the same as him hmmmmm . You are according to my knowledge you are also a hero .

Jay : Who is him ? .

Witch : you don't need to know now .

Witch : As for myself i am known by the name witch of the rainforest but my real name is

Maria von Lopez .

Maria : I was searching for you desperately. You see my health is deteriorating so i need your blood . More specifically your blood for transfusion . Hmm wait there is much better method .

Jay : You destroyed cities , killed people why would i even remotely try to give my blood to you

Witch : Because i know something that would interesting .

Jay : That is ?

Maria : Do you know the name

< Witch of Extinction >

Just the name caught my attention

Maria : I know where to find her . And everything there is to know about her .

Jay : You have my attention .

Maria : The only cost is blood .

Jay : Well for the record , why did you attack people anyway .

Maria : What is the purpose of a hero .

Jay : To protect people .

Maria : Does that answer your question .

At rhis moment i had struck sudden realization about the destruction . It was to draw me out and transport here so that she could recover .

Jay : How did you manage to control skeletons if you were ill .

When a person becomes ill the mana distribution inside him disrupts and ot becomes difficult to control attacks .

But a person doesn't need to be fully healthy to do this . It's okay if he had cold or simple fever for that matter . But after looking at her condition she couldn't have done it . This is just a guess because there are no records of any necromancer or anyone controlling skeletal dust for that matter .

Maria : It's a trade secret .

This is a great opportunity for me . Technically it means that she won't attack anyone anymore because i have been drawn out . And i can get info on the ' Witch of Extension ' .

Jay : I agree but how can i guarantee you will hold the end of your deal .

Maria : I will form a blood contract with you .

Blood contract is a occultistic contract in which the blood of two individual's is imprinted on the paper and then a spell is performed .

If the contract is broken it results in the death of the individual in a brutal manner .

First the mana storage breaks down which leads to the dispersion of mana . The mana escapes from everywhere leading to a lot of pain . This causes multiples ruptures and bleeding . Even the senses such as sight is disabled so that the sensitivity increases and in the end it causes death .

Mana sounds very friendly in many manga and novels but reality is much darker than expected .

Jay : I agree let's make a contract .

And the contract was formed . The statements of the contract were .

This is a blood contract between Maria von Lopez and Jay garrick . This contract signifies a trade between both of them .

Mr . Jay Garrick promises to trade 5 vials of his blood in exchange of information about the related individual known as ' Witch of Extinction ' will be given .

In the event that the trade is disrupted the contract will still have to be fullfilled by both of them before a certain time period or it will result in their deaths .

Respective parties please input your blood stamps .

They say ' Never deal with the devil ' is a sudden thought can to my mind . So i took the contract and read it 30 times to find any discrepancies. Tried to form patterns . Look for hidden meanings . But it was completely in vain.

Even though she has committed genocide her aura for some reason shoes that she is a peaceful person living in a tower .

On the paper both of our blood stamps was imprinted and now it was time to fullfill the promise