
I finished all packing and got the carriage ready .People go to the starting point for many different reasons . Some for just remembering a memory . Some for enlightenment. But we are going for a different reason .

Before McElroy even woke up we were already on the carriage. Yes. Upgrades people upgrades . I got compensated so grandly that I could buy entire Elba but I consider myself a humble person so I won't. Apparently I also have a statue in Fort Bronx after offending tons of people.

But nevertheless a grand white carriage with still the two of us driving it atleast I am for now . When we were 5 hours away Mc woke up .

McElroy: Hey hey hey, where are we going . And why didn't you tell me earlier .

Jay : Read this letter.

I handed him the letter . The letter belonged to the old chief .

McElroy picked up the letter and started reading it .

" Dear Jay and McElroy I hope you have been well . I am also well myself after the dragon attacks we have begun reconstruction and everyone here is also fine . I have been hearing of your recent achievements. I knew that you were worthy of the position of hero .

I want to request for your help . I cannot write the contents because it is very confidential. So please come to our town . We will be waiting for you . " .

McElroy: So we are going to back where we started our journey , Jewel thief .

Jay : Of course , Oh beautiful lady who look like the shining stars in the night .

McElroy: Oh how things , were when were novices .

Jay: Yeah look at us now . Richest mercenary with many titles under our name . Who have pissed off many people with power under their hands but they can't afford to do shit to us .

McElroy: Well there is something that I have to mention .

Jay : Go ahead , we still have a couple of hours left before we arrive .

McElroy spilled everything . From the jail to the assasins .

Jay : What! these thing happened and I was still sleeping soundly . How can I do this .

McElroy: You don't have any faults as sleeping gas was specifically released into your room . By the assasins .

After fussing over such details we finally reached the starting town. 'Ramiere ' .

The old lady was standing in front of the town waiting for us.

Our carriage stopped besides her and I asked " How long were you waiting.

Chief: Just 2 minutes .

Chief: Thank you for answering this old lady's call . Unfortunately I can't delay the issue further . Please hand the carriage to my trusted people and come to see me in the office.