Part 1

The assasins pinned us down as a surprise attack . But it gets old when you have assasins after you . Well I could just kill them but I still wait for a good moment . First start off with a cliche line .

" Who are you , why have you pinned us down " .

" Take them " .

He inserted a sleep needle inside my blood . Ok now my turn . I shook him off with just strenght alone . Stood up and scratched the back of my neck . " We are done acting get up " . He blew off him using wind magic .

Jay : Now little lady , can you please answer our questions ( Intimidating) .

Girl : Wear some bright clothes . And follow me .

Jay : Why ? .

Girl : Do what I say . Understand ( Intimidating)

McElroy : Stop the two of you we are just here wasting our time here . ( Intimidating failed ) .

Jay : Fine we'll do what you want .

Instead of changing we just put on bright clothes on our clothes .

Girl: Now follow me .

As we started walking the assasins dispersed behind us . Again into the crowd following the child because we have no clue about this kingdom . It's a relief that even if we heading towards a trap it is progress .

And before long we arrived at a mansion . The mansion had white and sky blue colour scheme . The blue was around the edges . A fountain at the entrance made with high quality materials . Gardens surrounding the mansions . A standard typical mansion .

But before us was the one person who is a roadblock who has blocked us many times before . Our most infuriating enemy the guard at the entrance .

I started preparing my lines . For the encounter . The little lady just talked to the guard and they just let us in . Astonishing .

Inside the mansion everything was very grand . Some things even crossed the beauty that was the duke's house .

Instead of the main door we were lead through a side door . The count's mansion was 3 stroyes high . We climbed upto 3rd floor and in the middle room . She opened the door and before us an astonishing beauty was sitting before us working .

Black silky hair , blue eyes , slim body , petite , light skinned . There was a window behind her from which sunlight was passing was being reflected by her skin which increased the exposure and made her look more beautiful.