Torn .

When children turn 10 years old they are thrown a celebration . Reasons are unknown Questioned by many but taken as a tradition . During this time while the commoners held a feast the nobility held celebrations . Likewise the King of Chroma held a celebration on his 2nd child's 10th birthday .

His first and 3rd child had 1 year age gap between the 2nd child . 1 was the same age as the 3rd prince and my sister wasn't born yet .

My father a count met with his friends in the party . And that's when we met each other . A bright , beautiful and blond lady named

" Zel Takimora " .

We greeted each other nicely

" Nice to meet you I'm Rachel Williams " .

" Likewise , I'm Zel Takimora " .

My father bowed down and said

" Listen Rachel , father has some work to do, why Don't you spend some time with Zel " .

That's was the first time we met . At first I didn't show much interest neither did she . We came to the balcony to get some fresh air but the verandah was filled with nothing but drunk people and people who were enjoying the view of the moon and some waiting for their awaited .

Novels made verandah of the palace very famous among nobles since they were the only one who get invited here . Since then we waited inside the main building . We talked about just simple introduction since none of us wanted to talk much . We then got together with our fathers and greeted 2nd prince and left the venue .

We then met again at school we talked together and liked each other we grew close towards each other . Since we shared the same pain we had each other to share it with. The pain of Perfection .

We visited each other frequently those were some good times then my sister was born . My family had those same expectations from my sister the obsession with perfection . And the burden to fulfill these expectations was put on me .

She was shown much love than when I was born . And as my sister I loved her as well . I tried my utmost to fullfill my father's expectations. But everything failed she wasn't able to become perfect in the least. But instead of abondoned she was adored . Most will hate the other at this point for the special attention .

But I was relived that she wouldn't have to love with what I had gone through . When I told zel about this .

She was having mixed feelings about the situation this was the start of the Crack in the 1st Crack.

Later years later she confessed that she liked the 2nd prince . I was so happy that she shared her love with me . This happened when I was turning 18 . On that day I returned home and saw the 2nd prince a silver haired silver eyed . beauty . That day Zel arrived to stay over.

She wasn't able to believer her eyes that her loved was right before her . Something seemed odd . He was waiting patiently on the dining table. We quickly got dressed in new clothes and after summons we were dining with the prince .

Father : I have announce something .

He tapped his glass with his spoon to draw all the household members attention .

Father : As our beautiful daughter Rachel Is coming close to her age of coming . I have decided to get her engaged with the prince .

Hearing this we both were shocked which formed the final Crack In our friendship.

I tried many times to fix it back together but always failed and I have to always live with the failure throughout the incomplete regressions .

If atleast I completely regressed It wouldn't have ended like this .

They say that friendship is like glass easily shattered . But even glass can be made again After using the shattered pieces to make a new one .

This was like a torn painting even when trying to join together they Don't join .

Jay :

It must have been so rough to live your failure again and again . Don't cry you can rely on me .

I will try my utmost best to get you out of this cycle .

That day she cried very hard . Almost for 2 hours.