Nowhere to run

Nama : Rim .

Description :

Increases power by leaps but it allows only one strike . Any other attack will not be allowed by restriction of body movement .

Any weapon in this form will have the effect of fire added as a bonus .

MC took the blow shocked by the bolt he was paralyzed until the electricity left his body .

The whole kingdom was in flames . And the number of fires were increasing . The wall of the kingdom

collapsed and droves of soldiers drove inside killin everyone without discrimination . The palace was on hish ground so the flames were visible . And slowly these fires were arriving towards the palace .

It was like a swarm of flames .

Roy :

Pickpocketing isn't a gentlemanly thing Mr Garrick .

my master wants the stone so either hand it to me or I'll take it by force

When he raised his sword I quickly snuck my hand in his pocket . In pretense of attacking him .

I took of my form and was back to normal .

Roy :

That form was for show after all .

But you could have survived a hit if you didn't take it off .

Form 1 : Azure Striker slash .

Just like me he had his own moved which he screamed before executing .

As a lightning he zapped around the battlefield. Building up energy . Getting faster .

We could just watch him as our eyes could just barely catch him .

He lunged towards me . While he pressed me down with intense gravity . I was standing on my knees .

But hs blade changed direction and aimed towards my leg instead .

But I parried him turned his blade towards the side . But he parried my parry . As he slipped by my sword . While sliding his blade on my blade .

But there was a surprise waiting for him . As I activated the lightning stone and he was caught in the sudden surprise .

I called Rim once more . While he was flinched for a 2 seconds I rotated my body to build up torque in the air .

By using RIM the density of my body increased and the power increased exponentially .

It was just a blow to the chest which sent him back flying .

Jay : Run .

MC grabbed Rachel's hand . And started running. But where to run the kingdom was being overwhelmed .

MC : There's nowhere to run . We're surrounded on all sides .

Just a few minutes remain before they invade the palace and kill us .

What should I do ,?

Somehow make a run . ?

On my tail will be Roy . Fire on all sides death by CO2 highly likely .

then debris and finally soldiers .

Defend myself ,?

Till what till soldiers swarm me into absolute death .

What about rewind time ? .

Nope chances of a time loop . But ......