Spirit forest

Well I tried to burn the entire forest down but I failed . It seems like it recently rained here . Damn wasted potential.

We travelled farther into the forest and felt like we were circling .

Jay ,: Hey Mariel is there any way to communicate with the spirits .

Mariel :

Spirits are generally beware of anyone entering their territory and since master you tried to destroy their territory I think our chances of normal . communication has decreased .

Jay : maybe you can a scan for spirits

Mariel :

There are spirits watching us right now .

Viva :

I can try something.

Viva started singing her sweet melodious voice seemed to have lifted our mood a little bit .

The spirits started peeking from their hiding .

But they were still hesitant . But listening to her song made all my determination to burn the forest was gone .

I felt very inclined towards her . Suddenly during her singing a deer like thing with a shard or glass or mirror like being rotating colours throughout it's body appeared

It was non hostile towards us it was facing towards Viva as she sang with her heart . As as a true songstress .

It sat down patiently listening. One by one spirits with different formed appeared . Some had bird like form while some had a butterfly like form while some were formless . Forms of different animals .

Even forms of different races like demons , elves and other were present but there was never a human .

It felt like her singing and her song which was written by herself was bringing them together .

When the song ended everyone including the spirits , us and the others hearing were cheering for her .

Truly delightful.

? : Oh it was truly delightful . I felt like my worries were gone in a flash .

The sound was familiar like we had heard this somewhere . McElroy became suddenly surprised.

He looked around and he was once again before the one he fought against not long ago .


You why are you here ?

? :

Why ? do you ask can't a man be in his own home . Besides her song called me over . It was warm , beautiful and very inviting .

Viva blushed a little by the overwhelming compliments .

Yes he's the one the only the once feared Black Knight himself was before us .

McElroy raised his sword against him .

Black :

My friend our fight is long over , put your weapon down .

While McElroy's guard was still up . I held his blade and made him drop his guard .

Black :

You do have some good comrades .

Come with me maybe we could catch up , have a drink .

Black was non hostile towards us

Black :

Oh I forgot to introduce myself didn't I

My name is Blake .

Viva : Nic ge to meet you Mr Blake .

Blake shook her hand .

I introduced myself . Also Mariel introduced herself .

But from her tone it felt as if she was disinterested or hated to introduce herself . While she is always delighted to make friends .

We followed him as he took us through the forest . And in the forest was a small village . An elf village but it was filled with people who had the

Mark of banishment from small children to aged people .

But instead of despair . They live their lives happy and peaceful. And living their. lives like a bug family .

Blake :

I know what you have on your mind . We all bear the mark of banishment then why do we still live a peaceful life.

Mariel :

Yes I would certainly like to know .

This topic had piqued Mariel's interest .

Blake :

But before how much you two know about our race .

Jay : (recollecting all acquire info from various sources )

Well I know you live long lives , very peaceful race , proud of their race .

Very knowledgeable.

You worship the nature as your mother or god .


Are you sure you are a gate buster ,?

Blake : I agree with everything but the last statement . But please don't tell this to anyone else they might become hostile towards you .

We were cursing through the village .

Blake : First please meet with our elder . He already knows you're here .

In the middle of the village was a big tree . Beneath the tree was a sage like person meditating. The Sage looked like someone in his mid forties and for an Elf that makes sense.

Blake approached him and bowed .

Blake. :

I have bought them Elder

The Elder opened his eyes.

Elder : I heard from the spirits that. you were coming .

I am the elder of the village I am Akaso enup . Nice to meet you.

I know this is very sudden but how did you enter our forest .

We explained our situation to the elder .

Elder : Hmm I see . I will allow you to stay for some time but I want another answer from you .

The hero of the Crimson dawn and The hero of the oceans. ANSWER .

Whose side do you fight. the Immortals or The Gods.

Why is everyone pestering us with the same question. What does it matter if we fought in either side .

I discussed our stance with McElroy as we need to have a united front .

Jay :

We are neutral . We don't side with anyone .

Elder :

Well then welcome to our village . Hope you'll find ample rest .