One after another

I wonder what would be the authors take on this type of story writing .

I mean it's very common to include these types of quest in an other world adventure .

I already had a plan ready with me to appoint some slaves to work for me but for free this time .

I will bust the ring . And leave like a cool person . Then someone will come behind me and be like .

" Can I come with you please I have lost my home and everything I have nowhere to go "

I will decline with a very harsh tone .

Then she will plead while I state my conditions. She will agree and I will have one more helping hand by my side .

It should be someone proficient with combat . As always beautiful . And of she should be somewhat lu... Ahhhh .

" Get these evil thoughts out of your head " .

A chop place perfectly between the center in the head .

McElroy: Pay attention to the plan I prepared.

The auction for slaves will be held at 7 pm the peak of the festival . We will infiltrate at 6.25 pm as we just need to save the slaves and the burn it to the ground .

Jay :

Do you think this murder is fair .

McElroy :

We are dealing with slave traders , and a smuggling ring.

Besides what do you think when we killed a cave full of bandits .

If you consider murdering humans to be only fair then what about when demons were involved .

What about the dragons who attacked the village .

I was being overwhelmed by the number of examples .

Jay :

Then what do you think about it.


I don't . This world is with the one . Where nothing makes sense until it does . But does it even make sense .

What is magic ?

Why do you grow stronger with everything you kill .

How do you manipulate the tablet .

Maybe it is some plan for something much bigger than both of us . Like a achievement someone wants us to get . Through hardship .

Does calling a human God make him a god .

Jay : Yes ye yes I get it . I do acknowledge what you mean .

McElroy : (Cold eyes ) Do you .

Thus we had reached an impasse .

Though it had left much to be discussed.

It was now 6.15 pm we entered the tavern . The bartender was serving drinks when he asked us what would we like.

Viva :

Something that would meet my interest . Umm maybe perhaps an pint of Ambrosia .

Bartender :

Just head to the other seats we'll bring the Ambrosia.

He pointed towards the backdoor . As we entered the backdoor . There was flight of stairs. Beneath was like another world .

Beneath was a underground market place much larger than the entire town .

The vendors were also selling some pretty expensive lot .

Vendor :

Hey hey take a look we have some good loot . Skins of extinct species. Daggers coated with unremoval and untraceable poison .

What about a book of alchemy of a renowned magician . Or

Maybe a scroll to form a contract with otherworldly beast .

Vendor :

Here take a look at our latest invention the 9 shot crossbow . Just load once

and fire once or in a succession. Released of repeated loading from single crossbow .

When I think about bows it gives me some nostalgia . I learnt archery to hunt beast or atleast tried to .

When I had a simple bow . I was weak . I couldn't even pull the string of the bow let alone shoot . After a few levels I became strong and filled with hope that I could now use it .

And I pulled the string and it broke .

I used stronger bows that i could withstand . But then I realised that when I used projectiles made of mana . I don't have to aim precisely .

I could just summon multiple small projectiles and throw them .

From then I don't use bows . .

Vendor :

This here is a jacket with enhanced protection that when once wore will enhance your vitality.

I saw that jacket . This was not a jacket but a parasite named( Ginor )

I ençountered it before during Fort Bronx.

I just felt the need to burn it to ashes . But we had to follow some plans .

We finally entered the area of slave auction .

Many rich bidders all wearing masks .

just waiting to get their hands on the merchandise .

But we weren't here to buy we were here to wreck . We first located the slaves . There were all types of beasts , humans etc .

The elves were all either very young in age or were banished . Filled with eyes of despair and with their mana blocked they were helpless .

But their eyes were of despair . Waiting to die .

Proud elves reduced to nothing . Slave meant to be kept as pets had a collar ok them . Keeping them under control in a somewhat non emotional state .

As always we acted the part of hero .

But how do you recsue them. Hmm .

Remember the left over dynamite that we had we attached a long fuse to it and we just have to wait for the signal .

Tick Tick Tick Boom . The tavern exploded to bits . There was no sign of the tavern and the normal exit was blocked everyone panicked as there was no way to return now .

Now the steel cages . Should we melt them with magic or cut them apart .

No break them apart . I reached a level where I could break normal metals just with tiny bit of strength.

Now cages crushed to bits . We asked them to follow us . But they didn't even responded to anything .

I broke one of the collars and they died .

McElroy : Don't brute force it . There is another way .

The slave trader was extremely surrounded with very heavily armored guards . But does Armor matter . I touched the Armor to crush it and failed . Yes it does matter .

The guard noticed .

Guard : ( Highly intimidating)

What do you want kid !!! .

McElroy: (Heavily affected )

(Flinched )

Jay : ( Affected ) Nnn nothing .

Viva : Useless .

Came a flying kick from the sky . It knocked the heavily armored foe down .

Slave trader :

What do you want with me .

Jay :

I want you to free the slaves .

He hurried and threw a key at me which I caught with 2 fingers .

Slave trader :

Do what you want leave me alone .

Just for a few slaves I wouldn't even bat an eye .

Jay :

So you have more slaves . Where are they .

Slave trader:

Why are you asking me you should know . ' The Slaves Island '

Jay : The Slaves Island . Where is it .

Slave trader : (spits on the ground )

Even if you where is it you wouldn't even be able to enter or escape it .

Jay : Why , can't we ?

Trader :

Because it is protected by the blessing of a God that prevents one from entering and leaving .

Hahahahahah .

The Trader tried to leave . This matter was resolved peacefully. With the collars removed . It was a happy end .

Until the blocked end opened and those masked mercenaries stormed inside cornering everyone .

Mercenary : Round everyone up .

We were surrounded by mercenary . I raised my sword while McElroy readied his attacks as well .

Captain :

Ah you must be Mr phoenix's subordinate. We were informed about you . Please leave the rest to us .

We left the tavern or rather forced out .

Quest completed

Rewards have been kept in the inventory.

Phoenix: Oh You're done already good work .

Phoenix arrived in the scene . Even when the festival was in full swing .

Jay :

Answer me Phoenix what are those cultist doing here .

Phoenix: (Confused)

Cultist ? They aren't cultist they are part of the group that I'm involved in.

Jay :

So you do blood sacrifices , and other disgusting things you heretic .

Phoenix : (Still Confused )

Heretic? , blood sacrifices? . What are you talking about.

Jay : (confused , )

You are a part of a cult right ?

Phoenix : ,(confused )

Cult ? what cult . I didn't join a cult .

Jay :

So these men don't belong to a cult .

It seems that I had misunderstood

Phoenix :

These are my people who I work alongside with in my organization

As there was a huge commotion bystanders came to look . With the tavern exploding to bits .

Jay :

These same ones I saw at a Dukes mansion .

Phoenix :

You mean Thesaurus.

Jay :

Well yeah .

Phoenix : (So that's why he disappeared ) Inner mind

He kept his hand on my shoulder and said .

" It seems we have a lot to talk about "

Another one of the member which had a complete yellow mask whispered something in Phoenix's ears .

Phoenix : ( Shocked ) What do you mean . Whose orders are these . Ar's ... ok . I'll get it done

Phoenix :

Prepare for defense before anyone gets hurt .

McElroy : Is something wrong ?

Phoenix :

WRONG so many things are going wrong at once I am certainly shocked .

It's like someone planned this

Phoenix :

Please assist me once more . I beg you .

New Quest :

Survive the ' Parade of a hundred demons '

Rewards : Depends on performance.

Failure : Town annihilation . Retrieval of Mareil . Retrieval of Viva