Meeting .

A swashbuckler, a mage and a noble what a combination on the other side well well what do we have here .

It Livia and Joanne .

I confirmed beforehand that this was the group for the dragon raid .

All of us were staring at each other as if gauging strength but deep down there was no one to take the lead . While the mage was sipping tea .

Finally someone spoke .

Lloyd :

Let me introduce myself I am Lloyd Silva the eldest son of the baron Cyan .

I am the one who called this raid .

By my profession I am a swordsman .

Colt :

I'm Colt Dark a swashbuckler nice to meet you. I am participating in this raid because I want to prove my worth to this world .

Lilia :

I'm Lilia von Lopez . Nice to meet you.

I'm a mage . I can control every element on an intermediate level .

Livia :

I'm Livia I am a beast tamer , I have 2 beast that live in my shadow .

Joanne :

I'm her partner my name is Joanne ,

Jay :

My name is Jay Garrick a mana swordsman and this is my partner .

McElroy. We are participating in the raid because of a lack of money .

Lloyd :

Now that we have introduced ourselves. It is time to formulate a plan.

He open a scroll which contained a map .

Our target the I've dragon is residing here .

His hand pointed somewhere similar on the map . The blizzard area where it was continuously snowing for 30 years . But why would it settle there of all the places .


The ice dragon needs a cool place to settle down . Even though the blizzard stopped he started it again .

In the north where the temperature is low there is lack of cattle for it to consume . So it settled here .

Jay :

Ive been in that area before the blizzard was so deadly that if i didn't continuously emit fire to keep body temperature we would have died of hypothermia .

Lloyd :

What do you suggest we do .

Jay :

There is a cave somewhere around here we would have to take a stop here .

Livia :

My beasts cannot handle the cold

Is there any other way around it .

Joanne :

What about controlling the weather .

Lilia :

That wouldn't be impossible. But it has to be done in a certain timeframe . When the dragon goes hunting .


Wouldn't it require ridiculous amount of mana .

Lilia :

That won't be a problem .

She kept something on the table a cube like thing . An lens in the center and engraving of designs on the outside.

This is mana box or atleast a prototype. Right now it contains 3 days worth of mana . If we fill this up we don't have any problem .

Mana box ? I think there was something like that . In the summary .

but it's not quite close to it .

Summary ? Hold on when did I have this . I tried to remember but failed .

Do i have a memory disorder ?

Jay :

How much mana can this mana box store .

Lilia :

About 7 days .

Let's see according to this summary the mana box they have created can hold . WHHHHHAAATTTT ? ????


Oh there is a note here.

Even though it has this capacity it has that much chance of bursting . The recommended amount is 2 weeks .

I showed her the summary page .

When she read it she was shocked .

Lilia : (Shocked )

Where did you get this .?

I got it from someone .

Lilia :

This design , the elegance , the level of technicality , it is so beautiful.

This type of design can only be created by one person .

The sage of the forest .

She held my collar and started interrogation me .

Lilia :

Where did you get this . Who gave it to you . Did you buy this from an auction,.stole it from somewhere .

Because for a fact an adventurer cannot have something like this .

Jay : (Thinking of something on the spot )

I won it after a deadly battle with somone . It is a gift from that person .

Lloyd :

We should finish this up then you can do whatever you want.

Lilia :

Here is a card , show this at the tower they'll send you directly to me .

Hands over the card . It is nothing special just a piece of paper .


Within the area we have confirmed a ice dome . That's where the dragon resides .

Any more questions.


How do we defeat the dragon .

Lloyd :

Most dragons have scales which protect them , but this is not the case here . He has a Armor made of ice Armor .

It's a pseudo dragon.

Our best bet it so create an opening with fire melting the ice . But it has to be done swiftly . As the Armor quickly recovers .

Joanne :

What about the rewards.


This mission has a low chance of completion. So we can discuss this after the quest .

Thus after bunch more questions the meeting finally ended .

New quest :

Pseudo dragon hunt .

Difficulty : A+

Rewards : Increased respect .

+17 to all stats .