Shadow forest 2

Jay woke up and his first words were

" Damn you X " Spoken so loudly that the shadow birds flew away .

McElroy: ,(exhausted ) Finally , looks like he woke up .

Lilia : (Also exhausted ) Yeah looks like it .

Jay was asleep for 2 days . During these two days there was a lot of friction between the warrior monks and the group .

Repeated assassination attempts . Fight challanges that you can't ignore .

and Sleepless nights .

They went to check up on Jay and as the opened the door to his room . They saw him fully dressed up . Open to adventures .


Looks like you are okay (yawn)

He fell asleep while standing . Even Lilia . He lifted them and layed them on the bed

While Jay woke up with extraordinary energy . He had a list of things to do .

As he went out two warrior monks pounced on him . And he just raised his two fist and they were dropped to the ground .

He was searching for Livia everywhere in the mansion , on the grounds .

He went into the main hall .

Where he found her .

And the extraordinary energy vanished .

Livia : (Cold,)

Why are you here Jay Garrick

Jay :

I know you are angry with what happened yesterday and you have every right to be furious after all I couldn't sincerely respond to your feelings .

I'm sorry .

Livia : (still cold)

And why should I accept your apology,

Tell me

Jay :

I know you should not but I have nothing to offer you instead but my sincerity.

What does Jay has to offer right now :

High quality elemental stones .

Dragon scales , dragon blood .

1 high quality spear , high potions .

Money , 3 legendary swords from Chroma .

Very sincere .


Warriors from far lands come with all sorts of gift just to meet me . And you are asking me to forgive you .

Jay :

So what do you want from me milady .

Livia :

Something dear to you so much that you can't keep it apart .

Give me the strange tablet you always hold onto .

Jay :

I don't mind giving you but there is a problem.

He hands over the phone .

Livia scans the phone with her eyes thoroughly .

Livia : What a strange tablet , what does it do.

Jay thought that he shouldn't say inventory because of obvious reasons . He was reminded of one other feature .

Jay : It's a keepsake from an old friend . It fills the air with music .

Livia :

Play some music then .

Ok let's play some music . What do we have here.

Anime openings .

soundtracks from different games .


That dreadful music that summoned a beast .

Something labelled as forbidden.

I played the file and the first things I heard was a woman shouting .

Now I quickly closed it . Because one can guess how the shout sounded .

Here it is classical music . I picked something randomly. And a harmonious instrument started playing.

It bought a calm sensation to the hall .

Livia :

I have decided I would accept your apology in exchange for this tablet .

Jay :

There is a slight problem.

I reached the end of the hall walking when there was an immense force and the phone left Livia's hand .

And Jay caught it with his hand .

Jay :

When I am seperated from the phone it automatically comes back to me no matter the distance.

Livia :

You should have said so at first .

Jay :

I just want to talk with you.

Livia : Meet me at the garden at night . I'll be waiting.

After saying those words she left .

And I left to check up on McElroy and Lilia . And found out they were sleeping soundly . So much that I tried to wake him up by he wouldn't wake up .

Just like that it was time for a feast .

On a full moon night the warrior monks honoured their ancestors as they raised their cups for the saintess who was victorious in overcoming the ice dragon.

Jay , McElroy and Lilia were the guest of honor now as everything had resolved.

There were all sorts of food . From traditional herb dishes to luxurious dishes to alcohol.

I and McElroy were eating the food as if we had never eaten anything in our life . While Lilia just took some of it and ate.

Jay :

Just this much , eat more this things don't happen everyday . Enjoy the meal . Its delicious.

McElroy had already stuffed his face .

Even the monks were enjoying even though they even didn't touch the alcohol .

Jay :

Hey Livia tell me why are they called warrior monks when they don't follow the path of enlightenment.

Livia :

The path to enlightenment say to throw away everything. When when there is nothing it is void .

A person with a devoid of everything won't be able to reach enlightenment if there is nothing to be enlightened with .

A person's life is void thus we fill the void with joy. So when day when a soul departs . He won't be devoid of everything.

They are extremely disciplined in every matter . Their lifestyle their habits everything. But these moments where they can once let those worried away .


Hey Lilia tell me why are you after Maria von Lopez .

Lilia :

She stands at the pinnacle of all the mages in this world . So why shouldn't I follow in her footsteps . I think of her as a role model .

What about you what about you what foo you want to do .


I want to traverse the worlds and maybe one day reach somewhere I always wanted to be . As a role model

maybe the traverser of worlds Hero Helios is a good one .

Lilia :

Where do you want to go after traversing world's .


Maybe one day I will reach heaven . Or meet Hero Helios himself . It's never wrong to dream .

Speaking of them do you think those two make a good pair .

Lilia :

I do I mean they totally look good on one another . I mean I was absolutely blasted away when he finally accepted her love but absolutely shocked when that happened where he suddenly went insane.

Has it ever happened before .


It happened once and twice when he woke up just like now . I tried to ask him about it . So he just brushed off the topic .

Whatever it maybe it caused him to be traumatized .

Lilia :

So tell me why are you travelling with that guy . He's way awful , got absolutely no manners on how to talk to ladies

McElroy :

Hey come on , you definately deserved that one . He has already forgiven you but he will make you suffer till he's satisfied .

As for why I a travel with him .

He's a reliable person sometimes .

He definately holds his own in battle . And the most important he knows how. to make money .


Livia :

I remembered you wanted to say something to me so say it now .

Jay :

Well there are too many around .

Livia :

Well then lets go somewhere else .

They left the dining hall .

In a garden on a full moon they both were sitting on a rock which was

besides a pond .

Jay :

I wanted to say that I can't accept your love I'm sorry.

Livia :

Atleast tell me why .

Jay :

As I said before I am a gate buster and there is something I seek which lies behind that gate .

If I don't I will never forgive myself .

But when you confessed your love to me I was shocked for a moment but it bought me happiness . That there is someone who likes me .

(cheesy lines 101) .

Livia : (Touched) (Determined)

So why don't I come with you wherever you want to go .

Jay :

I would love to take you . But as a saintess isn't there someone who you should look after .

Livia :

Do you know this so called shadow forest was never before like this . It was filled with lush green treen exotic flora and many more things .

And my clan his lived here for generations.

The shadow forest you see today was made not because of a curse or a disease but as a result of a grudge from the gods .

Th gods lived the forest so much that it wasn't

uncommon to see one of them roaming here . And my clan had maintained the forest for years .

And then they suddenly demanded us to leave the forest . But we didn't even budge . And thought the gods were being unreasonable for no reason at all .

Another group supported us in our claim. As the forest was necessary for our daily lives . As there were medicinal herbs , fruits , wild animals in the forest .

But one day the one named Chaos he turned out forest this way with his divine power .

He drained the forest of its colours .

Our clan still holds the memory of the forest to this day that's why we never left .

Chaos (flashback) to blood demon incident .

Livia :

What did you want to tell me Jay .

Jay :

The reason I travel through. gates is because of someone I seek is on the other side .

Livia :

Could it be that X person .

Jay :

Yes but how did you know .

Livia :

It wasn't hard to figure it out .

Livia :

At first I was going to take this affair smoothly and slowly .

But when Joanne passed away I suddenly became lonely .

Even my 2 shadow beast who I raised since they were mere cubs fell prey to the dragon .

Thus I decided to become reliant on you . I'm sorry for pressuring you to accept my love.

Jay :

No it's okay even I didn't think that the person I saved during the fire was going to ask my hand in marriage one day .

Livia :

What are you going to do now .

Jay :

I have some lead where I could find the gate keys . The group of the Immortals is my biggest lead right now .

Livia :

Oh my they still exist today . I didn't know .

Livia :

I still haven't given up on you, Jay remember that

The night passed with many memories made .

The left the clan early in the morning

and bid them goodbye .

Jay :

Hey McElroy what now .


First we go to the guild and get the smooth rewards .

Atleast it would be enough to last for a while .

Lilia :

Hey you know it's supposed to be split up between us 4

Livia :

Yeah you cant just take it for yourself.

Jay :

Hey I didn't plan to take all of it okay .

Livia :

Yeah and we won't let you . It will be distributed equally.

Jay : Okay okay I get it .