
McElroy is going after the ship . While I am here with a badly hurt hand . Recovery Is taking way too long .What can I do ?

I took out the phone from the bag and started to scroll through the skill trees . To find something that can help me .

In the path of gain . I right now have 6 skill points

I don't use these points because of the system.

I really envy other system users . For them the system is a boon to become the strongest in the world and for me this system is a Bane

Calm down Jay Garrick calm down focus on getting out of here . Once I get out of here I will file a lawsuit against them . I've been here for a month now and I miss my parents very much .

By now I think there would have been an uproar at my place .

Oh found it .

Recovery speed 3. purchased.

Implementation of the upgrade will take place right away .


My body started to heal at an exponential rate and then the update started again .


Now I think I should help out around here .

Firstly I saw the ship shatter into pieces as soon as my hand was healed . I tore open the sealed carriage door to check on Nora .

And filled to the brim with anger . She kept her anger hidden even though it was still seen on her face .

Nora :

Why did you lock me in this carriage . I could've fought the bandits too .

Jay :

Sorry can't take any risk . It's for your own safety .

Nora :

I can still help.

Jay :

Well then why don't you help with the cleanup . The paladin is also trying to do his job .

Nora :

Fine .

She stepped down from the carriage and after a while I went after McElroy

And that propulsion method that he used using ice to reduce the friction and using an earth pillar and earth wall in a perpendicular angle . While increasing the speed of conjuring the wall thus increasing the speed . Even ice man couldn't bear this one .

A crazy setup as always.

Can I repeat this setup . But better . With my affinity I can't .

The ground was soft enough to not injure him and hard enough for propulsion without breaking apart

If I replace it with metal yeah I don't want another broken bone .

The friction of the surface can be completely negated by just flying in the air . Using fire magic at my feet I can properly myself forward . But I must not move even 1⁰ downwards or I'll eat dirt

I can try to use mana from my stomach to keep myself afloat but I'll burn my clothes at this rate .

Instead of fire what about water or Air propulsion system . That's good but I don't have that much control over water or Wind for that matter .

Meanwhile at McElroy's side .

Captain Sparrow is swinging his sword very wildly like there are no patterns but I can't find an opening in his stance .

And he's aggressive style is keeping me at my feet . Because I don't know what to expect from him .

A water tentacle pulled me down while Captain Sparrow pounced on me but I rolled away .

Why isn't his stamina ending .

Ice spear .

The environment got cold as I forged ice spear and shot then at Jack Sparrow. Huge arachnid like legs made of water grew out of Sparrows back . He gently shook of ice spears by brutally shattering them .

Jack Sparrow:

These ice spears are so brittle let show you what a real ice spear looks like .

McElroy's ice spears were simple in structure and less elegant but they were brittle . But the mana cost was less .

But Sparrow procured was an elegant spear with the same engravings purely made for asthetic .

He sent it towards McElroy. The speed of the spear was like a bullet . Unexpecting McElroy couldn't dodge the spear instead he had to block it .

Using his blade he brushed it to this side . Where the spear upon contact with the ground was fully inside the ground .


Hahahaha I like it , the look on your face .

During this time Jay appeared from the bushes while these two were on their own Jay noticed the Titanium dagger he picked it up and read the engraving. Then he scanned it with a phone .

Name : Sora's Dagger .


Locked (Defeat Captain Sparrow)


Atk : 12

They really updated the game mechanics to make my life harder . I straight away asked the pirate

Jay :

Hey who's this Sora .


Hey that dagger give it to me .

The arachnid legs of water were frozen as 4 of them came towards me .

I think I should also handle it the cool way .

So I chanted .

My name is Jay Garrick . Traveler of worlds .

And I commahhhhhhh .

These legs caught up to me so my chant was left incomplete. But I did manage to vaporize the leg.

McElroy saw this chance as he closed in .


I'm your opponent not him . He dashed and tried to stab Sparrow in the chest but it was blocked by the frozen legs and the sword was stuck in the leg .

Sparrow just cast the sword aside .


Well I have other ways.

Jay : Do you want me to pitch in .

McElroy :

This is my fight Jay don't come in between even if I die .

Jay : Fine Fine just get it over with .

Even with an injury on the leg McElroy is still going strong . He's limiting his movement to minimize blood loss. I just hope he seriously doesn't get hurt .

McElroy as his first move aims a finger gun at Sparrow extending his thumb upwards while his index finger towards him .


Do you know what's a gun .


No .

McElroy fired a stream of compressed water at around 8000 psi . At high velocity It hit Sparrows stomach but due to the small size of impact the damage wasn't that great . Still it caused blood to gush out .


I didn't either before.


That nasty trick of yours did catch me off guard . What's next I'm curious .

Jay was thinking of something about why Sparrow was so passive when someone clearly blew his ship .

So he decided to go shipwreck diving . To get some clue and pass of some time .

McElroy clapped his hands together and a flood of water came and directed over to Sparrow .

An ice arrow pierced through the flood and passed by McElroy

McElroy concentration disturbed stopped the flow of water .

And from the curtain of water Sparrow emerged soaked in water . He launched his own tsunami which took McElroy away . But McElroy was smart he used the stone fitted in the Bracelet Especially the lightning one . He directed the electric flow towards the water current and shocked Sparrow .

But due to the stones fitted in the bangle being low level one it didn't take much time for Sparrow who's on the ground to roll behind and stand up

He started to attack without any warning . Coming of from all sides being unpredictable. It seems I pissed him off .

The arachnid legs are pissing me off even more .

It's countinous attack makes my movement limited . It's made of pure water without any contamination so electricity can't be transmitted through it .

To escape some of the scenarios I raised some earth wall in a hurry but they just crumbled as if there was nothing . I need something fast . A strategy to give me atleast some leeway .

It's getting hard to concentrate due to these attacks . Found one .

I removed one of the gems at random and threw them at Sparrow unaware he approached. While I jumped backwards and shot the gem with the water gun .

The mana inside the gem went rampant and exploded into a huge fiery explosion . It seems it was a fire gem .

Both Sparrow and McElroy got injured due to their close proximity to the explosion.

Sparrow who was the closest was the most hurt as he was sent off and smashed in a tree nearby . While McElroy on the ground suffered some light burns due to the explosion venting its energy upwards .

Captain Sparrow still stood up while being heavily injured . He used his sword as his support.


You think you might have bested me one of the biggest pirate of the seas . But it was mere trickery remember that.

You didn't fight with honor , you fought for you life like a pirate and I like it .

Have you been one of my crew . You would've become my vice captain of president atleast .

Sparrow laughed a final laugh and said

" Sora I'm coming let's fly together once again " .

Quest completed :

Captain Jack Sparrow was defeated.

Rewards :

Sora's Dagger:

Description :

Belongs to the explorer of the skies Captain Sora Williams. Given to her as a gift by Jack Sparrow during their marriage as her symbol .