The Circle

Too weak to change anything, too soft , too depressed to be happy . What do I even need to change anything. Just tell me . Do I need guts ,

enlightenment , being cold blooded. Just what do I need .

The constant wave of failure came from my own mistakes . Chroma , the sisters , Aslan , and whoever I have lost . What should have I done ?

Their souls are still trapped here but how would I even save them . The dead can never come to life .

I have to let them go .

I want to give up but I can't . The source of my misery is only one X . Once I get out I'll strangle him yes , then that soldier . Then everyone involved in the project .

Calm down Jay Garrick calm down , deep breath , deep breath.

Don't let these malicious thoughts take over you .

Fight Back .

Anyway moving ahead .

The clock has struck midnight . I'm dead . I closed my eyes for a moment . Hmm nothing's happening yet am I dead before I realised .

Well there was no failure condition was just the clock striking midnight .

Oh I made a fool of myself . I didn't even read it correctly it just reads the clock strikes midnight.

Sigh I thought something was going to happened .

And that's when a purple light shone from the ashes to the skies above . I looked behind and saw the whole ruins of Chroma glowing . And that's when it struck me . The object that was trapping souls wasn't any mirror like object but the whole kingdom itself .

Now that I think about it . It makes sense . And I'm a little bit impressed and wee bit afraid by this scale of things .

The entire Kingdom was one large magic circle .

It has activated but I don't actually feel anything from the flow of mana or anything at all . Is it working?

I flew towards the Chroma with rockets . And met up with McElroy.


Jay what's going on the entire Kingdom lit up .

Jay :

I finally know what's trapping the kingdom it's the entire Kingdom itself .


Ok .

Jay :

I'm surprised that you're not surprised.


I've gotten used to it . Well what do you think about this . It does kinda look like a magic circle . Let me just try erasing it .

McElroy tried to wipe the magic circle made of ashes and he felt a spark in his feet . And he shouted while jerking his foot off the circle.


Ouch what is this .

McElroy in his rage raised a huge flood to wash away the ashes but the water when it touched the ashes it bounced back .

Jay :

Shit McElroy do something.

McElroy had already braced cover under the Earth .

Jay :

You little shit .

And the water washed Jay away . Jay got off from the ground and used fire at extreme temperature for a few seconds to dry his clothes .

And McElroy came out of hiding he saw a maniac with 20 spinning blades floating in midair at high velocity .

Gulp went McElroy swallowing his own saliva.

Jay first threw one at the circle and it collided and created friction and sparks. And disappeared into smoke .

Then he used one of them to dig the ground underneath the circle . Static , friction, sparks disappeared.

The blades above him stopped spinning and Jay collected them .

Jay :

Any ideas . What is this .

McElroy: I think....

Jacob :

This is a reincarnation circle created when the city was made . It trap souls here and when someone from the lineage of the royal family activates it . They will come to life .

Jay :

How do you know this .

Jacob :

Because I am from the royal lineage . I'm the son of the prince who once held the royal artifact Gunther but he lost his right to became the king and my lineage was shrouded in history .

Jay :

Impossible the royal family perished . I killed them with my own hands .

Jacob :

I know of your deeds in Chroma down to the last detail and I am thankful for it .

Jay :

Why are you thanking me I destroyed your homeland killed your family . I should be someone to be despised and not be thankful for.

Jacob :

No it's because of you I can bring them back . If you hadn't broken the barrier They would've been stuck there for a long time .

This is the first time I'm being thanked for doing something. It honestly irritates my heart but in a good way. Finally I can see them again Aslan , Rachel , Lara I can see them again

Jacob :

Those who have died from the barrier shattering will return .

Jay :

What do you mean .

Jacob :

Those who were killed or died before the shattering their souls are irrecoverable . As they are in single unit . While those who died during the shattering you can say formed a cluster, tethered to the kingdom and thus they can return .

In the end it's not all good we still lost Aslan .

Jay :

Hey nothing is happening , when will it begin .

Jacob :

Soon the circle is gathering mana .

Something interesting is happening in Chroma. It's very interesting. Like it was fully planned or was it ?

Jay :

Why did you suddenly after the revival until now there been a lot of time .

Jacob :

I've been trying to get inside the barrier for a long time . I was close to figuring out the method when the barrier was shattered and only ashes left behind .

I saw the scene and noticed something a missing link . And after months of research we are here .

The purple light changed into blue .

Jacob :

The mana circle has been charged .

Gentleman we are about to witness history being unfolded .

Jay : Although I have to ask how will these souls revive without their bodies .

Jacob :

That's part of the miracle . The bodies will be created via magic like their original form . And then their soul will be inserted in the body .

Jay :

Like a golem .

Jacob :

Close yet far away . These bodies are something that will not run on gears or fuel . But by blood running in the veins . A human body . Not machine .

Jacob :

In a few minutes the miracle will be here .

We were watching the circle and then as everything goes . It went bad . The earth shook violently . A storm formed in the epicenter of the reaction . Winds started blowing so violently that it was on point of creating a tornadoes . The magical circle burnt with a red flame .


Jacob what's happening.

Jacob :

The principles of the world they're rejecting the change . A being once dead cannot return .

This is way off my calculations. This shouldn't happen .

Jacob :

Men brace yourself we have not created a miracle but a disaster .

The barrier which was burning with red flames . It died down and something was being summoned in exchange for the souls .

Quest countinued

Title :

The consequences .

Rewards :

To be determined.