
Our journey in the past led us to a town where we enjoyed the most beautiful performance.

And now we were on the road leading to someplace we don't know .

Jay :

Hey Era where are we going ?


Then why are we going ?

Era :

We are going to meet someone who can help you two .

Jay and McElroy:

Who ?

Era : (Smiling )

It's a surprise.

Jay :

Hey come on its not fair .


Atleast tell us who is it .

I am thinking the same thing as McElroy that where is she trying to lead us .

Even after crossing 3 mountains I couldn't understand her intentions .

And maybe the one who instructed her X .

Now I am genuinely thinking what does he want with me . Going so far as to diverge the story and the lore . Why ? is now the question that stayed in my mind.

But aside my interactions I have nothing on him so it's difficult for me to formulate an answer .

We kept walking . At one point I carried Era on my shoulders and started running with McElroy because my level of patience was steadily decreasing . I'm grateful that at one point I was going to boost myself with jetpacks but I held back .

I wouldn't want such a cute face to get hurt .

And after travelling (Coughs) Running at full speed we finally arrived at the entrance of a cave .

Where Era was pointing towards as our destination.

Era :

We're here .


Here .

Era :

Yep .


But it's a cave

Era :

Yep .

McElroy: (turning towards Jay )

I think we should return .

Era :

Hey don't ignore me .

Someone came out of the cave . He had a heavy backpack packed with different types of herbs and tools used for making medicines . Glass bottles for collecting and preserving samples hung at the side of the backpack . One of the glasses had nothing but just some muddy water in it .

He wore round glasses and the stem of the glasses had a single wave like curve on both sides . They were brown in shade . While his face had some pimples. He had wavy hair . Which would cover his face when the winds blew .

? :

Umm can you help me , I'm a bit ... lost .


Of course where do you want to go .

? :

I want to go to the next town where my apothecary is but you see I'm lost .

Era : (Acting cutesy)

Oh , I know the way . We are going the same direction. You should come with us .

? :

Umm thank you , I'll be with you for a while now .

So we started walking throught the mountainous path . It was foggy and the trees around were tall so it was hard seeing .

Magnuson :

So my name is Magnuson Serlet . And I run an apothecary where I research about medicines .

Serlet :

The girl is she your daughter.

This is now a who wants to be a millionaire question . A question for 1 million dollars in on your screen right now .

What is my relationship with Era . Select the most appropriate sounding .

A . Guide

B . Travel companion

C . Daughter

D . daughter of an unknown relative .

Era : (Points towards Jay )

I'm Papa's daughter . This is my Papa and this is his friend .

Both of us gasped . But when I saw Era's eyes it told me to play along .

Serlet :

Is that so . It must be pretty nice to have such a cute daughter.

Jay :

She's the love of my life I wouldn't forsake her for anything.

Serlet :

What live between a father and a daughter I'm touched.

McElroy changed the topic .


So what you're studying right now .

Serlet : (Shows off a bottle to the group )

This thing here . This is a medicine I call the power booster . It increases the strength of the muscles in the body . But it's temporary and costly to make .


Oooh let me try it .

Serlet :

I don't think now is a great idea .


Don't worry if I take less if it then it's effects would be less right .

McElroy somehow snatched the bottle and drank some of it . He felt his power surging throughout his body . But he looked normal .


I feel strenght running in my veins .

In his excitement he punched a tree with his bare fists and the tree collapsed . With its roots uprooted from the impact .

And that's impressive . With my current strenght now I can take a tree down easily but it gets cut in between at the point of impact . And breaks down in pieces .

So I snatched the bottle from McElroy and drank the medicine .

And burped ...

I feel nothing ? . Werent you supposed to feel the strength running in your veins from the mention in the test above .

Maybe its one of those things that you don't realise your strenght until moments later .

So even I had the bright idea of punching a tree .

And when I punched it . And the point where I punched separated from the rest of the tree without the tree falling.

I looked at my clenched fist . That's when I heard a sound . McElroy who was walking at the back started vomiting and spewing out everything he ate . He was then feeling drowsy, and weak .

Jay :

Magnuson what is happening?

Serlet :

That's why I told you to not drink it . It might increase your strenght. But it has its own side effects. And they include Nausea , drowsiness , vomiting and weakness .

Give him this to chew . He handed me a small bundled patch of grass . Which McElroy started chewing . And honestly he was looking like a sick goat chewing on leaves .

He felt relieved of the symptoms except weakness . Weakness was lifted up slightly but it was still there .

So I did the best thing and carried him on my shoulders and took him away till we reached Serlet's apothecary .

And he opened McElroy's mouth and pushed a pill in . And McElroy swallowed it .

Serlet :

It's a medicine for weakness . You should feel refreshed in 2 hours.

Era :

Hey Uncle why did you make a medicine that does such a bad thing .

Serlet :

I wanted to make Papa and others like his friend strong but he drank it without telling me . So the bottle punished them .

Era :

Ahh .

Serlet : (Points towards McElroy)

Still your father is very strong he managed not to get sick like that uncle over there .

Era :

Daddy's very strong .

Serlet :

It might take longer than expected why don't you rest for the day at my place .

Jay :

Oy McElroy hang in there . (Turns towards Serlet )

Thanks you for offering . Well gladly accept .

I need to have a serious talk with Era soon .