The Frozen city

The take of Ikaros was concluded at the gathering where he was officially adopted by Leris the security head of the gathering. And then nothing of noteworthy happened . Well except some more goons were beaten up by us because they wanted revenge . So they tried poisoning , arson and many more methods.

But we have something that they don't the future telling machine Era . When Era was served the poisonous dish she threw it back at the server which cause him to ingest some of it and die.

When the inn we were staying at caught fire . She just dumped water over it .

And once there were a lot of mages who surrounded us .

And they started chanting the spell . Their strategy was to overpower us with numbers .

There were around 64 mages stationed all over the area .

And they had already chanted their spells . But once again the failed .

Even with their numbers they failed . Because the spells were very weak . Because they were using wands.

The main mechanism of wands is that it allows storage of mana . And when it becomes saturated it can be used to fire spells. To increase the saturation limit even further . Magic stones are also fitted on the wands.

Although it's good for beginners which allows them to focus their mana into one spot more . It's definitely not good for combat . But still these are the early stages of mana combat . To counter the disadvantage some warriors also weikd swords in their other hand.

So these things are expected .

The things are these way because the principles haven't been set in stone yet .

But these taking down these mages and getting out of trouble . It's just like Monday .

Yes the world is similar to our world in many way such as it's writing system , the time system , the calender , even the designs . Exceptions are monsters , mana and advanced tech and the pantheon of gods .

But I'm still worried for Era . Since she might get hurt in all of that. So we quickly collected supplies and moved on . From the city before they targeted us even more .

And thus we moved on from that city to somewhere .

Jay :

Where were going now .

Era :

It's a place that a sci-fi nerd might like .

Jay :

So like it also has futuristic tech .

Era :

No .

From afar I kept seeing a large blue dome for the last few days . It felt very similar to Chroma . As it had a green coloured dome . But inside the dome it feels like the dome was never there in the first place .

Jay :

Are we going there.

Era :

Yes . And please no flight or I will have a very bad case of vomiting due to motion sickness .

Jay :

Got it . Oh and once during my flight I saw something shining in the distance. Something like gold .

Era :

Focus on one thing first . We'll get there when we'll get there.


Is the blue dome we've been seeing also a barrier .

Era :

It's a barrier altright but no-one from outside is barred from entry.


I remember the barrier from Chroma how it was rejecting us so we had to dig underground .

Era :

That was actually a good decision.

And so time passed quickly as we discussed things which were rudimentary and reached the spot .

A kingdom in pre modern era . Almost industrial . But it could never become one . Because it's focus was not on science but towards magic . This kingdom was never recorded in the present maps .

And the throughout reason was that it was attacked and wiped out or an act of God wiped it out .

There were vendors outside the barrier . Selling refreshments and instead of total silence there were a lot of people entering and exiting the barrier . Like it was a tourist location.

Not just tourist but different teams which are focused on research headed inside . Just what is inside the barrier that it attracts so much attention .

Even at the gate of the kingdom there were guards who checked each and every belonging of the people exiting the barrier . And even going so far as to strip any suspicious person .

There was a board before the gate that read several rules .

1 . Do not touch anything.

2 . Do not steal anything from the kingdom .

3 . Do not break anything .

4 . Do not take advantage of someone's situation.

5 . Any kind of vandalism is not allowed in the kingdom .

And a huge text written in bold letters.



And this increased my curiosity even more and more .

Just what is behind that barrier ?

And what is with that 4 th rule I don't understand it .

People from different places flocked here determined for some reason . We approached the gates and were checked by the guards and they let us pass through and then we passed inside the barrier and noticed a lot of things like a great stimulus ran through my brain .

There were buildings which looked English in nature . Vehicles which ran on mana stones . Lamps which had mana stones inside them and they would light themselves when it was dark . And the locality which for some reason didn't move an inch ?

I approached one of those people . I thought at first it was a statue that was made very realistically . I started at one . It's eyes were so realistic that it would be defined as a human . The skin was so smooth it was realistic . I mean this could be called art . The person was dressed fully down to the last detail and there wasnt even a speck of dust on him .

They must polish these statues very well .

And looking at their condition this place must be built very recently. Well it makes sense to have a barrier then .

To protect this place.

I just looked away for 2 second and I saw a glimpse of a guard staring at me as if he was waiting for me to do something illegal . When I looked at other tourist they were just admiring the beauty and trying to understand it .

But these statues would have been made by a master or even a god . Let me check what does the tablet has to say about him .

I opened the camera and scanned the statue .

Name : John Smith .

Race : Human .

Status : Alive .

Age : 40


A man working for the aristocracy as their accountant.

Oh I get it even the system like to joke sometimes .

Wait ! (Sudden realisation) He couldn't be right ?

Era :

He is a human .

When Era talked I felt a sudden chill in my spine as it was too much .