Era : The Pawn story .

The man recognised Era and greeted her as if he knew her .

William :

You came back where you started , Era .

Jay :

Do you know this man , Era .

Era :

Yes I do . He's my Father . William Jinsei.

William's attention turned towards us .

William :

Nice to meet you , I am William Jinsei. Era's father .

William :

Who are you lot ? Have you been hired by her ? For how much , I pay you double the amount.

Jay :

I am Jay Garrick and I am an adventurer and indeed I have been hire---- (McElroy shuts his mouth )


We are here to end the time freeze in this kingdom . And you're the missing link .

William :

I see , so you fed them lies Era . I am very disappointed right now . Not on you but him.

Era :

Jay you were looking for the missing link right . He is your missing link .

Her voice sounded different from her usual indifferent voice . It felt like it had some emotions behind it . An emotion of sadness .

The missing link is this man . Then he must be the one called the Forgotten One.

Jay :

Excuse me , but are you the one called the forgotten one .

William :

Yes , I have certainly dorned that name . To help my people get rid from the tyranny of the King . I had to hide my identity .

Era :

Lies , lies , lies all of it . Why don't you explain your true intention .

I had never seen Era like this . So emotional , she would be Unfazed in front of the most scariest monsters and situations where our life was in constant danger .

Jay :

We are trying to find the murderer of the King and unfreeze the city to its original state . For that we need you answer some questions for us .

Carlos :

Don't answer anything , my Lord . He is a lying scum . He will twist the truth in his favour and try to gain advantage .

William :

I have nothing to hide , Carlos . Everything is open for everyone to know .

Jay :

Did you poison the King by feeding him Arsenic .

William :

Well I didn't poison the King , but I do know who did that .

It was my dearest daughter , Era after all .

Everyone was shocked after they heard the statement .

Era poisoned the King . How could it be impossible . This child could never do this .

Jay :

Did you poison the King .

Era :

I'm afraid so .


But why .

Era :

Because I had to survive somehow . Survive from the cruel clutches of my father .

Jay :

You could have done many things , you could have ran .

Era :

I had nowhere to run , his reach was everywhere .

William :

I don't think it's nice to leave someone else behind .

William :

I think it's time to end this little game Era . I hope you understood that even if you ran to the ends of the lands you still would return here to me .

Jay :

I am so sorry to interrupt . But do you have have the artifact that the King had ?

William :

I am one step away from shining the beacon of new hope from the kingdom . But the lack of it is hindering me right now .

William :

Era stop resisting I am not your enemy . I am your father .

Era :

If you were a father you would have acted like one . Instead you used me for your own benefit .

William :

If a daughter expect something from her father isn't it right to expect something back.

A father daughter argument had erupted between them .

But to understand it's story we must go to the past. Where Era's story began .

At the Jinsei Family manor .

This was when the King was still sane and was ruling this kingdom as a righteous King .

The Jinsei Family was a trader of emeralds and diamonds .

They had a tight iron grip on all trades that would take place of these jewels .

And no one could steal even a single jewel from them .

Once a worker stole a low Karat diamond for his wife as a present . The Jinsei Family caught him red handed and he was punished .

Rules were extremely strict in the Jinsei Family . The Jinsei Family head had given birth to 2 children. One was her elder brother . Gary Jinsei and one was Era Jinsei .

Her elder brother was extremely talented in everything he could lay his hands on Be it , arts , sports , craftsmanship , swordsmanship, archery , writing , horse riding. And was extremely knowledgeable in history , geography , mathematics , science , astronomy ., even spells and mana theory .

While Era was his polar opposite she was weak in everything . She was weak in studies , worse in self defence and worst in everything else . To the point where everyone once pitited her for being bad at everything . While they celebrated .

All of the workers of the Jinsei Family hoped that maybe her talent would shine one day . But it didn't . She was bullied by everyone , her peers , and her own brother who thought of her as ain inferior being , a blight born in the family .

When they were kids they used to share things together , they played together , read books together . But when he was sent to study outside at the age of 10 . He was influenced by the outside world and when he came back to the other he became someone who was admired .

He was exposed to the society and his way of thinking changed . He no longer saw Era as his sister . But as a burden , as someone inferior not even worth talking to .

So he started to ignore Era . Her mother was worried about Era she helped Era every step of the way but she soon fell ill from malaria which was spreading around the kingdom and passed away .

William's heart shattered . But as he became the Patriarch of the Jinsei Family he couldn't show it on his face . The grief it caused him . The arrogant son flying high with his acheuvements while the patriarch had broken contact with their children altogether .

Era still young was forced to adapt to the situation . But she realised one thing quite quickly . That now there was no one for her .

No father to love no brother to talk left all alone . Until she wandered into the library where she found a live for the books and the knowledge that was within those books .

Within contained countless words of knowledge , stories , biography with the struggles and shared experiences within them . Seeing someone else struggle from the same thing even if it was a story comforted Era's heart somewhat .

But even if the story were written in a bittersweet taste . Reality was still bitter. Atleast the maids who used to serve Era before her mother passed treated her like a child .

But now her worth was nothing . So even the maids assaigned to Era started expressing their frustration to her .

Maid :

A failure like you should die . You're nothing but a disgrace to the Jinsei Family . Even I am ashamed to say that I serve you .

The other maids always boast on how they serve the next patriarch of the household . And what honor it is and they mock me .

And these remarks countinued regularly . This unfair treatment once again led her towards the books .

She didn't have the courage she needed to speak . She used to tear up when she would read that someone revolted . Against them , someone became better .

Just because you read that things get better they don't automatically get better .

Maybe a world where sadness ,.desperation and despair doesn't exist . What kind of world would that be .

Day by day the violence of the maid increased . It included waking up by throwing cold water in the face directly .

To starve for many days on period . And the maid used to eat while sitting directly in front of Era . And used to taunt Era .

Maid :

Want some , too bad .

Due to this she had to steal from the kitchen just to sate herself .

One day she had enough she raised her voice to the maid which reverberated throughout the mansion . And the maid was so stunned that she couldn't even say anything .

She just scoffed and exit the room . That night she was called on by her father .

After all these months her father called her .

She thought that she was going to be scolded .

She frighteningly entered the patriarchal room

William was working in some reports regarding the diamond mine. But when he saw Era he stopped all the work he was doing .

Era :

You called for me father .

William :

I heard you rebelled against a maid when she was using violence against you .

Era :

Yes . Im sorry .

William :

You shouldn't be sorry for such a thing like this .

There as something I wanted to tell you .

Starting from tommorow youll be working in the King's palace .

This news left Era in a shock . She couldn't even think . Her mind was completely blank . It left a deep impact on her .

Stunned by the silence . As for your brother he'll be under the sword general's corps.

Era couldn't ask the question of why she was being sent away . She just accepted the fact that this was her destiny .

Era :

Yes Father .

William :

I've asked the maid to pack your things and I'll be leaving you in his care.

This is one part of her story .