
Michael Collins who was the Kings second son never knew that he was just here to fullfill his mother's last dying wish before she died to an illness .

Honestly i think it was a luck by chance that he was on our side . Things could have gone sideways anytime .

Things have finally cooled down wher the palace doors were finally opened . The public was dispersed with all the illegal operations being shut down within a matter of hours .

By the infantry now pledged allegiance to the new king .

All the elemental stones were recovered . But for a few days every area was under curfew . While some areas were under complete lockdown .

After that the date of the coronation was established .

When Michael Collins was giving his speech he mixed in lies with truth to make it more believable. And I was honestly not expecting that . But given the circumstances in his shoes I would have lied too .

Brok who was looking for some inspiration after seeing the abyss thing had an idea and ran back to his forge and before be left he handed me something, it seems like a tablet .

Brok :

Show this to any dwarf and the might agree to take you to the keep.

Jay :

I do need a weapon which is suited for me . This whip sword is useful but not that much reliable .

Brok :

See it's a whip sword remember . It acts both ways .so you do have both .

Brok :

Away I gotta go to the keep and work on the inspiration I finally found . See you later man .

Brok left in a hurry . Brok was very excited to build something for himself .

We are waiting for Michaels coronation. And once again we waited at a inn at a village not far from here .

Era was somewhat disturbed , seems like it had an effect on her . Today I learned something that even if you know everything about everything. It doesn't change the reality that you also feel something . Even thought the knowing already makes the feeling hollow .

Like a surprise party being thrown for you , it will never be a surprise . You already know what will happen in a TV show without even watching .

But we are there for her and she knows that too . So it would be fine for now atleast . Finally after some much needed cleaning up . Michael's coronation finally happened .

Dressed in royal garments with his father's ring which will somehow end up in Chroma in the future and be destroyed by my hands leading to more things happening in the future . But that is not important right now .

He walked down from the entrance with all the generals in shining clothes following him down the aisle . We stood besides the throne . As a part of the request to be there for his coronation.

Michael :

Honestly I never thought something like this will ever happen . This just feels like a fairy tail . It might be a dream but I want this dream to countinue for some more time with you guys .

The time we spent might be short but it was very memorable .

Honestly I'm afraid. I think you guys should be the one who should rule not me .

Brok :

You're a fine man there no need to be afraid . Be a man ,man .


You're attitude is just right for administrative work you'll be fine .

Jay :

From One King to another I'll just say that these people don't need a tyrant right now . They need someone who they can trust . It's not easy , but not difficult either .


You're a king ?

Jay :

More like an ex king .


But why leave ?

Jay :

You don't want to know

Jay reminiscing his last for a second the administration he'll he went through .

A random priest from a random temple of a random god came .

Priest :

Do you swear to serve the Kingdom and it's people without greed and sloth .


I swear .

Priest :

Do you swear to never to put yourselves before other and be selfless .


I swear .

Priest :

I the Judge and servent of the Judge Redro . I hereby make this decree and crown Micheal Collins as the 25th King of this kingdom.

He took the crown that the previous king held and finally Michael was crowned .

The ctizines roared and cheered . And the story came to an end . That day we sat for a feast as it was a very long night .

Full of many different challenges to pry one's logic open and throw them out of the window .

After a while I took a look at my inventory .

1 . Tent .

2 . Food supplies .

3 . Whip sword

4 . Gunther .

5 . Scizzor blades .

6 . Adamantium stolen from the mimics .

7 . 2 pairs of bracelets .

8 . Mended Hermes boots .

9 -17 . Random items .

18 . High grade elemental stones x 10

19 . Mid grade x 25

20 . Low grade elemental stones x35 .

This is the inventory slot .

That day at the inn we had a serious discussion the three of us .

Era :

Congratulations, you've finally made it to the end . You're one last step to go back to the present .


What's next , hunting something, defeating stronger foes , going to new places , discovering something.

Era :

Don't let your imagination run wild . The next quest will be behind your expectations and you will not like it .

Jay :

What's the worse that's going to happen .

Era :

Let me give you a glimpse of your future by the words you will be saying .

Jay will be saying :

This is a lot worse than I expected , I'm not ready . This is just a joke I know .


Isn't this like every quest ever .

Era mimicking McElroy:

I can't do this , this is total bullcrap . Just what is this quest .

Just decline it .


Oh my God .

Era :

Sleep well tommorow is a very big day for you guys .

Even though we tried to sleep our imaginations were running wild . So it took a while to sleep .

But if in the future I say that . Then it definately be something terrible for me .

But I will defeat whatever comes in my way . And once again I reach home . I'm going on a vacation. Atleast I deserve this

I still don't know how much time has passed in here .

I just hope that too much time hasn't passed .