Kingdom of Gold, El Dorado

The situation reminds me of the Kingdom of Gold ruled by Ravan from the epic of Ramayana , That story also had a kingdom entirely made up of gold .

Hanuman a deity served The incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Shree Ram . And Ram waged war against Ravan after he kidnapped his wife .

Or it might be the lost city made entirely of Gold El Dorado.

Maybe the quest is something related to that .

We tried to understand the meaning of the quest . And started interpreting the quest in different ways .


Maybe by destruction it means that there is someone evil controlling the kingdom . So thats why we are supposed to destroy the whole Kingdom .

Jay :

Theres a fault within your hypothesis , if that was the case it would have said to destroy the king or end the rule or something.


Then maybe there must be something evil lurking in the kingdom itself that's why they are asking us to destroy it .

These hypothesis were getting out of hand .

Era :

If you aren't sure about the quest you're supposed to do then just go and see . It's that simple.

Jay :

Guess that's the only thing left to do .

And so after a frame skipping we stood before the golden gate . Where mercenaries were stationed . Theyet is in without any fuss .

The entire city was golden from the buildings to even the pavements . And the people were also golden .

I tried to control them using metal magic but they wouldn't even budge .

So I came to a conclusion . The skin is golden not the internals . Other wise they'd be walking like C3po

One of the golden skinner approached us .

? :

I haven't seen you before , are you new here .

Jay :

Yes we are travellers we have come a long way .

? :

You might be tired from traveling let me take you to a great place inn that I know .

Jay :

Thank you .


Much appreciated

He took us to an inn and I thought it would be an off budget , your run of the mill for advertisement.

But I was wrong .

We faced a truly luxurious inn I have ever seen in my life .

Just like a 5 star hotel . It had evrything from swimming pools to very grand rooms and beddings and all of the service was great .

Jay :

I don't think we could afford to stay here . We are running on a very tight budget .

? :

Don't worry it's free to live here . You can stay as long as you want .

Jay :

Free ?


Free ?

We were both skeptical when we heard the word free .

Jay :

Oh , I almost fell for it . It was a good joke .

? :

I didn't say any joke .

From the distance a mercenary came by .

Merc :

Any troubles , we're having .

? :

No I was just guiding them to the inn . But they think I'm joking .

Merc :

It happens a lot , with travellers who are new .

Merc :

Listen you guys , you can fully trust the citizens of the kingdom . They'll help you . I have to patrol the kingdom

And don't cause trouble for them . Or I'll be the one who causes trouble for you

? :

They look decent I'm sure they won't . Come in now let's get you check inn .

After that the person made us checked inn at the inn .

When I asked the fees for the inn the registrar said that they were free .

Registrar :

We also provide all types of services and we'll provide you with breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And if you want to tour the kingdom we'll also provide a guide who can take you around the kingdom .

We took the key and entered inside the room and it was polished sqeakily clean .

The walls were a lighter shade of gold .

The bedsheets and the bed were white in colour . But they had stitching of gold on them .

There were various design stitched on them . Design of different flowers and leaves accompanying them as a part of a plant.

the opposite wall a veranda with a beautiful view of the kingdom . And on the window curtains made of gold strings .

The gold strings were so slim that they felt like silk .

I just relaxed as I say in the bed and somehow my sore muscles started relieving themselves . And my muscles relaxed a bit and I don't know how but I fell asleep .

It must have been due to exhaustion from all the running around I've been doing since coming here .

But all my fatigue just melted away .

Like that time in the dungeon where we met Mariel and then took her to an adventure .

But then we lost her to the hands of the immortals .

Technically her pendent version .

And another teammate we lost was the singer with a beautiful voice that made heaven close to the lands .

Just listening to her was a bliss and she sang a lot during our trip together .

She got captured because of some suspicion.

But I swear ome day I will rescue her . I just need to find out her whearabouts .

After a few hours I woke up stress free . I washed my face with water . The water was colourless but it refracted yellow light due to the base being golden .

And I had a lavish dinner with our group Our plates were made with pure gold . But apparently the food was not made of gold . I was wrong in my guess .

We still haven't found something wrong with this kingdom .

There has to be something evil lurking here for us to ask to complete such absurd quest .

The people are king , everything is essential free . I don't see any sign of there being an illegal activity or any sort of black market . Or anything at all . There are no signs of any corruption.

This is a place where one mistakenly call it paradise .

There must be something wrong with this place . Not everything can be free .

Era :

Really you're just fixated on the word Free .

Jay :

There is nothing in this world or the next where everything is free .


There was something I was wondering if there is a version of Era who mostly don't tell us anything. There might be a version of Era who tells us everything.

Era :

You're absolutely correct . There is one version of me from the timeline number 56778293457 . She actually violated the rules set by X and told both of you everything .

And in a few minutes she died of cancer . As her body cells violently mutated. And soon formed a mass, a violently clump of cells where the veins were incorrectly formed so it spilled blood out of every single opening. And then she died as oxygen couldn't reach her mutated cells.

A truly violent kind of death.

Jay :

Damn !! And you saying without any emotions sent a chill down my spine just now.

Era :

I know not everything is fun and games knowing everything about everything .

Jay :

If you know everything about everything you should also know how to defeat him.

Era :

That's the thing. I do know what I know and how to defeat him. But I don't think you will want that.

Jay :

Why not?

Era :

You'll have to see that for yourself.

And that's how we ended our day in a serious note