Con men

There are many stories scattered throughout the lands .

Some comedy. Some tragedy , some end with a good ending and some with a bad ending.

And we are chasing the story of Jay Garrick the Gate Buster . A normal individual for who good and bad is like a trolley problem .

And currently he is trying to solve a problem . That doesn't affect him in any way but the story itself .

Jay :

Before I start can I confirm one thing .

Is there any kind of evil lying in the kingdom ?

Era :

This land is pure , untainted by any kind of evil or curse and the people the aureus are peaceful people who detest fighting and war and they long for peace and tranquility.


If we are supposed to destroy the Kingdom , then it would mean we also have to kill everyone.

Jay :

I don't think we have to do that .

The quest said to destroy the Kingdom not

Destroy the Kingdom and kill everyone.

So if we cause structural damage to the kingdom it just might be enough.

I think we are on to something

Jay :

Now I have made you my mind .

It's time for me do give them something for Free .

I plan to destroy the Kingdom with minimal casualties.


Why minimal why not Zero .

Jay :

Believe me I would love Zero casualties myself .

But there is always one idiot who will die stupidly in any given situation .

Era :

I can confirm that .

Jay :

See what I'm talking . So minimal casualties is out target .

Jay :

And how we do that , any ideas

McElroy :

We can cut their food sources , poison their waters and poof were done .


No if were not careful it will be disastrous.


What about destroying their economy .

Jay :

If they are handing services and food out for free . I don't think there is a economy to destroy .


What about destabilising the system . Like abducting the person incharge .

Jay :

That brings problem on so many stages . I can't comprehend .

How many do we have to kidnap to cause problems ?

Where do we keep the abductees ?

What if they replace them ?

Or worse what if they figure us out ?

A failure of a plan it is .


Then I would like to hear your bright idea .

Jay :

We need something that will cause maximum damage in a short term. Like a calamity or natural disaster .

Like earthquakes or tsunamis or volcano eruption .


I thought we were talking about minimal casualties.

You just went Zero to 100 very fast .

And how are we going to create a natural calamity .

What are we gods now .

Jay :

We are not gods , but we can be something that will just fit our need .

We'll be Con men .


Con men .

And what are we going to do preach religion .

Jay :

Actually the opposite we're to spread uncertainty within the minds of the people . That uncertainty will turn into fear and that fear would get them running out of those damn gates .


What about the mercenaries . Their minds are strong , how are you going to convince them .

Jay :

And returning once again to my point . When the calamity actually comes they will run for their lives themselves .


Considering most of our plans go sideways anyway .

No matter how well we plan them .

That is a bit of a recurring theme . I am very sure this plan of yours is going to go sideways as well .


And I don't know if you realise this . Everytime we made a plan it was the both of us who's lives were at stake .

But now there are literally many collaterals . Just waiting to die at a single mistake of this plan .

Jay :

Then what about your plans of poisoning the water supply .

That makes everyone the collateral .

And destabilising the system .

These are not power hungry slobs who will hold on to their seats.

The instance they feel the kingdom has lost its stability due to there not being a presence of a member .

They will immediately replace him. Why ? Because that is the right thing to do . To keep the system stable for the greater good.

(Takes a deep breath)


Just tell me this so called plan of yours in detail then .

Jay :

It's going to be layered in multiple stages.

Stage 1 :

To create a preliminary attack .

To create a small calamity and slowly increasing its frequency.

Stage 2 :

Creating disbelief .

Spreading rumours , and making their mind uncertain .

Step 3 :

And then showtime .


How are you going to produce the calamity .

Jay :

I have it all covered . First is earthquake which I hope you'll be enough to do it . A small tremor which can be felt .


Ok and what about you.

Jay :

The city of gold is well designed so I have to create structural weaknesses that'll cause it to fall apart .

Gold is soft metal not generally used for building . So the buildings contain heavy amount of metals . If I can extract those metals . Then the structure is sure to be doomed .


And what about the 3rd phase .

Jay :

That one will be sinister . I'm going to plant our entire collection of elemental stones and going to connect them in an array such that when I pass mana through them they all activate .

That is sure guaranteed the collapse of the kingdom .


Do we have that many elemental stones in the first place .

Jay :

Hhoh you have no idea my friend . If I was in my world .

They would have called me a warmonger .

McElroy: (concerned)

Do we really have this much explosive power .

Jay exposed his treasure trove of stones .


Where did you get all of this stones .

Jay :

Never scam the scammer. McElroy.

Never scam the scammer .


You scammed the merchant didn't you .

The merchant was paid in gold bars but Jay just trying to make himself look cool


That solves one of our problems. But another problem is how are we going to do it secretly.

Plant these things.

Jay :

In the dead if night z when everyone is asleep .


I have to stop it right there . Even at midnight there are still mercenaries that patrol the town . And their number doesn't seem to decrease in the night either .

Moreover they partol in a group of three .

Jay :

I just need to make them pass out


What is you kill them accidently .

Jay :

I won't


You sure .

Jay :

Damn sure .


Anything else you would like to add .

Jay :

There was this movie I saw once that had something like this .

Details ommited.


Are you sure this will work .

Jay :

200 percent.


Then how do we

Details ommited to preserve suspense .

Jay :

By (Ommited )