
With Phase 2 underway and Jay and McElroy uncovered as the true perpetrators of the events that took place.

It has left Delcado in a trance. Delcado now has two choices.

First to take everyone and run. But then he know that he has nowhere left to run and will be killed if word gets out.

And it could also endanger his wife and child.

But if he stays here. He is also eventually doomed. As a grave danger has penetrated the kingdoms walls.

A curse in human form.

The one who's light touch broke Delcado's bones.

Dejected he returned to his home. Seeing him dejected Auren decided to ask him.

Auren :

Had a bad day, Delcado

Delcado : (Dejected)


Auren sat besides him and hugged him.

Auren :

What happened today Delcado.

Delcado :

The tremors I finally found it what has caused it.

A curse in human form.

Auren :

Did you have a talk with him.

Delcado :

I did. But he gave us warning to clear the Kingdom and leave the kingdom.


Die with everyone.

Now what am I supposed to do

Auren :

Why didn't you stop him.

Delcado :

Nobody can stop him. I tried to stop him but with just a light touch from him. Broke my right leg.

And even my bullets had no effect on him. He just brushed them off.

Auren :

Why don't you negotiate with him.

Delcado :

I wish I could. But I have nothing on my side. To engage in a negotiation. No chips on the table.

It's just a drag.

Auren :

There might be something that could bring the negotiation on the table.

Oh and one thing I forgot there is no water in the river could you ask some from the neighbors

Delcado :

Water might not be coming anytime soon.

Where is he? Our son

Auren :

He's with his friends playing.

Delcado :

I wish I also had the time to play with friends.

I strolled with Auren and she took me somewhere where a

Giant golden statue of a warrior was kept. He seemed mechanical and had engravings all over the body.

His body was full since it had been many years since someone had polished it. Moreover it's head was covered with cloth.

The warriors held three blades. Two sabers and one dou led handed sword strapped to its back.

These blades had cracks in the but they were miniscule and like the warrior they were covered with dust.

Delcado :

Where are we.

Auren :

This is your negotiation chip. A golden warrior granted by our god to protect us from the will of evil.

Delcado :

And how do we use it or get it out.

Auren :

This is a special key given to me by my grandfather as his final inheritance.

She showed a key which looked a lot like a pendrive.

It was made with gold and had the same engravings as the warrior.

Delcado :

This will do.

And as planned it was sunset and the found him sleeping on the bench near the fountain.

Delcado tried to stab him with a knife. He applied force and stab his heart. Jay somehow unconsciously caught the blade and twist the blade and threw it and went back to sleep.

Delcado hesitancy was realized.

Delcado :

Hey wake up.

Jay woke up from the bench and noticed Delcado.

Jay :

Oh you're finally here.

Delcado :

Can we talk elsewhere.

Jay.: (Yawning)


And then they left the Kingdom outside the walls.

Outside the walls even though it was sunset which was time to lay down a

Jay :

Okay there is a curse that will destroy the kingdom and everyone with it. You need to evacuate everyone now.

Delcado :

We know that it's a lie just drop the curse.

Jay :

So my identity has finally been uncovered. Then we won't dally for long. Take everyone and move out of the Kingdom.

Delcado :

Why do you want to destroy this paradise of a place where you can live a life without and worries and stress.

You're tearing away the homes of thousands of people, where will they go.

Jay :

This is God's decree. Not my personal choice.

If I had a choice then I would have never tried to ruin this paradise.

Delcado :

Is there some way we can reach a conclusion where we both can benefit. We are ready to give you our year of harvest every grain of it. Or you can take the gold from here.

Jay extends his hand and uses metal bending to create a bar of gold. To show that he does not need the gold.

Jay :

There is one. You let me destroy the kingdom. And I'll spare everyone's life. I don't like to spill blood.

Delcado :

Then it seems our negotiation is at an end.


Squad of mercenaries started to fire their guns as well as different spells.

The rate of which a gun was shot was much faster than a spell being casted. For every 3 gunshots there was one spell being fired.

Jay raised a wall of iron to take cover to which the mercenaries launched a pincer attack by moving around the wall of iron.

Around 30 mercenaries covered Jay who were armed to the teeth. Attacked Jay at once.

Jay :

Omae WA MO shinderu

Mercenary :


Jay shouted his moves name to look cool.


And ice walls surrounded Jay from the mercenaries

McElroy :

I leave for 15 minutes to set up and see you've already failed negotiations.

And what part about minimal casualties do you fail to get.

Jay :

The try negotiating with them.

McElroy :

Atleast it would go much better.

McElroy showed a sign of surrender.

And Delcado stopped his mercenaries from attacking.

McElroy :

We are open for negotiations.

McElroy started negotiating. And after a solid 10 minute discussion. They negotiations broke down again.

McElroy :

No wonder the negotiations broke down.

After we surrendered their ego inflated and they made more aggressive demands.

Jay :

So now. Oh and wheres Era.

McElroy :

She's.... Actually she might be somewhere safe from here.

The Mercenaries were breaking down the ice wall while inside Jay and McElroy were leasurely chatting.

Jay :

What should we do about these mercenaries.

McElroy :

Don't kill them. Or leave them in a condition that they'll want to die.

There is a elemental stone inside the gate which will began the third phase.

Jay :

I wish I was a genius . I could've figured out a better method.

McElroy :

The walls breaking this is the time to shine.