
Aroth had guaranteed Delcado a swift victory.

After all the number of allies that Delcado or rather their quality. Had significantly increased.

But still Delcado was worried. So he issued an order to move everyone outside the Kingdom. Such that even if he reaches the gates he won't be able to harm anyone.

During the night everyone was evacuated except The inn staff and the street leading to the fountain. To create the illusion of presence of people.

Thoth :

Tell me Delcado what has made you unsure of your victory.

Delcado :

One night when I was chasing them. I shot a high penetration bullet but it didn't even go through one layer of skin.

And then when I engaged in combat. He just lightly touched me which broke broke my leg.

Thoth :

So you mean to say he is insanely strong and durable.

How is he intelligence wise.

Delcado :

He tried to destroy the kingdom with minimal casualties.

And he knew exactly which areas to target to unnerve people.

Thoth :

So he's decently intelligent.

Delcado :

I think.

Throth :

Anything else of note.

Delcado :

He might be an excellent trap setter. Our mercenaries went and stormed the place he was staying at and returned without any injuries.

Thoth :

Isn't this a good thing then.

Delcado :

But they came back with their morale crushed.

Now they have no wish or even motivation to wake up tomorrow.

Thoth :

According to my calculations

The army that you've raised will lead to a very huge drop in chances.

25% from the support and 25% from the ones fighting.

. There is a 25%chance that he will make it last Guy.

Then doubling down 15 % chance that he will make it past.

Jack the ripper.

Where getting past Niro would be an 9% percent chance.


And then even those chances fall when the face Aragon

And now we are below 1%.

And finally the final nail in the coffin we have with us.

Jinka the bone magician. And with that the total I could calculate the percentage of them winning is.


Meaning about 0.21%.

And you have a much more chance being hit by lightning rather than these odds.

Delcado :

Hope your odds be right.

These were the preparation of the mercenaries. And now it's time to test these exact odds.

Delcado personally received Jay who was sleeping on the bench. And successfully lured him outside.

Thoth had all the mercenaries take their position. The support was fully armed with firearms and mana potions.

Others waiting to ambush Jay the chance they get.

Guy Emerson had been placed at an advantageous position opposite to the Kingdom walls. Three kilometers away.

The defense was set. Niro was ready with his burning blade.

Aragon was ready to cast. But Jinka was late.

When asked about his whereabouts. The mercenaries said he was feeling nausea and will be back within 15 minutes.

Delcado felt relieved as he had thought that he deserted his position.

Delcado stepped out and finally started negotiations with Jay.

Delcado desperately held onto those odds. He held his game face on.

And what Delcado had feared the most finally happened.

The negotiations fell through the floor.

And Delcado had no choice. It was finally time for

Siege Defense.

Delcado signal led to launch attack on Jay and the firearms started firing.

As these firearms were not evolved enough they couldn't generate that much force and they only stringed Jay.

While the mage team started their assault with spells of fire,

Earth and Lightning.

Delcado stepped back and met up with Aroth.

Delcado :

How are things.

Thoth :

As per plan.

Jay raised an iron wall.

Thoth :

Launch the pincer attack.

Mercenaries surrounded the entire wall. And punched onto Jay but they bumped on a block of icewall. Surrounding the iron wall.

And then followed a dialogue between the both.

McElroy created a flag made of ice.

Thoth :

Stop the pincer.

The mercenaries pulled back.

Mercenaries :

Sir they are open for re-negotiations.

Thoth :

See Delcado you were afraid for nothing it seems.

Thoth :

Open the negotiations I'll see them though.

McElroy and the strategist met and started re negotiations.

McElroy :

I'm glad we can renegotiate the issue again.

Aroth tried to end this negotiation with success as soon as possible.

Thoth tried to use the method of fear.

Thoth :

Now do you understand the wrath of the 'Death Whistle'

You're still lucky you haven't kicked the bucket yet.

I accept your surrender.

McElroy :


Thoth :

You are here to surrender aren't you?

McElroy :


There was an awkward moment being shared between the two. Where the tried to understand each other. Just by their facial expressions.

Tjoth :

Then why have we reopened negotiations.

McElroy :

I was going to ask you to reconsider to stop this pointless war and remove your troops.

Thoth :

So you are surrendering.

McElroy :

Ww don't want anyone to get injured. So we're asking you to step aside.

Thoth :

Sorry can't do. I have a promise to fulfill.

McElroy tried to establish his dominance.

McElroy :

I'm once again asking you to reconsider.

Thoth :

No we will not stand down.

McElroy :

The it seems we have reached an conclusion.

Thoth :

I'm still giving you a chance to reconsider.

McElroy :

I'm not stepping aside.

McElroy turned back to return to Jay.

McElroy :

Before I go what is your name.

Thoth :

My name is Aroth the Strategist remember it well.

What about your name. I would like to make a grave in your name.

McElroy :

McElroy remember it well.

Thoth went back so did McElroy.

Thoth :

How dare they they are just two. We have an entire army.

Delcado :

Have we reached a conclusion.

Thoth :

No it is still the same. They haven't surrender. I talked to them to change their decision.

But instead they threatened me. Aroth.

Thoth :

I'll show them what the might of an army is.

Thoth wasn't much interested in the battle Delcado was fighting. But now his own honor is on the line.

And Thoth will not back down from the fight.

Meanwhile on the other end. In the ice bunker.

McElroy :

Everyone has been evacuated from the Kingdom.

Now all we need to do is to touch base.

Jay :

Oh what a relief. Now all we have to do is fight through them.

We should stratergize quickly.

McElroy :

I might have a plan.

McElroy :

Before coming here I analyzed the enemy defense.

And to be honest. This isn't going to be like the other times.

The enemy lines is divided into the support the front line and the defense.

The front line mercenary were the ones who attacked us.

Next is the defense lines. Now there are some names which have volunteered themselves to fight.

And the support. The ones with arms and ammunition.

Jay :

Let me see if they have some aoe in the shop.

Jay quickly broused through the path of pain and gain.

Hmm I see. Nothing useful. Gotta think hard.

McElroy :

Firstly we would have to fight everyone. But that means our stamina would be wasted. And we might not be able to see it thoroughly go the end.

We cannot also skip lines. Because it could cause the backward lines to attack us with the defense lines.

We could directly fly. But the support will shoot is down.

We could use Hermes boots. To run straight to the goal

And just activate the mechanism.

We could battle them in phases.

Like for a certain period of time you will fight and then we'll switch.

I will fight while you recover.

But there are chances of being underpowered.

Jay :

I mean we have to crush the first line dont we. Then let's show them who's boss.

McElroy :

Remember Thoth is mine.

A rivalry bad formed between Thoth and McElroy.

And now it is just to see that how both of them.

Will counter the power of strategies and statistics.