Guy Emerson

Jack the Ripper a killer in England. There were many things that made Jack the Ripper famous were how he was never caught and how atrocious the murders were.

His murders showed a sign of anatomical knowledge.

And anyway.

Jack the ripper stood before Jay with his karambit soaked in poison. He aimed at Jay's throat once again.

And approached it. And once again swung the knife at his throat

But now that Jay didn't feel any fear he could think more clearly. But there was air of hesitation around him.

Though not fear he definitely felt the hesitation.

Are there any psychological suppression.

While Jay was feeling hesitation Jack the ripper continued to swing his knife multiple times aiming at different body parts where the blood flows the maximum.

McElroy who was distracted due to the metal soldiers not attacking.

Looked back after pushing the wave a third time.

McElroy :

Are these soldiers on steroids. They just keep coming.

He looked back he saw Jay fighting Jack the Ripper the only thing was that he was hesitating.

McElroy :

Why's he hesisting.?

McElroy decided to support Jay. He blasted a spray of highly pressurized water. On Jack the Ripper and it due to being outside his scope He couldn't block it.

Jack started dripping a black fluid from his body which dissolved into the water that McElroy had spread.

Jack the ripper was washed up like a bird suddenly dipped in water and taken out.

And Jay could no longer feel the hesitancy he had before.

And he opened his chance.

Sonic Bash.

A 5 meter radius opened up but there was only one enemy

Jay crafted two thick iron rod with the dimensions of

4 cm diameter.

And and struck Jack the Ripper. But Jack also deflected these blows.

Jay struck 34 blows from which 19 blows were blocked.

And still he stood up like nothing had happened.

Jack the ripper simply downed a potion by a small opening in his mask.

And from his other pocket removed another karambit. Coated with the same poison.

He was just as swift like the wind. And with the karambit I was hit many times.

But due to my armor I was able to tough it out.

That bastard copied my move. He is better than I think.

He has also figured out how many times I have hit him and how I hit him.

I need to end it in one move.

Jay :

Can you copy this.

I blasted him continously with a fireball. And he was once again hit. Boy not once but multiple times. I increased the intesity but he just stood there taking my hits.

He's getting used to them. I need to do something serious.

Is there something that I can use.

Why is he taking so many hits without flinching.

When the fireball accidently touched the beak.

It revealed an underclothing of metal. As the cloth eroding it burned to flames.

A chance. I used metal magic to pry open the mask. And what covered him underneath was a face that had degraded due to chemical burns.

His face said to not to take any pity on him. And Jay understood that. Which was filled with anger like Darth Vader.

Jack the ripper was suffering from one of the diseases that couldn't be healed with magic. Cancer. But due to his extensive chemical and medicinal knowledge he was living and still fighting.

He wanted to go out not on a bed but in a battle. Thats why he came.

Even though all was exposed. Without hesitation he charged at Jay for a final time.

Jay :

So that's your story. I would have helped you sadly I have made a goal to minimize casualties so this would have to do.

Jay prepared his winning shot as he for the final time engaged with Jack suddenly a bullet flew past him and hit Jack.

Guy :

God, may have mercy on the poor soul. Even if he is an evil killer who took everything I had. The only thing I could take away was his wish to have death his way.

The bullet shot by the guy pierced through the left brain but it didn't have the capacity to pierce through the skull fully.

And lodged in his brain. Guy still woke up. Looking dull of freedom looked at the mountain. And extended his right arm towards the mountain and extended his middle finger.

And he died while standing. As slowly he frozen his muscle movements with the chemicals he had.

And decided to become a monument. Anither way to signify his death instead.

Delcado who was watching from afar with a scope.

Delcado :

What is happening there.

Thoth :

Let me see.

Thoth and Delcado saw what had happened after the engagement of a dangerous person like Jack the Ripper.

Delcado :

I understand expressing hate towards him.

But why did he expose his comrades location.

Thoth :

Nothing but a slight miscalculation on my part. The result is still the same.

Guy loaded his next shot. And Jay who knew Guys location burned down the entire mountain with his fire. To reveal his location. Guy quickly ran so that the fire couldn't reach him.

Jay thought of using Hermes boots but now in this situation will be inappropriate. Flying will be just a waste of mana so he decimated the entire forest to smoke out one sniper.

McElroy :

If you're done I need backup.

Jay :

Yeah, I'm just getting fired up.

Jay created created 5 asuras. And abondoned the Control of the soldiers. But they just broke down and faded to dust.

These asura were meant to back McElroy up.

These asuras were equipped with batons which made bashing and pursuing aside the forces much easier.

The front lines is not at its knees. Just a little push.

Guy Emerson who ran away from the burning mountain returned once again to a different spot to snipe.

He somehow had developed an subconscious grudge towards Jay.

Guy coated his bullets in poison and pointed at Jay which was this time totally in the open. And now due to the change in the location. He was much closer to the battlefield and could fire his shots much more frequently.

So Guy fired his shot towards what had seemed like an unsuspecting Jay Garrick. But he was totally expecting that and left his guard down To play a game of

taking hold of the bullet and backfiring the bullet back to Jr's owner with metal bending. And it successfully worked.

Guy Emerson was still alive but now his with his weapon broken he had nothing else to do .

Another foe taken care of without killing them.