Niro the Dragon Tamer

Niro who spent his entire life hunting dragons was saved by one . The one who he had raised since birth .

The blue dragon had look at Niro like his mother and Niro didn't have the nerve to end his life .

At times he tried to shook him off . But the blue dragon was persistent . So much that it never left it back . Many times it would fly over the estate . But Niro saved the blue dragon everytime . Even there were time that Niro would despise

himself for not ending the dragons life sooner . But what could he have done .

Niro was intending to kill off the blue dragon amidst the conflict . But now the dragon had saved him instead .

And that had stirred many mixed feelings within Niro .

Niro :

I'm a disgrace aren't I .

Jay couldn't understand his statement .

Niro further countinued .

Niro :

A dragon hunter getting saved by a dragon .

Jay :

That's so cool .

Niro :

You aren't disgusted . That I was saved by the ones whom I have sworn to hunt .

Jay :

If it was me I would've shown this to everyone .

Niro understood that his opponent wasn't that kind of person who would look down on anyone .

But the fourth wall knows the truth .

Niro :

Isn't being a hunter mean to hunt all dragons .

Jay :

Might be .

Niro lost hope .

Jay :

But why do you hunt dragons . What does it mean to you .

Niro :

I'm the next head of the Dracona family . It's my responsibility to take the next generation forward .

Always has been .

Jay :

You still haven't answered me .

Niro :

I... I .....why ?

Jay :

What was it that lead you to hunt dragons .

Niro :

I admired my father the head of the family . I guess .

Jay :

Ok what basis had your father raised expeditions and hunts .

Niro :

He would receive request from the trouble .

Jay :

So as long as that one doesn't cause trouble . It's in the green zone .

Niro :

I don't know why have I hunted dragons .

Jay :

It's okay humans always don't have the answer regarding to self.

But do you want to keep hunting dragons .

Niro :

I don't.

Jay :

Then what do you want to do .

Niro :

Being besides him has made me realise something I want to create a sanctuary where dragons and human can live together in harmony.

Jay walked besides and tapped Niro's shoulder .

Jay :

I would like to see that sanctuary with my own eyes then .

Niro's eyes lit with hope .

And Jay started slowly walking away .

Niro :

Thank you Jay for understanding.

Jay had already walked 100 meters away from him .

Niro :

Ah I almost forgot . I still have a favor left to do .

I do have a name for you .

All this year's I've called you by your name from now you'll be Blue .

The dragon cried with joy . As it flapped ist wings all of its needles fell off .

Niro :

If you're a dragon then you do know how to shoot fire right .

The dragon agreed

Niro :

Can you shoot on that one .

The blue dragon happily shot a fireball and Jay was engulfed in the entire fire . Even still in the fire he kept walking . He waved his coat off once and the fire dispersed .

and he looked cool .

Niro :

I have worked very hard as a hunter but today I'm going to throw it away . And start anew .

From now on I'm Niro the Dragon Tamer .

Jay :

That's cool and all but can you not say that peacefully .

And not lighting me in fire .

McElroy from afar .


Hey Jay you're being lit by a dragon why aren't you doing anything .

Shouldn't have explained the concept of microphone to him .the noise reverberated through the crystalline structure of the ice . As the ice had conformed into a structure that could reflect sound and amplify them .

Or atleast direct them .

Niro : (Laugh)

What mate you've got .

Niro :

Mine is expecting great results from me . K .

Saykng this he mounted the dragon .

Niro :

Let's fly away blue .

The dragon bore flight and flew away .

And he'll be back after a redemption arc .

Jay :

Atleast now is he gone ?

Jay walked a few steps forward and a flaming sword is swung at Jay vertically . That doesn't cut Jay but instead due to the velocity it actually hurts .

Niro jumps down the dragon swinging his sword sideways .

Aimed at my hips .

I was succesful to evade that attack by jumping and rolling on the other side .

Niro :

Burn him .

Jay expected to be attacked by fire again but this time the flame was thrown towards McElroy recovering .

Deeply concentrated in recovering . He broke his attention and when he got covered by flames he simply doused the entire areas with water .

And I swear what happened had happened within three seconds . McElroy took off his shoes and flew towards the dragon and the dragon spit fire at him again burning him .

But unlike me McElroy is not immune to the flames .

McElroy's were a bit burnt due to the excessive heat but they were always doused out

While flying he attained speeds he actually managed to catch upto the dragon and disturbed it's aerodynamic position which resulted in imbalance and the dragon fell from the sky while McElroy was on its back . The dragon tried to shake McElroy off from his back be he just wouldn't budge and when the ground was a few feet away . It glide through the ground while being upside down and McElroy was getting hit with rocks.


I'm not going to eat rocks alone .

McElroy grabbed it's neck and constricted it tightly and broke it's physics . Both rolling on the ground .

Meanwhile .

Niro :

This is a flaming sword passed down our clan .

Jay :

Is it made of iron .

Niro :

Top grade iron .

Niro's blade was engulfed with flames like the orange sky during sunset . With its blade glowing white like the sun .

Jay used his whip sword and began whipping away as like an expert swords man but this time when the whip wound around his blade Jay pulled it like fishing rod and Niro stood his ground .

But this time there was a twist in the scenario . A platform rose above the ground and launched Niro in the air and Jay pulled him down .

And Niro tasted the dirt .

With Blue laying besides him.

Niro still has the strength to fight . The fight was still not over .

Niro stood and lit his sword on fire and walked towards Jay calmly .

Niro .

Jay with his whip sword clashed with Niro's flaming sword .

Jay :

There is one thing that I passionately hate . A burning sword .

Saying that he left his whip sword and held the blade .

And broke the entire blade .and pushed back Niro with a plan strike .

Blue mustered the last of his strength charging at McElroy

While he charged he engulfed himself in flames .

While Niro used his leg as a leverage to stand .

Niro :

If we had met sometime else . We would have been great friends .

Jay :

We would've . Farewell Niro the Dragon Tamer.

Jay laid a final punch in Niro's gut as for the final time he fell fell to the ground . Unconscious .

While Blue charged towards McElroy faced him and charged Water Magic . To release a big blast of water at him .

And Blue was struck by the blast and had his fire doused as well as he crashed towards the ground besides Niro while

The blast took some of the kingdom walls with it and a few men .

Those men were recovered safely . Resting in the infirmary .

And the Defense Line fell .

And now the support line remains just a step Away