
Just a small recap for all the events that took a place during the divine era.

Jay and McElroy were sucked inside the rift as they tried to resurrect everyone in the kingdom of Chroma.

Which was an unforseen consequence.

The they get sent to the past by none other than X.

There they meet the Oracle Era. Who is now a small girl guides Era throughput the lands of the past.

In which they met characters familiar with them.

One was The witch of extinction Maria von Lopez and the other is none other than The Demon Lord Ikaros himself.

Both which they tried to kill but their humanity got in their way.

The they roamed the frozen city and learned about Era's past.

Experienced pure classical music.

Learned in depth the art of fire and metal magic meanwhile

McElroy learned about his counterparts. Water and earth magic.

Recovered some memories by the lady of the pond.

And lastly destroyed an entire kingdom full of innocent people.

And escaped the wrath of a Elder god.

In a time traveling machine with Mcelroy and.....

OH Shit we forgot about Era. We left Era there.

We need to turn back right now.