The Manor 2

During the skeleton war which was orchestrated by one of the three head of the foundation. The Witch of Extinction

Maria von Lopez.

She like a necromancer raised an army of skeletons. And marched the army across the lands. Killing a significant percentage of the population of the lands.

Noone was safe from the mountains to the forests to the plains everyone was in danger.

As she operated from the rainforest. Kiyoko was one such matriarch who operated a shadow like clan. Specializing in assassinations. Their tools were proven soon to be useless when the army marched in front of their home.

They tirelessly defended their home. But they couldn't hold it any longer and perished. The survivors took refuge and assimilated within other clans.

During the war Jays name spread like fire. As he had earned the victory during the war at Fort Bronx. His name was used to raise morale in different parts.

But it was like a sensation which came and went. As the war ended and the skeleton soldiers perished.

Jay's name once again quickly faded into obscurity and his importance had been reduced to null.

But those at Fort Bronx they certainly did keep the name alive.

? : worry

Ah I remember you were also there yourself during that battle. Are you good are you hurt anywhere.

Livia :

I'm fine I'm not hurt anywhere.

? :

The it all well and good after all, it would bring a question in your marriage as well.

You're in a marriable age after all.

The other ladies got excited

? :

So is it true that you're seeing someone. I've heard the rumors you can't hide anything from us.

? :

So who is he.

Livia :

I do have someone in my mind bbbbut.

There was a slight sound of glass being struck it sounded like a calm melodious note of a clock reverberating throughout the Manor.

The glass was held by the owner of the estate Lloyd Frontera himself.

All the attention went towards him.

Lloyd :

I would firstly like to thank God that all of you have arrived here safely.

My name is Lloyd Frontera and I'm the owner of this piece of land.

I have been working in partnership with the

Order of the Round Table.

And until now my family has been responsible for keeping a strict eye on demons.

My father, his father and even his father we've continued to keep the demons under our radars.

But today as you all know things have become grim.

From the skeleton war to now the war on demons.

We've been tasked again and again to protect our Chan, families, acquaintances. To protect humanity.

That's why I summoned all you brave souls here. To prove to the demons that whatever happens we will not be conquered and we will not fall to such evil.

Lloyd continues.

This war is not just for humanity or the surviving.

It is for our ancestors who have protected these lands from demons before us.

And our future generations that will come after we have all perished.

The veil has fallen and once again the threat of the demons looms over humanity.

That's why I ask all of you present here lend me your power, and your full unequilocal support.

So that we can take down those demons once and for all.

And with that Charismatic speech Lloyd had gained full support of the everyone. At least the clan heads who were there to actually fight unlike the merchant, suppliers and weapon dealers who were just there to make bank.

They would be the first ones to flee if ever the demons reached the mainland.

That speech right there had put Llyod into the spotlight. And he was surrounded by people talking to him ambushing him with questions, deals left and right. But Lloyd was a methodical person. He dealt with them one at a time.

Dealing with diplomacy, greeting important guests, dealing with suppliers and their very sketchy deals.

And Lloyd talked without once ever flinching or taking a deep breath. As if he was a robot designed to deal with these tasks.

Livia :

I have something important to discuss with the ladies of the

Matria. Youre all dismissed for now.

Now that we are dismissed we roamed around the room and went after delicacies that were prepared for the guests.

There were tea, coffee, biscuits, fruits and some delicacies which were prepared by the chefs of the Manor.

? :

Man it really seems you got your name out there for you to be here.

Our moths filled full of food we turned around to see the paladin along with Nora.

Nora :

You really are famous. So are you some secret patriarch of some clan. Or are you a supplier that also works part time.

Jay :

We're here as bodyguards.

Nora :

And where is your patron.

Jay pointed towards the general direction.

Nora :

Livia huh, what's your relation with her.

Jay :

We both were in a team when we took assignment.

And that's how we are acquainted.

Nora :

The how is she different with you. See her guard Ragnar he's constantly standing around her while you both are munching unethically.

Jay :

We aren't part of her clan. Maybe that's why we've been let loose.

Nora :

About that, you're putting a bad impression on yourself believe me. Even if doesn't look like it there are many watching you.

So clean up your act.

Paladin :

Man dont try to embarrass your patron and I think you've had enough food for now.

And then entered Lloyd from the scene.

Llyod :

Please enjoy the food as much as you want. There's no need to bear restraint.

Nora :

Lloyd you're too soft on them.

Lloyd :

Someone has to keep his appearance up beforehand.

Lloyd gave his remark while referring to himself.

Nora :

This is Lloyd Frontera owner of this estate and both of them are Jay Garrick and McElroy.

Lloyd :

I have heard very interesting news about both of you.

About what happened at Chroma. I know everything.

So don't even try to pretend that you didn't put our saintess in harms way even when you knew it.

Nora :

Lloyd, he did what he had to. I'm not hurt in any way neither

My Purest Form has been broken.

And I've already forgiven them. So stand down.

Lloyd :

What are they to you, that's you're defending them to this extent.

Nora :

They say that one must never show his cards.

Lloyd :

I thought we were in the same team.

Nora :

We are on the same team.

Lloyd :

Fine keep your cards with you. I would like to see these cards in action.

Nora :

So you will.

At that moment Nora understood she messed up.

Lloyd :

Enjoy the gathering. Saintess.

Paladin :

He was talking on such a rude way. I should've sliced his neck off.

Nora :

He's a sword from the table. He has higher authority than you. And there's no one who knows more about the demon than him.

At the end of the gathering the war meeting was announced.

Where all strategies will be discussed.

The gathering had ended with a bittersweet taste left in Jay's mouth