Chaos of the War Council

A temporary border was formed as dusk looked over the horizon. Covering the lands with darkness. Like Lumina the sun had waned which bought dusk into the world.

And the dusk bought broken spirits and voids into the hearts of the combatants.

As the order had lost a key figurine. The pure vessel which appears once every hundred years.

It was called the purest vessel because it was the only one tempered enough to house a god or any spirit without any resistance. But because of that her mental state was very frail.

When Nora called upon Lumina the apostle. She was receiving the Deity Lumina the Godess of Light. Which had made a huge difference. But she was able to fully synchronize with her. As a result her body changed genetically to mimic the appearance of the God called the Goddess of Light and housed the conscious of Lumina.

But despite how powerful Lumina may be. Nora just had mimicked her state. Lumina never came herself to the battlefield despite holding herself a flag of justice.

Which left a very bad impression in Ikaros's mouth.

So mildly enraged. Ikaros drew a line which would not be crossed till the next morning when the battle will be resumed. And Ikaros went of to the Demon Island.

Jay and McElroy were only concerned with their own objectives such the result of the battle didn't affect them that much as expected. But they were still shocked that Nora had died.

Jay and McElroy were trying to figure out a strategy that would help them. Get through the ordeal named Ikaros.

With their newly gained Light magic they both tried to find any and every application. That might help to get them an edge.

But even in the end there was only one thing that they would move in a roundabout manner. They are not strong enough to pull something like that off.

Before them was only one solution. Grow stronger.

Level Up.

While the war council was filled with total chaos as everyone was fearing for their lives. Their conviction was being put to the test. And one by one everyone was failing in the test of conviction.

The council commune after a few hours of the battle coming to an halt. Some of the families had perished in the battle.

Lloyd was holding his head in place. And momentarily scratching it.

While everyone else argued for what they should do next.

One by one all families started to back out. It was as if the so called Holy War had lost its entire meaning. And now it was just a word. That someone previously had used.

Menor family head :

This is not a war anymore it is just a one side massacre.

I can't let my family die. I'm going to back down from this war.

Fanah family head :

If we let the demons into the mainland what do you think will happen. Not just our family but they will destroy anything that stand in our path. We cannot back down now.

As long as we stand together nothing has been lost yet.

Herod family head :

Easy for you to say you've didn't have that much casualties while almost all of my men are injured. Some are even in a comatose state. I don't even know even if they will wake up or not.

Even the healers are worked up. The ones who were fighting on the battlefield at first have to be moved to the camps.

As the asura started to target them decreasing out force of healers.

And even in the camps there are constantly soldiers incoming.

Lloyd before taking a decision he had to make sure that this was the path he wanted to take even if it costs him everything including his life. Which he cherishes the most.

Lloyd was still shocked when Nora died. That too it was like there wasn't any effort made.

And the overwhelming strength of the Demon Lord shocked everyone. Everyone know that no one is capable of defeating the demon Lord,

The best they can do is to reduce the number of demons entering the mainland. And just hold hope that the mainland would be able to hold out.

Lloyd :

I have made a decision. Tommorow we will once again raise our weapons towards the Asuras. It's not just a matter of pride or honor. But it's a matter of our families which we have vowed to keep safe.

Those who want to leave should move out immediately.

But know that once you leave you would be forever deemed as cowards and deserters.

There was a silence in the council room.

Lloyd :

Now that we have reached a consensus. How are we going to raise the morale of our troops.

I'd there anyone who might become a model.

Lloyd was freaking out in his mind. But he still tried to keep his cool. But now that he had announced his decision he cannot back out of it.

A representative of the order of knights spoke up.

Representative :

What about Prince Jared of the Kingdom of Mana Swordsman. When he entered the battlefield the second time. He was decrease his losses and even make the Asuras forfeit the ground they had conquered

Heron family head :

No Prince Jared of the Aether Order is too volatile and inexperienced. And due to his stunts most will not be able to trust him easily.

There were many names tossed around but everyone had some or the other flaws which would've held back them.

Even the names of Family Heads. To lead a larger army.

But this was seen as a political stunt.

Rather than a formal suggestion.

Zane family head :

Why are you dragging politics at this point. We all know you are trying to take advantage of the situation.

And after a healthy hour of politics and dragging each other's name through the mud. There was a rather odd idea which was tossed.

? :

What about the one with the spear. He made a healthy contribution in defeating Asuras.

Many were motivated when they watched him and started even fighting more.

And he doesn't even seem to be in anyone's side. A neutral party. I think he would be perfect for such a position.

Azuma realized who they were talking about. And he tried to oppose. Because he knew if he would to lead everything would definitely go wrong.

Even Livia the leaders who met through a common link had the same idea. Even she opposed to his presence.

Since she has a idea what might happen and how things are bound to go awry.

Meanwhile at the Demon Island.

Ikaros was enjoying his meal which he ate which looking at the fishes swimming around him. It was an aquarium like place the enclosure was surrounded by glass and there were bio luminescent lights that shined their light on the fishes.

But the fishes were barely visible. Ikaros ate a very special delicacy of the Demon Island. A dish that was made from only exclusive herbs that could be only found and cultivated on the island due to their weather.

It was a kind of spicy dish. And filled with a lot of savory umami. Within a single but it felt like a bomb of flavors was exploded in Ikaros's mouth.

And then came in Viva and pulled the chair opposite to him and sat on the chair.

Viva :

I'm even more confused more now than ever.

In the past a God never showed up.

Ikaros :

A God still hasn't showd up yet. It was just a possession.

You could say that she projected her conscious into the

Pure vessel.

They don't even have the guts to show up for the ones that revere them. And even when they show up. They dont show up by themselves.

The most biggest coward are the gods themselves.

Viva :

You could've just pushed forward. It would be an easy victory. Why stop?

Ikaros :

Taking down an Asura is not an easy feat. It's very energy consuming. What's the point in fighting if one can't fight with the fullest of their power.

Viva :

If that so then answer me this. What is this OH plan.

That you have mentioned. It hasn't appeared once in the future. Then it means that it is also an big rift.

Ikaros :

Do you know the secrets of Demons.

Where these so called Demons and Asuras originated from.

Ikaros :

In fact every race in this world has a common originating point. Despite the differences. But only Demons are different.

Their origination point also shares a common link with their origin. But the way they came to be. Is one of the reasons of their discrimination.

Viva :

I don't understand. What are you getting at Head.

First the Mep and now this OH.

Ikaros :

Mep is something we've been working on for hundreds of years. Both of these plans are filled with lots of bloodshed but for a cause.

These decisions aren't easy to make. Viva. Someday you would understand.

You're now dismissed.

Viva still sat in front of Ikaros disobeying his order.

Ikaros :

I said you're dismissed and yes by Tommorow submit a report that how you managed to hack into the records.

If not then you might find yourself booted off the island.

As per our agreement. And if I find a single untruth in the report. McElroy might now survive.

I might go after him myself.

Viva got up from the chair and left the room.

When the door closed behind her automatically. Viva kicked the door. But in her attempt she hurt her own foot. And had to be taken to the infirmary.

She was carried by the Asuras which were patrolling the hallways.