The Trial of the Blood Demon

On the middle of the sea there was a sacrifice of a person who will be remembered.

While saving his friend he got caught in the middle of the barrage of the aquatic Demons.

In a but if hustle and tusling with the Demons he managed to throw his friend out of the water. But when hebrrjesnrinsuve iurbidbrhebwagee he was instead caught by them and drowned in the sea.

That person was none other than McElroy.

Who could in a twist of fate breathe underwater due to his bending ability.

And water being Mcelroy's own heavenly domain he killed the demons on the water by releasing the oxygen dissolved on the seas.

And the mindless piranha just drowned in the deep waters as it was way easier for McElroy to dissipate the oxygen because the level of oxygen on the deep seas is less compared to the surface.

McElroy in his senses had gained a level up or two.

And he had light magic to light up the dark seas.

It was as if it was a divide between light and dark.

Or someone had set off a bunch of floodlight under the sea.

McElroy swiftly returned to the battlefield where he was covered on water and clothes that had become heavy due to absorbing the water. But water magic once again saves the day. The heavy clothes were of no concern as the water just shed off him. Before McElroy was a scene of Jay coughing and spitting off all the water from his lungs and a Azuma afraid of the spear.

McElroy :

What happened when I was gone?

A question that McElroy asked and Azuma frighteningly replied.

Azuma Kiri :

That that that that that spear is cursed its demonic.

There were demons, dragon and a monstrosity

McElroy went over to the spear in his curiosity and picked it up and once again the entire surrounding went to black.

The river of blood started surrounding him.

The horizon became red with light and the moon appeared red over him.

And he saw a hulking monstrosity. A demon with two iron swords in his arms, silver head and 7 eyes. Which were furiously staring down at McElroy.

McElroy remembered the similar descriptions that Jay gave during Raizon where he was missing for the entire night.

The red moon, the red sky. The lake of blood. But there was no sign of the dragons or the demons that Azuma Kiri had mentioned.

McElroy subconsciously knew that the spear was telling him to conquer the blood demon. When he had picked up the spear earlier there was no reaction but now charged with the blood of demons the spear had awoken itself up.

The Blood demon ran towards McElroy and McElroy rushed at him with his water jets firing beneath his feet and he escape the river of blood that he was standing below him.

He binded the demon down with earth magic as chains of earth bound the hands of the Demon down and he kneeled on the ground. With his blades falling from his hands.

The he was encased in water. And due to the viscosity of the water it was made difficult for him to move.

And McElroy entered inside the water and landed the final blow.

By landing the spear in his hand and oenetratingnhis skull.

And blasting off the high quality magic stones inside the spear to produce an even bigger explosion due to a bigger pool of mana. And as the bones were also penetrated the tip of the spear was directly exposed to the brain.

And with fire magic the blood demons entire blood was incinerated.

And the Blood demon fell. Without retaliation. And when the Blood demon fell McElroy saw a huge tree on the distance embroider with light. McElroy was drawn towards the tree and he with every step he got closer to the light. And he touched the barn of the tree. He was filled with a warm sensation as he had. Conquered the blood demon.

The spear had become his to use as well. McElroy returned to the battlefield where he was being defended by Jay and Azuma Kiri with his Grass cutter. Jay took a asura down by Making the asura jam it's own throat by metal magic.

McElroy landed the final. Blow on another demon. Which had creeoed upto Jay.

McElroy :

I met the blood demon

The blood demon wasn't that hard to deal with are you sure this was the one you faced.

McElroy said as he passed the spear to Jay as he stabbed another demon with it.

Jay :

What are you talking about. I almost lost my life when fighting.

McElroy :

The you've grown weaker. When I fought him he fell in almost 2 moves.

None of them had become stronger and weaker. It was just that as time had passed their battle experiences mana control had increased.

Even Jay at this point could have defeated the Blood demon with much of an ease.

With that small talk the supposedly neutral folks fought their battle once more where they were faced with a swarm of Acid spitters. Who's pH of the acid was even below 0

Their acid even melted through armor and even through skin and bones. Even the scales of dragon are not enough against these acid sputtering demons.

A variety of demons had introduced into the ranks of demons.

It would have been a pain to fight these demons in of itself since close combat would mean that the weapons would melt if it somehow had pierced the stomack.

But to save the day there was an artillery bombing of the mages from heaven colliding with the mages of humans.

But they still thought of them them as an inferior species.

The mages who carpet bombed the line of acid spitters.

The got taken down by aother demon flying in the air.

Which got taken down by another flying unit and that got taken down by a ground unit targeting which got taken down by another unit on the human side and got taken down by an aquatic unit.

During the fight a demon jumped from above and jumped in front of us. He was different from other demons and Asuras

Surrounding him were blue fireballs which surrounded him and revolved around him.

No doubt this was the Heavenly demon.

Master of curses and a demon who can freely use mana to his use.

He bore the will of fire as in his arms hs carried none other than 6 flaming swords. In his six arms. And his three eyes.

Which were normal but felt like they were also blazing with fire on their own.

His hair blazed with fire as he braced himself.