
The night was long. Jay proclaims that he means each and every word seriously. The night was really rally long

First thing that she drilled into our heads was how to increase the speed of our perception.

The more faster we perceive the more slower everything looks as if everything was in slow motion.

Means if our perception speed is two times then it would mean for every second that passed. We would have received two seconds of data in our mind and reacted according to it.

With this a lecture of four hours became a lecture of eight hours.

Or if a slide consisting of various image's was being shown every second. A person would see one image every second.

While the one with increased perception would see only one image every two second.

Which means he would be exposed to the image for much more longer time and might be able to even perceive more data from it.

Yes I know he says that he couldnt find a much better way to explain it. And this was the best he could come up with.

Lumina gave hell of a mentoring. It was much less painful than both The Fire King and the Man of steel. But it was more stressing on the brain.

Because it was a battle between science and faith. Our knowledge of this magic was based more towards it's science.

But hers were more based towards faith.

Lumina :

To understand light magic you must understand that light is meant not for fighting but to illuminate the path forward.

Even light can occur in seven colour's of the rainbow.

Which occurs after the rain and create a miracle of colour's.

It is a miracle created by the magic of light.

Jay :

This I going to be an episode about science versus faith isn't it. Because her every word is challenging what I have been drummed by my teachers.

McElroy :

I think it's best not to raise your voice for now and offend her.

What was that sword of light you used when you fought the Reaper.

Lumina :

Lumina positioned her hands in such a point as she was holding a double edged sword. And with the power of her faith and the blessed magic of light that she was bestowed with she manifested it within her holy palms.

Jay :

Why is she talking in third person.

McElroy :

Is she reciting a spell or a book or a spell from a book.

Meanwhile in the abyss.

The laugh of X echoed hysterically through the confines of the void. As he saw this scene. There had been a mistake.

He made which was not deliberate.

X :

This is classic. Never thought I would make a miss like that.

This is borderline comedic.

System :

I don't think this is something to laugh at. I have made a grave error.

X :

You are just the manager you don't control them after all.

They live by their own free will.

X :

Don't you agree this is comedic too.

System. :

Sir there is No one here who are you pointing this to.

The feed from the abyss ended.

Lumina from her palms she manifested a sword made of light. It was a beam sword which was made from plasma.

Combination of fire and light magic both working together in synchronous harmony. To create a lightsaber. Which shine in a yellow light.

That lightsaber exuded a lot of light which would be enough to blind someone. But after a few seconds the direction of light was controlled so that the light which would enter the eyes would be minimum and not blind everyone.

And both of them tried to recreate the exact method. From which Jay was succefful in creating a small knife made of light but there was just a small issue. He was literally holding

Or at least maintaining hot plasma in his hand. And it exuded a lot of heat.

While McElroy just failed to do it. McElroy condensed the light and formed something similar to a rod but it had not mass at all. Let alone a solid structure.

McElroy :

How did you do it.

Jay :

For a defined blade I had to just do a simple trick. Use the mana to form a temporary membrane or a small concave mirror which will reflect the light. I think that should be enough.

And finally McElroy was able to make the same effect but it wasn't hot enough to hurt anyone. But it was a start.

And after tons of trial and error the dawn of a new day emerged. And nothing of importance happened for the rest of the night.

Om the demon island.

Ikaros :

The So called Reaper finally met his own demise. At least he got the message out.

Viva :

Just tell me one thing how did you manage to recruit a ghost to fight by your side.

Ikaros :

Well some of those ghosts as you call them had been condemned and tied to the land itself. And they had been tethered there.

So we made a deal. We released them on the condition of them joining our side. It's hard to ignore a good deal. When both of you hate one side.

Oh and one more thing I had asked you to submit one more report. From the archives.

Viva :

Yew I have bought it fully analogued and a digital copy. Why do we even bother to make two separate copy when a digital one is enough.

Ikaros :

I think they would have taught you this already.

Viva :

I know I was just getting my frustration out.

Ikaros :

So any plans for today.

Viva :

I have a scheduled meeting with my Father. I'll be occupied with it. For atleast a few good hours.

The door before Ikaros opened and he was faced with an army of Asuras and demons alike standing in a file. Just like an army.

The entire hall was fully lit and it was well ventilated and it housed an entire army of demons.

Ikaros :

I had very roughly underestimated the strength of humans. And never had a slight about the Army of Heaven.

So today I am going to engage all of our force.

All the Heavenly Demons are going to make these person on the battlefield their priority.

Jay Garrick and McElroy. The ones who are still actively slaughtering our brethren. We must show them the might of demons. Erase their names from the battlefield and reclaim the tarnished honor of the fearsome demons.

With the Ikaros turned three hundred and sixty degrees and left the battlefield.

And when the door behind him closed Viva spoke up.

Viva :

Our brethren what a sham, what was up with that. You're just sending them to be slaughtered.

Ikaros :

I know what I am doing. And I know what I must.

Viva :

Shouldn't you of all. Be seeking peace the most.

Ikaros :

I am a peaceseeker after all. But do you think that if a song could stop wars. wouldn't we have done something that the song could countinue for as long as it can.

A song in the end could only create temporary emotions