
If a song were to keep everyone happy and calm their hearts. If it were to stop unnecessary wars and prevent bloodshed wouldn't we all have done something to let that song play for a long time.

Jay and McElroy were surrounded by five heavenly demons.

Agni, Jal, Tsuchi, Metal and Raijin.

The conversation continues.

Raijin :

If Agni advocates for you. Then I might have a proposal for you.

Leave the battlefield and run somewhere far away. We'll report you as being terminated.

Or take your last breath and be consumed by the sea.

Even if you get past us. There's no chance you will be able to defeat him.

Jay :

We can't we have to reach him no matter what.

Raijin :

Your wishes has been realized.

Raijin :

Everyone attack all at once.

Everyone except Agni leapt at Jay and McElroy. Both Tsuchi and Jal covered the left and the right side. Metal grabbed his club and prepared to slam it down both of their heads.

And Raijin beat his drums. Most likely to prepare for an attack.

But there was an artillery bombing by the mages of the Heavens at the exact moment. They were about to land an attack. The attack roared down on them like divine retribution. And the area was filled with dust.

Which did nothing to the heavenly demons except annoy them. But the demons who were standing behind were affected as many of them had bitten the dust by the artillery.

It's the third day. Fishes are huge numbers with even the biggest fishes from the deepest parts of the oceans have migrated just for the food festival. The entire sea has not turned into a trail of blood. Even beasts like kraken patiently wait. For they fill themselves as the war countinues.

Either this is a miracle created by nature itself. Or this is a backup created by our friendly aforementioned X who wants to dispose of the bodies somehow.

Agni :

Brothers and sisters go after the army of Heaven It is my battle.

Metal just nodded his head.

Raijin :

Don't take too long.

While Tsuchi and Jal refused to move.

Tsuchi :

Brother Agni we are not going anywhere we will assist you.

Jal :

Two for one isnt fair.

Agni looked at the battle ready humans and another human who mindlessly launched an attack only to be pierced by an spike which emerged from the earth which pierced him and killed him instantly.

Jay and McElroy prepared their minds as they took a deep breath and their cells working to deliver the oxygen to their body organs.

Jal :

Well take down that one with the black vest.

Tsuchi :

I'm with you sister.

Jay was on for a lot of headache. The sisters Jal and Tsuchi could use water and earth magic. Which is a pain to fight for fire magic users with not a lot of firepower.

While McElroy would considerably have an easier time.

Agni :

McElroy was it it is time for us to face each other.

Agni reached for his back as McElroy thought he was preparing for an attack McElroy raised his weapon and Agni from his back pulled something out and slammed it on the ground.

It was a board of chess? And al of the pieces had already been arranged on them.

Agni sat down

Agni :

Instead of brawn we will engage in a battle of wits. The one who will lose has to leave and never return.

McElroy was certainly not expecting that. It threw him in a loop.

Tsuchi saw the scene unfolding at Agni's side

Tsuchi :

Hold things down for a moment.

Jal started aggressively attacking slamming a hammer made of water which then converted into ice. The attack was immediately dodged as the ice shattered Into pieces and the pieces of the ice went flying towards Jay's back but before they could reach him they were ecaporated. It was a very overused move by water magic users to show the feint of a physical attack which turned into a projectile. and Jay went for a follow up as he pumped mana within his palm and blasted a very deadly flaming attack which was a flamethrower on steroids. It was countered with a wall of ice and from the sides of the ice emerging surrounding herself with a body of water which when the flames hit just redistribute the energy to the back.

Jay's response was to change his method of attack and use metal as he crafted big metal lances and launched them towards the body of water. The lances crashed into the body of water but the force of the current would end up disorientthe direction of the lances.


McElroy :

I play Knight to E4. And with this your king is now in check.

Agni :

Very well I take your knight with my bishop.

McElroy :

And I take that bishop with my own queen.

Both of them were competing to win. And McElroy was on an advantage. Then from the audience came Tsuchi.

Tsuchi :

What are you deranged idiots doing. This is war not a lawn where you are freely playing.

Agni :

I know this is a war. And we are taking it very seriously.

On the battlefield where both humans and Asuras alike were dying both of them were sitting in the middle of the battlefield and playing like it was just a nice field day.

With a shining sun and calm but a breezy atmosphere the grass waving in the background.

And both of them sitting in a lawn chair and enjoying the recreational activity.

Except it was a ground which was filled with blood. Even the stench was so bad from rotting corpses which were having trouble to be consumed. And the red sea. With artillery bombings every few minutes. And the greviojs sounds of men on the battlefield crying their hearts our for the deceased.

Tsuchi in her rage kicked the chessboard into the water.

Agni :

It seems that I was the one losing. We'll done you had a much more better skill than me. As agreed I will step back for now.

But once we meet on the mainland I will challenge you again.

McElroy :

It was very close. I thought I was in for a trap. But it was hard to get out of it.

Please we can compete anytime you visit.

Agni :

I have lost and now I will report that I have lost to them.

Tsuchi :

He would have our heads if we report that we have lost.

Have you lost your mind. On the battlefield its be killed or to be killed.

Agni :

Why can't there be any peaceful options. Just cause we are different He is a human and I am a asur it don't mean we have to fight to death.

Tsuchi :

If you don't want to fight then don't. But I will.

The what will you do. Run away like a coward,

Agni :

I will join Metal and Raijin.

McElroy :

I can't bear to watch this anymore. Please forgive me Agni.

You comrades shouldnt be fighting in this time.

Something stirred withing McElroy head. Because McElroy thought it was wrong. The entire thing went against his principles and he wished that he was Jay.

As he would accept the surrender. And move ahead.

But McElroy hesitated. What could he even achieve by invalidating his own victory.

McElroy :

I don't think that we should hold each other back anymore.