
Both of them are now fine due to the quick diagnosis by the aprothecarist. In the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. A bright light entered into the tent.

That light broke both of their sleep as they woke up emergent with weapons in their hands. Jay made a makeshift knife while McElroy was ready with ice spears.

A common habit everyone living in the winds have.

One must keep their hide safe after all.

At first Both of these men would lose all their hard earned gold to bandits. But now it's not like bandit activity has decreased but they could clearly differentiate between their targets and who shouldn't be hunted.

Just as they raise the weapon with the same speed they lower them as the bright hair immediately gave response stimulus in the brain and I recognise The Identity of the person the Goddess of light Lumina.

Lumina :

Your fever is gone it seems.

McElroy :

What is the Goddess like you doing here at this time it's late night if you want weekend discuss the things tomorrow in the morning please don't waste your beauty sleep over us

McElroy has taken the chance of Talking before Jay could ever reply to her he had to be careful he could take no chances or there be worry deep within the ground and no one would ever know.

Lumina :

I want to continue where we left before. My main problem is Uncle Ikaros. I'm not confident I'll be able to take you down.

Jay :

But why?

Jay was planning to let Lumina take all the heavy lifting. But it seems that it's not the case anymore.

Lumina :

I need both of you to make a blood contract.

A simple contract was drawn out from both. One party is both of them and another one representing herself is the Goddess of Light, Lumina.

It contained the following terms.

A being both Jay and McElroy representing themselves and B being Lumina representing herself.

Lumina as Party B would willingly reveal her secrets to party A. Meanwhile Party A would be responsible to hold the secrets and not let them spill into the world.

A very simple and straightforward contract. And since both of them had no say they signed the contract.

Though lore wise they might get something important out of it.

Lumina :

This thing should not be let out of this tent.

I'm telling you because of your neutrality and I require your assistance in defeating Ikaros.

Jay :

What does Uncle Ikaros mean to you.

Lunina :

Uncle Ikaros had a huge part in raising me. He was the best of friends with father. And he had become an part of our family where he would even have dinner with us in Heavens.

Uncle would take me around the lands to see sight of adorable beauty. He would buy me flowers, taught me how to write, read and use mathematics. And even trained me in his arts.

Jay :

The what was it about you nit being a God.

Lumina :

Exactly as I said. Despite me being daughter of Luminos.

I was always had been raised as an apostle never as an actual god.

And that's why the title of Godess never suits me. My powers remain the same. And they don't match upto the God's level.

Lumina :

Despite what everyone says. I am not a God.

Ah so this must be a kin of Zeus story where even though Zeus was a god. Many of his descendants weren't even Demigods. Well there is a well known exception.

It would be Heracles. The God of strength.

Jay :

Its like the story of Zeus and his kin who weren't God's.

Lumina :

What blasphemy are you talking. Who is this Zeus.

Jay decided to explain his words.

Jay :

From the world where I'm from there are different gods.

Different set of God's in each region such as the Hindu God's, the Greek pantheon., the Norse God's, the Mayans, Christian, and many more.

Lumina :

I was born during the Era of Peace after the War with the Elder God's ended in our victory. And then I was raised as a daughter in the household of the God of Light Luminos.

In the heavens.

Evething was filled with Light in his domain and there was not trace of darkness even at night. There I thought that I would become a god someday but there were other things waiting for me. My Father made me his apostle. For a god his apostle is more like a servant that a right hand man.

It meant that I had lost my birthright. I would never be abke to become a God.

I disputed this with my Father's for Decades and for Decades he was quiet. But when he died recently.

He knew his death was coming. But he didn't flee or stepped aside. He bravely took own the one he considered his own brother.

I just can't forgive him, for what he has done. He killed the only one I could call my family. That's why I am seeking your strength. Assist me in taking down my Uncle. And I will reward you handsomely.

Jay :

Personally we dont do vendetta. What's the point in announcing the world of of neutrality if we're going to help you end one side.

Lumina :

Then it was for nothing. Now I feel sorry for myself that I let myself believe.

Jay :

Were sorry, we also sympathize with you.

Jay spoke these words in an unsympathetic manner. With a face bearing no expressions.

Jay :

You've got your battles while we have ours. But we don't intend to kill anyone. Our goal is just the key that lie with them.

Lumina got up and when she almost exited the tent.

Jay :

Although, even if we go well end up fighting him anyways.

Lumina stopped dead in her tracks.

Jay :

Then i might suppose you can just swoop in and take advantage of the fact. And we both get what we want.

McElroy couldn't understand the slyness of Jay. He somehow found a loophole which would help him maintain neutrality as well as get what he wants. Thus was plainly a good tactic.

Lumina laughed slightly bearing her smile on her face.

Lumina :

So it shall be.

Lumina left the tent.