Final form

Jay attacked relentlessly once again, and McElroy supported him by using Earth spike as the earth shattered and Akran dodged to see the chance that he could grab at the earliest.

Akran :

Demonic arts verse 3 : Fist of the Demon Lord.

Akran stomped on the floor as his enemy's balance dropped he took a very deep breath to circulate oxygen deep within his body and energize the body while putting his all in the punch. This makes the punch unavoidable for Jay.

But Akran were fighting not one but two opponents in succession. From the side McElroy raised a wall of earth which slammed onto Akran pushing him aside. And the wall of earth broke down. In this tag team match. Jay continues his relentless attacks even while Akran was down. Akran got about 2 scratched from the spear but the poison wasn't able to be ejected into his bloodstream. Thus Akran healed quickly.

Akran :

Saber art : Fiery Wrath of the Heavenly Asura.

His saber was covered in flames as he slammed the ground to which fire erupted from the ground. McElroy covered himself in a shell of water to protect himself from the flames erupting and Jay well he did get tossed around by the unexpected pressure of the flames but he's okay too I think.

McElroy had a thought

"How much did the Fire King train him. It's like he's immune to all fire attacks"

But Jay was not immune he did get hurt by the attacks and his resistance to fire itself was him desoarstrky buying fire resistances from the path of gain and pain just to get through the hellish training.

Akran :

Curse of inhibition : Mana blockage.

Akran touched my back which was blocked by a sheet of metal on which the sigil got imprinted. Jay held the sheet on his hands and threw it at Akran himself.

Akran flicked the sheet away.

McElroy :

Eye of the storm chapter 1 : prison of water.

Akran was covered in water and it was an attempt of drowning him.

Akran :

Mana dispersal.

The prison of water just became a body of water. As it dispersed, McElroy completely lost control over the mana.

Jay :

I know this is obvious but we somehow need to break

Any ideas.

McElroy :

I know this will shock you, but what about binding him.

Jay :

Didn't it not work in our favor and just wanted mana.

There might be some exceptions where he can't use mana dispersal.

Even Jay now got in the flow.

Jay :

Metal style : 100 binding chains of death.

Despite saying one hundred only 15 chains emerged from the ground as they attempted to bind Akran.

Akran :

Mana origin reversal technique.

The chains which were heading towards Akran were now hijacked by him and now they were headed towards Jay.

But Jay broke through them with his bare hands.

Akran :

Almost none have been able to stand against me till now.

You're doing well. As a reward let me show you something more.

Jay has an inner thought which resounded in Mcelroy's mind as well.

" He's got more!"

Akran :

Heavenly Asura unleashed rage :

Beserk Asura.

Akran joined his hands as his muscles tensed up and he opened his eyes which revealed an psychopath only interested in blood and murder.

While Heavenly being in the term for also being of virtuous traits. The trait of being sane and decisive. But when one enters the Beserk state where their wrath takes over. They leave the name of the Heavens as Akran becomes the

Beserk Asura. Leaving the heavenly traits from which he ascended to the Heavenly Asura.

But with beserked state bought partial madness to his mind.

He was conscious of when to leave the state for once again achieving the heavenly state.

In this state Akran cannot use mana for magic. But received a huge boost in strength and speed.

And with increased speed he was already difficult. To handle but now he was ruthless. He continously punched Jay with his arms ruthlessly. And Jay managed to block many attacks but for every 50 strikes 2 strikes would get through his protection.

Within 1000 strikes Jay was hit 20 times and each hit much more deadlier than last still Jay managed to. Hold on.

Jay managed to grab a hold of the potion but due to his phobia of potions he couldn't even drink a sip. Thus he had to rely on natural regeneration.

McElroy tried to take the flow of battle onto himself. As he was only fixated on Jay.

McElroy :

Eath magic :Quagmire.

The ground below Akran. Became a quicksand in which Akran began to drown and as he was consumed by madness he couldn't figure out what to do.

Jay :

Fire and Metal combination technique : Magma rupture.

In the sinking of Akran, Jay used both fire and metal magic to create lava as he filled the quicksand with lava. The lava touched his skin which caused him to shrein in pain as his body started to burn up. Even he is not immune to lava.

His slim which was dark, darkened even more as he shrieked in pain as his body was immersed in lava.

He tried to get out. But Jay bund him with chains which were red hot. And increased his pain even more.

So much that the Asura snapped out of the madness and bloodlust. And regained the Heavenly virtues he possessed.

Akran :

Wind Magic : Eye of the Tornado.

A Tornado formed in the quicksand lava pit and due to the wind magic everything burst out. And the flying magma hit both enemies as well as humans alike and they lost their life before they could even had to chance to drink a potion.

McElroy :

Wind magic?

Jay :

This finally crosses all the checklist of elemental magic.

Though why did it take this much time just to see glimpse of it. Wind magic. Like it's one of the most basic elements in every game.

Akran :

That's it, I'm done with you agonizing sadists. I have underestimated you enough.

Behold my true form.

Akran enveloped himself in an sphere of earth. And the sphere rose in the sky.

Jay :

I'm not going to wait for him to transform.

Jay :

Ultimate Metal magic number 1 : Drill rush.

Jay melded metal into the forms of drills and let them loose towards the sphere. There were in total 59 drills drilling the sphere from many angles simultaneously. Drilling at different speeds. As they drilled through the outer crust.

Jay's desperation increased. And finally the sphere burst revealing the new form of Akran ehich the drill couldn't even touch.

Akran :

This is the true form of the Heavenly Asura.