Field of Flowers

There was a field of flowers where every kind of flower bloomed with grace and shine in sunlight. A place where the scent of flowers fills one with happiness of transcending dimensions. Such was a place where Jay Garrick found himself in. As he opened his eyes. He saw the blue sky, the clouds providing some shade before leaving on their path once again and atop his nose was a purple colored butterfly just fluttering by.

The sun exuding light not too bright and not too dim just fit for the time being. The temperature was around where one can feel the small amounts of heat oeneteating through their skin as well as Gentle breeze that followed through the field.

Everything just felt too right. But Jay remembered about McElroy, he saw McElroy getting pierced onto Okaros's sword. And he started looking and found McElroy sleeping soundly like a log.

His clothes had been torn with his iron armor but else there was no sign of injuries on his body. Jay remembered that his ribs had been broken through and his entire torso had been pierced by the gigantic sword that Ikaros carried.

Jay shook McElroy to wake him up and he woke up. He immediately looked at his torso and when he saw himself complete he felt relieved. McElroy took a deep breath of relief. And in his hand there was something burnt out.

It was the Phoenix feather that Phoenix Cleft had given them as a gift.

The feather had burned itself out and turned into blackened ask which still held itself structurally and then it was carried away by the gentle breeze that followed through.

McElroy : Urgency.

Do you still have the key?

McElroy asked Jay as the sudden incidence ran in his mind.

Jay patted himself down from head to toe checking every pockets on his clothes and then he opened his phone and checked the inventory, there was no key.

Ikaros had stolen the key back from Jay or rather retrieved the Kay back from Jay once again after he had stolen it and tried to escape .

McElroy questioned Jay "Where are we". And Jay replied.

"I have no idea, from how we got here from a bloody battlefield to this field of flowers"

Both of them started walking towards a random direction. And McElroy remembered something he conveyed the dream that he had when they were in the spirit forest.

"I think Ive been here before, in this valley of flowers,

And I met someone here, I don't remember".

Jay jumped high and used his boosters to fly high in the sky.

There atop a hill there was a table and someone drinking tea.

Jay turned off the fire propelling him in the sky and then he softly landed on the flowers and trampled them. Jay informed McElroy of someone being there with then and they started walking towards it.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived at their location and they saw a simple white table and three white chairs with no significant patterns on the they were just simple chairs. While the table was circular and in the middle there was a hold which allowed a parasol to be fitted inside it.

The parasol in question was itself colorful. It held the seven colour's of the rainbow. The rod which the cloth of the parasol was made of his quality so there was less chance of it collapsing.

Beneath the parasol was a lady with porcelain white skin and whitened hair and a white dress with white gloves on both of her hands, these gloves held a floral pattern.

On which roses were inscribed on them without thorns.

Anyone would mistake the dress for a wedding dress but there was one distinct feature. A witch's hat. Jay couldn't see from above the distinct feature of the person because it was being blocked by the parasol and when he descended to a lower level then it was the hat.

On the table was an assorted set of sweets which included cookies, biscuits and cakes arranged in an ascending order.

While besides that there was a tea kettle made up of glass and on the inside there was tea being brewed and being heated automatically inside the tea kettle once could easily see a flower which gave a very distinct and soothing smell.

? :

Welcome to my garden of flowers, Jay and McElroy.

Please have a seat.

Jay and McElroy complied with the request of the lady.

? :

Please have some tea.

She took the glass kettle and pored the tea she had prepared in a cup and alongside she added milk from another vessel placed besides the kettle and then she passed it onto Jay And McElroy.

They were skeptical at first but the aroma of the tea calmed them down. And they drank the tea. They felt that their taste buds were overjoyed. It was truly delicious. It was sweet but it didn't overwhelm the sweet buds, it had a depth of flavor but with a delicate flavor balance for every spice.

Jay :

This tea is very incredible.

McElroy :

It tastes very fantastic.

? :

I'm very glad that you like it.

McElroy :

We forgot to ask but who are you?

? :

Well it's been a long time and I'm also supposed to be dead.

So you both might not remember me.

She rose up from her seat. And spread her arms her palms lit on with a free flame with an black outer layer.

The roses wilted, and the entire field turned into black charcoal. The sky turned red and with the moon shining g tightly across the sky.

With her soft lips she answered the call of her identity.


I am the one who is the most revered mage in the lands. Every mage aspire to be me for I stand atop the pinnacle.

I am the creator of chant less magic. And the one who bought terror upon these lands. I was formerly known as the Witch of Extinction.

My name is Maria von Lopez, the World mage.

After the demonstration the fields went back to normal.

And both of them were startled

Jay :

You're Maria von Lopez. You are supposed to be dead.

McElroy :

I remember you, you are the one from my dream. And now you have grown up so much. But I thought you died.

Maria :

The one you killed was not me but my clone.

Jay :

Your clone?

Jay didn't know what should he feel. Should he feel happy that he didn't had to kill her. Or sad that when Jay killed her even the clone might have had a life.

Maria :

I operate using clones I usually don't leave this space.

Maria :

Please have the cake.

Jay and McElroy tasted the cake thinking of an extraordinary flavor. But It turned out to be bland and sandy.

Not really a cake.

Jay :

Umm I think the cake needs a kitting working.

Maria tasted the cake herself.

Maria :

You're right this is absolutely bland. It seems that I have gotten the chemical formula and orientation of the atoms incorrect.

Jay :

Chemical formula?

McElroy :


Maria :

I actually made this cake using..... (sudden remembrance)

Maria suddenly remembered something.

Maria :

Actually we can do that later. I have bought you here for another reason.