The battle is now over. With this the demons of the island are now extinct. But now as the timeliness have changed their path. Things which were silent before will now begin to escalate.
The Foundation with their victory will not remain silent for long. As for the God's. Their loss is devastating for sure. But they are not yet defeated.
As for the heroes. They leave on a pilgrimage when they hear a unbelievable message. The end is near.
Their hourney through these lands of swords and magic is almost been completed. But it is yet to come in the future.
Bear witness to the end as these are the glimpses of the incoming future.
MEP, Burning sky, Elves, Foundation, Fire King, Roy Williams, Evan Swan, Tower, Pilgrimage, Pantheon, Brothers, Complete,
Viva. Moonlight, Door, End of an era.