Tower of Conquerer.

Jay and McElroy were standing before a tower which looked like the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy just standing erect.

Or the Qutub Minar in India (Delhi).

Jay and McElroy went inside the tower and there we was a familiar darkness as there were no lights lit. They walked ahead to hear a grim and eery laugh of death coming from all sides laughing at then.

They still bereaved the laughs and walked forward.

And then like a limelight. A light shone from above. Limelighting another boy which was similar to Casper.

Jasper :

Welcome adventurers, I am Jasper the master of this Tower.

Hope you've prepared for your. Uncertain death.

McElroy looks at Jay with a relief.

McElroy :

Looks like we're in the right place after all.

Jay :

So what is this tower all about. Hey it seems I have seen you somewhere.

Jasper :

I received news from the library that you were coming.

I'm Jasper, Casper's twin. But it matters not.

McElroy was excited.

McElroy :

Can you tell us something about the tower.

Jasoer :

This tower consist of 10 floors each much more deadlier than the last. Many have gone inside but only few have returned alive.

It is said once you reach the top of the tower. The fortune awaits you.

Jay :

And now this is just a tower manhwa.

Jasper :

Hehehehe, if that's how you want to see it.

Jasper :

There are 10 floors to this tower. Each more deadlier than the last. Clear all of them and win a prize and that's that.

McElroy :

So will there be deadly monsters.

Jasper :

Deadly monsters, traps, secret passages everything you can think of.

Jay :

Anything else we need to know before heading in.

Jasper :

You must leave every equipment here before entering.

Including your device Jay Garrick.

Jay :

It won't let me. If I go far from it it just comes back to me.

Jasper :

Not a problem you can take it with you then.

Another light shone on a shop besides Jasper.

Jasper :

As you know this is a shop here you can spend money and buy weapons and armor as well as items.

McElroy :

Then we would like to shop first.

Jasper walked into the shop and his persona changed.

Jasper :

Hello hello, dear customers how can I help you. What are you looking for weapons, armor, or potions.

Jay :

Give us your highest grade weapon that you have.

Jasper :

Here it is, the thunderous divine blade of light. A powerful holy blade which can cut any opponent.

Or this divine bow of light, which can pierce any target at the speed of light.

Or this shield of Medusa. Previously belonged to Goddess Athena in the Greek mythology but I stole it from her.

It will turn your enemies to stone.

McElroy :

How much will these items cost.

Jasper :

Just 194836 adjusting to inflation.

Jay :

Do you accept payment in gold bars.

Jasper :

Nein, we only accept payment in the form of Tower Gold.

You don't seem to have any on you.

Keep dreaming you poor beggers.

Tower gold is the currency which is awarded when the enemies, Floor boss are defeated or the Floor is cleared.

This currency can be used to purchase weapons armor and magic skills to ascend in the tower.

McElroy :

Anything we can take for rent for now.

Jasper :

Tch, take this away i dont need it.

Obtained a broken sword

Obtained a broken shield.

Jay :

What the hell was ghet.

Jasper :

Ive used Ar technology to create a system for both of you.

If you want to see just shout system.

Jay :

So now this is a system story inside a system story.


McElroy :.


A laser shit down from the ceiling of the room and a hologram screen appeared before McElroy

Name : McElroy

Age :?

Sex : M.

Challenger no : 23537.

Stats :

Atk : 5

Def : 7

Agi : 4

Luk : 4

Mana : 20

Skills :

Water ball

Stone shot.

Stone wall.

McElroy :.

Hey Jay i can see numbers now. What do they mean Atk, Def, AGI, Lil.

Jasper :

Those are your base stats.

Jay :

Shouldn't they be higher.

Jasper :

You're stats have been forcibly reset. Or else how your this tower be fair.

Jay :


Name : Jay

Age : 24 (23)

Sex : M

Challenge no :23578.

Stats :

Atk : 6

Def : 3

Agi : 5

Luk : 2

Mana : 30

Skills :

Fire ball.

Spike needle.


Jasper :

There are your skills they are the only magical attacks you can use. You can't use mana in any different way.

Jay :

No wonder so many fail.

Jay :

These do look like early game stats. And the mana must be because of my class or something right.

Jasper :

Now you go. Climb the first steps challengers.

Jasper showed the way to the stairs. To climb the stairway to victory.

Jay and McElroy climbed the flight of stairs. And reached the first floor.

Which was a maze full of different paths.

System alert :

Received basic stater kit.

1x knife.

1x potion

1x shield

1x bow

20 x arrows.

McElroy :

Wow this is so cool it just appeared besides me.

McElroy :

Let get this thing clear in no time.

Jay and McElroy begun walking through the dark, grim and creepy hallways of the floor. And they arrive at an branching path. There are two paths one which goes left and another right.

Jay :

How do we do this.

McElroy :

Simple you go left I go right.

Jay :

One of them would be a dead end. I think it's better to stick together in case we get stuck.

McElroy :

Even if we are weaker, you're not going to die neither am I.

So it would be much faster if we branch out. And if I find the exit I'll return to the same area.

McElroy spoken with such experience due to being a warrior.

And such both of them split their paths. Their paths were filled with various traps while, Jay avoided barely falling into a snake pit.

McElroy on the other hand almost die to an arrow trap.

After waving their way around the maze. Jay encountered a four membered group of goblins.

Jay :

Tch, the trouble is here.

All of the four membered group ambushed them.

Jay had a plan, this time he would first take care of the goblins by using bow and arrow.

In the cramped hallway the chances of getting shot will be much higher than normal.

That's why Jay took the bow in his band and with his arrow in the right hand he pulled back the string and started running backwards while still keeping his eyes on the goblins.

And as such the goblin to followed blindly. Jay released the arrow and the first shot hit the goblin in the skull. But there were still three remaining. And a dead wall approaching quickly on the other side. Once he rwzched the wall it would be difficult to move anwayere..

Jay once again took a shot and it hit one of the goblin in the knee. Staggering him .

Even running backwards has its down sides and it caused Jay to take a fall much unprecedented in the situation.

The goblin swung his club at Jay as Jay rolled to the other side and ran past both of them.

Grazing one goblins leg with the knife.

And taking the chance to actually and metaphorically stab him in the back. Jay retrieved his knife which caused Goblin to bleed profusely and meet a slow and painful end.

And the last goblin was taken care of without any problems.

Even though all his stats were reset one thing they couldn't take away was the muscle memory and the brain logic process.

This is what allowed them to climb the first floor of the tower with more to come.

Following the routes finally met together and in front of a boss.

Now the floor one bosses should be someone who should be easy to deal with like a goblin elder or maybe a slightly bigger worm.

But this was not something I was expecting.

In front of us was a living breathing creature which strength is very great and can crush us in one strike.

Who had horns than can pierce us and give out grave damage.

In a very muscular body and a monsters located in the labyrinth of minis.

The fearsome monster known as Minotaur of the Greek mythology.

Jay :

This is the first boss, is this some kind of joke.

McElroy :

Can't do anything now. Think something. Fast