Eagles den.

The plan Jay had was very simple in essence. So much simple thag even a seven year old child can come up with it in seconds but Jay came up with it very much later.

The plan was simple douse the bird in water magic in which there would be at least a two to five second window where it would take time to evaporate the water and reignite the flames once more. That's when they would strike. Cutting down the wings would make it easier for them at least to take it head on on the land.

Well that's the idea and now the execution.

When Jay spoke of this idea.

McElroy :

I had hoped something grandeur. This is the basics your talking about don't drop yourself to a level of a seven year old child.

Jay :

Then why didn't you come up with a better idea.

McElroy :

Because simplicity is perfection.

And in this case it is acceptable.

McElroy :

Magnus you heard that right.

Magnus :

Loud and clear, you apes.

McElroy was annoyed by his hatred by the spells words.

McElroy :.

Make me remember I have to grind this guy to dust when this floor is cleared.

And Jay gave a thumbs up.

Magnus started chanting his magic.

Magnus :

Oh the Divine Goddess of water, the essence of life itself.

The bringer of rains and floods in these lands. The drowner of sinners in the lake of the holy waters.

Heed my call and drown the beast into the depths of these waters. Bless these barren lands with the gift that is life.

Bless the past, present and future with the gift of life and just like the ever flowing rivers of the rainforest...

McElroy :

When will you be done chanting, tommorow.

Magnus took the brunted blow head on and didn't let his concentration off.

Magnus :

The diverging paths of the divine let them freely flow through the waters and with your divine presence let our expedition be complete and full of glory and honor. In the name of the Goddess of the Seas, the rivers, the wells the oceans and the provider and nourisher of life in your name I commence this prayer and the sacrifice in your name.

Water blast.

McElroy and Jay started running towards the bird. Just when the long lasting chants of Magnus were complete a stream of water much stringer than hydro pump and hydro cannon were shot out. At such an incredible speed that when it hit the bird it's flames we're immediately we're doused out. But dousing it out was not enough. Hero Masayuki who was ahead of everyone leapt with his sword in one hand in order to strike down the flaming eagle with determination in his eyes and the wills of everyone in his sword.

In his sword he carried the hopes of everyone on his journey and the voices of hope, live and faith. Hero Masayuki got close to the bird and he remembered all the memories of his past and with everyone in his side he attacked the bird.

Hero :

Go the hell.

Colaris and Magnus shouted from afar and supported with their voices as these voices reverberated inside the Hero Masayuki's soul. The power of friendship and love and faith emerged out of his soul and became his strength.

Hero :

Slash of dawn.

Before the Hero was able to land his hands on the bird he was slapped by the extinguished wings of the bird. And thrown aside.

And the bird reignited it's wings.

Jay :

Heh noob, sorry the power of love and friendship don't work here.

McElroy support.

Jay :

Metal spear.

McElroy :

Water ball, water ball, water ball, water ball, water ball.

Five sphere of water formed around McElroy in an concentric form which McElroy launched in a go once again extinguishing the flames.

And Jay with his many battle experiences with different monsters, bandits and now even the Demon Lord gained his confidence Jay picked up his blade and with his confidence in his blade, and the power of McElroy the god supporting him grin behind it was just a matter of time.

Where Jay confidently raised his sword against the new stringer foes he encounter across the tower and this is what

made the difference.

Except there was no difference he was wiped out the same what as the Hero Masayuki he was slapped away this time by the burning wings of the Flame Eagle. Jay Garrick was slapped away by the burning wings of the Flame Eagle.

And got thrown at the same place where Masayuki crashed into.

Despite on the ground Jay asked McElroy for support.

Jay :

McElroy once more drown him.

Jay :

Masayuki, follow my lead.

Masayuki caught up with Jay. As they kept running towards the bird.

Hero :

Hey old man, what are you planning.

Jay :

I'm 23 dammit, call me bro or something.

Hero :

Old man.

Jay :

Look kid, I've injured one of the wings of the Eagle with my metal spear it is just that the eagle doesn't know it yet.

So it will not be able to fly. First I will strike to just fail then you strike when it goes on Cooldown.

And finish it off.

As abundant Jay's experience is his way of doing things is way different than others. When he got slapped by the bird. He shot the metal spear he summoned earlier into the main cartilage where the bird controls it's right wing. The bird felt a sting but dut to the repeated barrages of attacks the Eagle is not focusing on the injury.

Colaris kept on the offensive while firing away arrows which burned down easily.

While Magnus kept charging another water blast.

Jay was carefully observing the actions of the bird from which another possibility arose. What if the bird knows abouts it's injury and that's why it is avoiding to fly.

Magnus launched another water blast and Taking advantage Masayuki raised his sword to cut the bird down but the bird once again slapped him down with its other wing and then following from behind came the Jay once again with the power of love and friendship. Which went down the drain as the eagle caught him in his mouth and ate him. It gulped him in one go.

Hero :

Old man.

Magnus :

Finally one of the filth perished.

Colaris :

Mr Jay you can't die yet.

Another one of their teammate was down. Now everything remained upto McElroy, Colaris , Magnus and the Hero.

The tale of Jay Garrick once again for the un counted time ends here .








McElroy :

Hey are you done eating footage. If yes then come out quickly. We have other things to do.

From the stomach of the Eagle came a familiar voice.

Jay :

Omae wa mo shinderu.

From the eagle a sword penetrated and cut the stomach open as smooth like butter and all the internals of the eagle flowed out. And came out Jay covered in the bird's digestive fluids.

Jay :

Spray me with water magic please.

Water ball.

Hero :

Mr Jay i knew you would survive after all the power of love and friendship never failed anyone

Jay :

Masayuki please spare me the bullcrap. I'm already feeling very full of disgust. If there was any love I'm sure I would have done this gladly.

It's time to grow up Masayuki, the age where you think of power of love and friendship are over. Look what it got you.

A dead teammate. The power of friendship won't bring your companion back.

Hero :

Then Mr Jay what am I supposed to do.

Jay :

For someone who's seen many bloody bodies I say it's best if you mourn them. And be respectful of them in their final moments.

Floor 6 clear.

Jay :

Metal spear - - > Metal spear 2

Firanga - - > Fire boomerang

Metal craft - - > Metal craft 2.

McElroy :

Water burst

Stone golem

Water spear.

Please proceed to the seventh floor.