The seventh floor.

With a brave smile and full of expectations step onto the challenge offered by this floor. They step into the light of the stairway once again revealing the next floor. And when the saw the sight of the next floor they turned their backs from the floor immediately. Just with hopes as they travelled a flight of stairs upwards with twice the speed they travelled downwards.

To a very deserted 6.5 floor. Where they found Jasper waiting for them.

Jasper :

5.23 minutes. That was fast.

Jay :

What the hell was that. How are we even supposed to step on there.

Jasper :

That's the next floor. Believe it or not.

Jay :

There should atleast be a platform to step on what do you think and we'll be fried within seconds.

Jasper :

I have an historical record of you here. From the divine era.

It says you were thrown into lava and exposed to the vapours many times in order to build up flame resistance.

I got this from my brother Casper. I'm thank ful to him for this.

Jay :

I have the syst suppressed don't I so how am I supposed to cope with this. And what about McElroy be doesn't have any system.

Jasper :

Your challengers aren't you. I am just a guardian.

Get over your hurdles on your own.

A whole trip of shopping later. Once again with hopes, dreams, faith, love and heavy luggage. The challengers of the tower step onto the seventh floor. The next point of their hurdle.

The floor once again revealed itself to everyone. A deadly land filled with lava and volcanoes and ash. A land with fumes spewing in the air. And extremely hot temperatures.

With occasionally lava rising and falling in tides.

It would be an immediate death sentence if both of them spent all their tower gold into random stuff.

But they only got through 64 percent of their total tower gold thus they could effectively shop.

And spend 98.3 percent of their tower gold.

And once again they face the sizzling lava. That even a step in would burn them into smithereens. Their system inventory had become like doraemon's pocket.

Before the stairway there was no solid ground just lava.

This to cross the lava. They removed a boat not just any boat. It was labeled Charon's boat . Which could supposedly make sense for he would have to take the boat through asphodel. A layer of hell I'm Greek mythology.

As the boat rowed it's way forward. There was a wharf of sulphuric ash that spewed in the clouds. And now it was time for gadget number two. Oxygen masks.

Oddly enough there was enough oxygen but still to be not affected by the contaminants a mask was needed. After rowing for another ten minutes the duo saw solid ground.

They rowed with their might and when they stepped on the ground it plopped inside. Upon just a step. Jay pulled McElroys with his might onto the boat.

McElroy :

I think this is what they mean by the ground being swept under you.

After that false alarm once again we rowed the boat and some lava got randomly got spewed on out boat but it moved. We didn't pay attention and rowed it forward until McElroy felt a burning sensation on his feet.

He saw that the kava was trying to consume him.

McElroy :

Water ball.

With a simple water spell the lava turned into stone but once again it heated up and became kava. And jumped towards Mcelroy.

McElroy :

It's alive.


McElroy froze the lava and kicked it into the lava once again. And saw Jay struggling with groups of five which he can't do anything about. Fire and metal magic is useless against these enemies.

It's like adding kerosene or diesel for that matter into an already grueling flame.

Jay was lost in thought as if he was remembering something.

McElroy :.

What are you thinking?

Jay :

I think this was a slime.

McElroy wae puzzled. He asked for clarification.

McElroy :

If I'm right, it was a ball of lava attacking us.

Jay :

Maybe it was a lava slime. You know slimes are mostly staple starting mob enemies in fantasy stories. But oddly enough the only starting enemies were bandits and more bandits.

This land does really have a bad bandit problem doesn't it.

McElroy :

Just keep rowing Jay.

After a few minutes a group of bat's came swooping in and they were also on fire. But because they were flesh and blood they were dispatched off quickly. And finally after hours of rowing they finally came across literal solid ground which could be stood on

McElroy :

Ah land after so many years.

The wish of McElroy was finally heard as he yearned for the land after rowing the boat ahead for hours and on the way dispatching enemies which stood in his way.

Jay :

It has been four to five hours.

Jay was quick to judge his situation.

Jay :.

If we have reached the end the it must be one thing.

McElroy :

The floor boss is nearby.

And they were right, before them was a sentinel. A f#+king Gundam.

Jay :

What in the actual mother $(&(&! $! * $? $). A Gundam.

How are we supposed to fight it.

It wasn't the original length of the Gundam but about 1/4 length of the original. You can say that it is a replica.

The Gundam stood up on its feet . As Jay and McElroy took up their arms.

The robot held one saber in his right arm and his gun in the left.

Suddenly a hit point bar popped up above. Indicating the health it has.

Floor boss :

Evil Sentinel.

Jay :

Seriously everyone knows it is a robots that fights on the side of the good. And what the hell is that thing

Copyright Infringement protection. God Dammit.

The sentinel stroked his sword downwards and it went through the floor and kava spewed out. It then shot its submachine gun towards Jay and Garrick. But it was easily dodged since they were able to dodge much faster projectiles in comparison.

Jay and McElroy used their most strongest spells.

McElroy went first and unleashed his freeze spell which dropped the temperature of the area and even the sentinel was like it didn't any damage. But it had become somewhat difficult for the sentinel to move ahead.

Jay used his strongest spell the Flame tornado which could exhibit flames upto thousands of degrees and when the spell hit the sentinel was destroyed with a loud bang.

Jay :

That's it. Not that I'm complaining which I'm definitely am. I thought it would definitely last much more than this.

McElroy :

Why did it just go up in flames.

Jay asked himself the same question.

But then in the imaginary schematics there were many circuits and there might have been a malfunction in them since they were not built to fight against magic unlike the other machinations..

And nearside lava this would be obviously a bad place for robot to be stored.

This is just a theory. The reason might be different as well.

With the destruction of thr floor boss the stairways as always opened and the two stepped in there going to next floors.

While wondering the question why?