Floor 8 shattered dimensions: Part 2

The last station they ended up with was the Raizon 445 years ago when the blood demon attacked Raizon.

It was at the moment when the blood demon and Tempest fought together and Tempest had coiled around the blood demon in order to subdue him.

That's was the time Jay and McElroy ended up in a random apartment building.

Jay :

Damn it we have to get out of here.

McElroy :

This was the scene that you saw in Raizon if I'm correct.

Jay :

Yes that why we should leave.

Jay opened the doors one by one to see if they lead anywhere. Even he dipped his hands in random sources of water such as wash basins and fountains.

McElroy :

I want to see what happens to this scene in its entirety.

Jay :

Dammit where is the door.

McElroy :.

Hey Jay can't we stay here.

Jay :

Believe ne we'll be ruined before this city. We can't stop here. And we most certainly can't be seen by my counterpart here.

Eventuakly Jay even broke windows and tried to pass his hand through other dimensions or realities.

McElroy :

So what will happen if he sees you.

Jay :

Well sci-fi movies do say that a butterfly effect will cause and affect the reality and in this new reality I might be defeated by the Blood demon. Which means I will be defeated by the Blood demon and cease to exist.

Or if not that by some other way I might cease to exist.

McElroy :

So do you remember seeing yourself somewhere here.

Jay :

I don't. But it might be possible that I forgot.

McElroy :

How do you expect that your past self will act if he sees you in this form.

Jay : in a rush

I don't know he might think of himself as insane, or he might even get depressed that he has to endure this he'll for longer. Or even get straight up suicidal. Or he is dreaming or something or the other.

McElroy :

Why won't he ask for what happens in the future?

Mcelroy's follow up question was clearly a possibility. Which Jay did thought of.

Jay :

Well if that's the case I maybe can reverse some of the mistakes I had made. But it might be such that in the some way or another I end up making those mistakes anyway. Which causes me to be here once again.

McElroy :

There's also a third angle to this entire story. What if the tower which has thrown us here is either a seperate entity

And there is no way these realities are joined together. It might also be an illusion.

There was a very big quake followed by a lihrd sound of something being thrown.

Jay :.

Tempest has been defeated. We must move out of this building. Quickly and find the exit.

Jay and McElroy took the stairs as the elevator was broken.

And quickly ran down the stairs. Even if there was innovations nothing is beating stairs.

They were in a hotel building which was 15 floors tall. Thus it took them time to get down. And they finally reached the ground floor. But it was covered with minions of the blood demon. There were around 10 blood demon minions.

And when we slashed at them with our slowrds they were in effective thus we used magic to sweep them out firanga to finish eight of them and freeze to take care of the other two.

And as soon as they exited the building they saw the ruined streets, broken lamplight, smashed cars large footprints if the Blood demon as well as buildings cleanly slashed in half by the Demon.

And ss they saw the blood demon. There was a large explosion inside his brain which caused the blood demon to fall in the 2 o clock direction respective to Jay and McElroy position.

Meanwhile Jay was rapidly entering and exiting the buildings. As well as any source of entrance he could see. There was no way he couldn't shift anymore which was what he thought when suddenly he found himself in the middle of another war in the divine era. Where Jay was fighting the kingdom of Gold. He was standing on a mountain from a far and he stood on the edge where Jay could see that he was fighting and defeating mercenaries with his strength.

As the soil shifted Jay fell from the mountain tumbling until he touched the ground but he was no longer on the battlefield of the El Dorado. He was standing on the walls of the fort during the time where the Skelton war took place.

Where Jay once again saw himself fighting the skeletons.

Suddenly due to an attack from the skeleton wizard the walls of the fort shook causing Jay to fall once more.

And now finding himself standing on the shores of the Frontera estate.

Where once again he saw himself fighting and killing Demons being bathed with their blood he moved ahead from enemy to enemy.

Jay just kept one step forward just now once again to find himself. In the middle of him breaking the stone in Chroma.

And when Jay leapt to stop him he found himself in face to face with himself in Raizon with McElroy in pursuit.

Jay of the last faced Jay of the future.

Floor 8 boss : Raizon Jay Garrick.

Jay :

The fuck is the the tower manager on crack.

Jay had arrived at the moment when Jay from the last had downed the blood demon for the first time.

And McElroy followed Jay in pursuit. For McElroy the same message showed up.

Floor 8 boss : Raizon Jay Garrick.

McElroy :

Is the floor manager on crack.

McElroy had the same reaction as Jay when he saw the message . Jay and the past Jay had an intense stare down.

As the entire team omega had assembled with Jim.

Past Jay :

Am I dreaming I can see another Jay in front of me?

Sara :

No I can see him too, did you have a twin sibling.

Past Jay :

No, I'm a single child.

McElroy : to present Jay.

Is this the Team Omega that you mentioned.

Jay :

This is the one.

Dyne :

What is this, is this another time paradox. How is another your here?

Everyone was filled with questions.

Past Jay :

Are you me?

Jay :

I am you but from the future.

Past Jay :

The future? Then you must have come here to help me right.

Jay picked up his sword and took his stance. McElroy took up arms too.

Jay :

No, I am here to defeat you my past.

Past Jay :

But why?

Jay attacked with his sword with a slash but it was blocked with a sword conjured by the last Jay.

Past Jay :

Atkeast tell me why are you attacking me.

Dyne :

Don't Jay, if you kill him you'll cease to exist. By the rules of the grandfather paradox.

The Jay from the present continued his assault on Jay as Jay blocked him strike for strike. The distinction was clear.

Jay of the tower was now just as strong as he was duri g the time he spent in Raizon.

Jay :

The future will be filled with regrets. Even if I tell you, it will cause a butterfly effect. And you might end up dead.

Past Jay :

If you are me I am sure we can talk it out. Because we do

understand each other. Even if we are from different time.

Jay :

Metal spear, metal spear, metal spear, metal spear, metal spear.

Give metal spear spawned beside Jay as he launched them towards the past Jay. But he dodged all of them.

Past Jay :

I would have never said a move name. What has happened to me?

Dyne :

Everyone take up arms, we must stop them.

Sara :

How can we tell them apart?

Ryan :

Just look at the clothes, ya dimwit.

Jay :

McElroy back me up.

McElroy :

No Jay, you must settle this yourself. I will hold them back.

McElroy :

Ice wall.

A ice wall stood before Team Omega, Jay and Past Jay.

The Past Jay used sonic slash which is an aoe attack which performs a quick slash which can deal with multiple opponent ts by mostly targeting their necks. But Jay was altogether familiar with the attack pattern thus he protected his neck by outing a sword in between the strikes.

And now Past Jay couldn't use the skill successively.

This Jay attacked with a fire attack.

Jay :

Firanga, Firanga, Firanga, Firanga, Fireball.

Four Firanga and a fireball appeared at Jay's side.

Past Jay :

Has the future been that harsh on myself, that I can't even open my heart to even myself, just what kind of things did you see?

The team omega moved down the walls with a rocket launcher. While the other members got around the walls.

While Elle climbed into her car, Z got over the wall and attacked McElroy with her firearm. But instead of backing off McElroy confronted her and with a strong punch he knocked out Z.

Elle :

Z!!, Damn you're not going off scott.

Elle started the car and tried to ram McElroy with it. But McElroy just out up another walk between them. And as the car slammed on the wall the airbags opened and Elle was safe but the car was totaled. Ryan loaded another missile and launched it At Mcelroy.

McElroy :

Stone wall.

This time a wall of stone took the explosion and crumbled.

All this time Dyne was thinking of a solution as well as the root of the problem.

Ryan :

Are you done yet.

Dyne :

No there is one thing I can't I derstand at all. What would the future Jay would get by killing his past self. And if he does then he should have ceased to exist a long time ago but he hasn't. There is something that I'm missing. It might be a small detail but now ever small detail is very significant.

Ryan :

Quit yapping, were getting kicked tight now.

Jay and his past self fought with each welding the same magic but different skillsets. But Jay had one advantage over his past self that was his knowledge of how he fought. While the past self was slowly getting overwhelmed despite having free control over magic and Jay having a constrained move set.

Jay knew he had to get this over quickly as once the Blood demon rises back. He might not be able to do anything that's why even when his past self tried to convince Jay and tried to negotiate with him. His future self wouldn't even budge a little bit.

While McElroy was continously fending off attacks from all of the Team Omega members. But he tried to be as non lethal as possible. Whilst he learned more about them.

Future Jay rapidly fired off magic attacks and The past would defend from it. Until the dreaded moment finally arrived. The blood demon finally woke up from his slumber.

And opened his seventh eye.

He started frantically destroying everything whilst searching for Jay. As as The past self saw the blood demon. The future took the advantage and stabbed Jay in the lungs as well as the abdomen. But he forgot one thing.

The past version of him was potion crazed. Whilst his future feared potions. Thus Jay got a high potion and as he was about to drink it . It was shot away by Mcelroy's icebolt.

McElroy :

Finish it..

Jay finally took his sword in his hand and slashed Jay across the torso. Causing the past Jay to fall.

And he was defeated.

Floor 8 boss defeated.

Floor 8 completed.

Please proceed to the next floor.

The blood demon had spotted them.

And when Dyne saw Jay from the future had defeated his past. He finally connected the link. He quickly rushed over and gave his past a high potion whilst the futureJay and McElroy seemingly vanished into thin air.

Rewards :

Space knife x1

Spear of Timex1

Rod of Harmony x 1