Revenge match

The finally the final final match point was about to begin finally. That's a lot of finals. But the game point match was about to begin as standing once again in a corner was Jay Garrick the Otherwolder and the Hero Masayuki, a Hero who's ordained the title of Hero by the Pantheon.

Biodata :

Name : Jay Garrick

Title : Otherwolder

Important achievements :

Survivor of the Demon War, War hero of the Skeleton war,Liberator of the Frozen Kingdom, King maker, Two man army. Ice Dragon

Name : Masayuki ff-jkbuu

Title : Hero

Important achievement :

Information is being blocked by the Tower Master.

Jay :

So I can't even access his biodata.

The dust in the air settled down, as just after the betters bet their money on the fighters. The opponents stared at each other's once again. But someone from the audience shouted the extra voice.


I have bet my money on you don't lose.

Jay :

Bet more on me then.

Hero :

Never thought I'll be face my archenemy once more.

Jay :

So now I am your archnemesis instead of Old man. That's quite an upgrade. I'm quite Honored.

Jasper :

The Final bout of the Tenth floor of the Challengers Tower.

Is beginning. Warriors take your place.

Jasper :


The Hero took the first approach as he ran in an half zigzag patterns. And before completing the loop. The Hero threw his shield over to Jay like Captain America. The spinning shield surprised him. The spinning shield grazed by the Hero killer and returned to the Hero's hand.

Hero :

I got quite an arsenal update but you're looking the same.

The Heros arsenal was upgraded significantly. While Jay got was peanuts. Because he already had what he needed.

The upgraded which the Hero received were.

Skill :

Shield throw :

No matter how poorly and off angled your shield throw is it will return to you.

Light sword :

Throw projections of light at your opponent. It won't hurt them. If aimed towards the eyes it might blind them for a second.

Hermes Boots : Upgrade

Decreases the stress on the legs while running.

Blessing of the Hero :

Stat increase all across the board.

Hero :

Seems like the Tower Master is favoring me.

Jasper spoke in middle defending the Tower Master.

Jasper :

The Tower Master does not harbors any favoritism to its challengers. He keeps a neutral stance towards all.

An upgrade in arsenal means that the balancing of the system has taken it in that form.

Jay :

This is favoritism, it's like a level 1 character is fighting a level 9999 character.

Jasper :

Do as you see fit, nothing Is going to change

The Hero came with a cross slash on a distracted Jay.

Hero :

Holy Purifying slash.

A slash made of light and immense heat so much that anyone who receives the slash is said to bear the will of God.

Jay :

Well I'll do with what I have.

Sword of the elements : Ice Form.

Ice wall.

The ice on the sword expanded towards the tip till it formed a wall. And bore the will of the God. The wall melted and the water exaporated into air.

Jay :

Sword of the elements : Flame clouds.

Jay slashed horizontal with the blade blazing on fire as clouds of fire enveloped the Heroes sight with Carbon.

No doubt rhe flames were hot. But the Hero covered himself with the shield as he dashed forward while keeping the head below level. And with the speed of the Hermes boots his bash would be like getting hit by a truck.

And Jay retaining his entire movesets he laid spikes onto the ground as the Hero stepped on them he stopped before writhing in pain. As the spikes got stuck in his feet. Which impeded his bison like charge. The Hero pulled out the spike from his feet. And that's when Jay struck again.

As he swung the Hero Killer onto the Hero as the Hero blocked it with his shield. And deflected the blow.

Hero :

Firagna x 3

Three huge balls of fire started formed in the air which launched themselves towards Jay.

So Jay ran to the left of the Hero and the Firagna exploded.

Causing a huge explosion where both of them were unaffected and Jay used Firagna himself and launched it at the Hero.

Jay :

Firagna x4

Jay changed their trajectory instead of concentrating at one target Jay made them spread out to limit the area that the Hero could run into.

But to Jays surprise he braced himself once more hiding being his shield and charged through the incoming attack. The Firagna exploded emenating immense heat in the surrounding area and there was smoke. But from the smoke a shield once again came flying towards Jay. The shield cMe flying and spinning in a vertical axis trying to cut the opponent in half. It was as if a flying wheel was being sent over. Or the shield has sprouted wings on itself. But Jay couldnt take advantage of the situation. And just dodged the flying shield. As the shield rounded back like a boomerang and reterned to its owner.

Jay immediately followed the trajectory of the shield and shot it with metal spears.

Jay :

Metal spears x 5

The metals collided with the shield in the hands of the Hero and lost their momentum out into them.

The Hero like a spartan soldier rushed forward with his divine weapon. And went for a high slash as he raised his arm in the sky for another cross slash. But Jay had something on his sleeve.

Hero :

Cross slash.

Jay :

Sword of the Elements : Metallic form : Binding chains.

The sword of the elements which was first covered in ice broke off the ice as chains sprung out of it as the snakes from Medusa's hair. And they managed to grab the sword of the Hero and bind to them. Jay then yanked the sword off the Hero by pulling the Sword out of his hands.

But the Hero was a quick thinker as within a split he took another approach. As within close range the Hero charged once again bashing Jay with his shield hurtling him as he flew off into the walls of the coliseum.

Jasper :

One minute is over.