Under the Mother Tree.

Fifty years ago

Akaso :

Why don't you understand this is for our children. It has reached the height of nonsense.

First it is the MEP then they might even come to cut down our Mother Tree.

We cannot rely on humans anymore. We need to sever our ties from them.

Akaso and Oykot had a huge fight regarding the future of their children and their race as at that time Akaso was the King of Elves.

Akaso was somehow convinced that the Foundation would internally implode and also take down everyone with them.

That's why he wanted to sever the ties with the Foundation but there was one problem. Aside from the Mother Tree the Elves also relied heavily on Foundation for supplies.

Akaso :

If I don't take this step now. Then everyone will regret it.

The only one who regretted it was of course Akaso himself and the ones who followed him. As the decision was not only overturned but Akaso and his group was branded as traitors and thrown from their homeland.

But all was not in vain. As Akaso didn't lose heart and found a new home in the spirit forest while his wife tried to change it from the inside by becoming the elder but she couldn't even once contact Akaso. Despite one fifty years.

Which brings us to the present.

Elder :

What do you intend to do once you enter the main Foundation.

Jay :

We look chaotic but we are very peaceful people. We intend to resolve these issues peacefully. As we just require the gate keys.

Elder :

The gate keys which you talk about are very dear to each head as it is tied to the memories of the Hero Helios.

Elder :

You'll get killed if you move without any tact. Fortunately Lord Ikaros thought of this too. He has arranged a fake identity for you to blend in with everyone.

Jay :

I also have something thi ga to ask.

Elder :

The answers you seek might be too little from my understanding. You need to ask him yourself for he can clearly answer your questions without hiding anything.

Jay :

So what do you know about the Moonlight thunder King the third head.

Elder :

Compared to both of them. His story had always been e mystery. But he is the most noble, wiser and crafter than the two. That's why the Foundation is still able to stand today.

And no doubt he will still bear a grudge for what you did.

But as long as you possess the miracle. The head will waver from his will. For your key the more cards you will hold the better is your chance to get the keys.

In your path his disciples will against you. Which means expect to see many familiar faces again

Jay :

Is there anything else I should be wary about.

Elder :

Very minor thing. Gold as a currency will not be accepted in there. So you will have to work there.

Jay :

So maybe I can sell something as a leverage.

Elder :

Selling will most likely yield you next to nothing. You won't be able to cover your daily cost.

You are truly blessed that Lord Ikaros thought of this beforehand.

You and McElroy will be given posting according to your speculations.

But given your current track record your future actually looks good here.

Jay :

So what about masking our identity.

Elder :

I was thinking of sending you both undercover. But now I'm thinking against it. The quicker they find you the better is your chance of interacting with them.

For at this time you might not even see them.

Jay :

Wouldn't we be arrested right away.

Elder :

You know too much. So most likely they'll send one of the disciples after you. To silence you.

Jay :

And I have just one more thing to ask. I have two others with me who have no connection to me whatsoever.

Elder :

A wolf and a beast tamer. They should be fine . If something happens I'll take then under my care. But I can't do the same for you two.

I think we've taken care about all the concerns.

Take the rest of the day for some sightseeing try some Elvish loaf.

Jay :

Thank you for doing so much for us.

Elder :

I'm doing this as Lord Ikaros's last wish. I'm not doing any of this for you. Now be on your way.

Jay left the Elder's hut. And the Elf which escorted Jay earlier was standing guard.

Elf :

It seems your talks with the Elder went well.

Jay :

She was quite understanding of my situation.

Elf :

She is quite kind towards everyone. I have received a message from the doctor. Your partner has now been treated you can meet him now.

The others should be there. I'll lead the way.

Jay and the Elf descended the Mother Tree and walked through the crowds as the crowd gave a difference in opinion towards new comers. For some especially kids. Seeing someone with different ears they were filled with pure wonder and amazement.

For radicalistic people Jay had become an object of hatred. Just because he wasn't the same as them. While for the normal oned Jay was the living proof that Co existance between races is still possible.

For it was uncommon for humans to roam freely in the territory of Elves in the first place. While it is very common for Elves to roam freely in Human territories.

Not just Elves but dwarves, demons, demi humans, beastkins. All of them roam freely in human Controlled territory.

A very bizzare phenomenon indeed.

The elf bought me some Elven loafs and they were indeed very filling and had a quite mysterious aroma as well as taste.

The doctor there was also a human doctor just like Jay. He was well trusted within the community to such an extent that sometimes Elves who were skeptical of humans come to him to share some leftovers they might have or some wares from their travels.

Jay :

Doctor how is his condition now.

Doctor :

The plague has done massive damages over his entire body. But his immune system seems to be taking control over very rapidly. He'll be back on his feet after a day or two of rest.

I'll keep him under observation for now.

Jay :

How much is your fees, doctor?

Doctor :

Don't worry about it. It's not often I get human patients. So I'll do this one for free.

Jay :

Thank you doctor.

Jay was going to step outside his quarters when McElroy grabbed Jay's hand.

McElroy :

My rival of the millenia . We meet again. I have become stronger to defeat you in battle I won't lose.

Saying this McElroy quickly fell asleep. Maybe it was his unconscious which was acting since people do end up saying many things that don't make sense.

Jay met up with Cela and Grey who were playing with the kids excited to see a wolf. That too a sword welding wolf.

And Cela was already good at handling children so she used Grey to show the children some tricks. While the parents watched from afar some even grabbed their children's wrists and dragged them away from them.

The only one who remained and played with Grey were either Half Elves who had no fear of them or they were Elves who were orphans.

No one to limiter them. Only they enjoyed playing with a Wolf.

Jay wondered who controlled the territory the Elves or the Foundation. Since it seemed that the Elves were independent but still they had the presence of Foundation among them. Even the Elder worked under the Foundation.

Jay hopes were beginning to twist as the more he saw the Foundation the more he feared for himself. But there was no choice remaining but to walk forward. Many would say there are many options and they would also be right. But they would also be wrong. For Jay's strings were held by X. And the more he might wait the more is the chance that he might die.

But as they say the Past is History, Tommorow is a mystery

So what Tommorow brings will be a mystery for now.