
In the Modern and post Modern world what is the most important weapon that anyone can instantly make use out of. For something which can be physical, tangible or non tangible. Something which is present in plain sight or

Hidden very well. It is none other than information.

And now the game is to extract to most they can.

King :

The key is yours. But not until I get what I want. And now I want your knowledge.

As per agreement Jay surrendered the body. As frok outside the office a leviataing pod was bought and rhe body kept on the stretcher and taken straight to laboratory.

Under the office.

The sword was sent for cleaning and repairing. For it was the last thing that Ikaros had left behind.

King :

Tell me everything you know now!

McElroy :

I think we are both curious about each other since this is our first time meeting. Sir King. Why not have a formal conversation. You ask one question we ask one.

King :

You are trying to bargain in front of me. What are you even basing your bargain with. The body does not count.

McElroy :

No, not the corpse but soon to be corpses.

McElroy :

You know as an assistant instructor I have a lot of time on my hands. And a lot of respect within a week.

King :

Not possible we have been monitoring you twenty four hours. Even while you take a shit. As long as you are here you can't escape my eyes.

McElroy :

You were watching me shit?

King :

Not me but my men. And just like watching paint dry they also watched you in shifts every single minute you slept.

King :

Even the fact that do dropped a high element water stone outside my office just to lure me away.

I know it all. You hold nothing against me.

Jay :

Why don't you just view our memories in the first place. Won't that be lower risk. Than asking us.

King :

I have my reasons.

Jay :

Why did you just show us the mask when you could have just hidden the fact. And the both of us might not have known.

King :

I never intended to hide a fact. But this was to test if your memories were sealed correctly or not.

Jay :

Now that we remember everything what do you intend to do.

King :

I might have to reseal them again for the knowledge you have accumulated is dangerous.

Jay :

Then why not end our life then and there.

King :

Then i will cooperate with only one condition. For every three question I ask you ask one.

If not we can end it there.

Jay :

Sir it's bullet for a bullet.

King :

Two for one. Final offer.

McElroy :

We'll take it.

King :

What is your relation with the Lord of Abyss.

Jay :

He is someone that I despise because he is the one who has stranded me in his prison. Trapped me here away from my family. Away from reality itself.

King :

What do you mean away from reality.

Jay :

I do not belong to these lands. I belong from a reality different from yours. For the reality you live in is nothing but just someone's imagination.

That someone being jine other than the one you call the

Lord of Abyss.

King :

Means my entire existence is just a fiction?

Jay :

You had your two questions answered.

McElroy :

Do you know where I can find my remaining self.

The King was evaluating his existence but he couldn't be sure. He has to ask more he couldn't be sure before he had all the answers.

But to do that he had to answer their question first.

King :

Yes, we are aware of their whereabouts. As they have been deemed non danger. We don't have their exact location just their time to time whereabouts.

Phoenix will share those coordinate with you after this.

King :

Is my existence just a fiction?

Jay :


The surrounding of the king was being filled with static electricity. Some injects start levitating. The King's Temper increased as he slammed the table.

King :

Why are you quiet?

Jay :

I am not sure.

King :

Are you mocking me.

Jay :

Hear me out, in many stories I have read over the years.

There is always a binding over the transmigrated to never mention such a truth.

For such a story it makes sense. To not have the characters going insane over their evaluation of their own existence.

But such a binding was never placed on me.

I was allowed to spread the word as far as I can.

King :

What do you mean.

Jay :

If a story writer writes a story won't he want rhe story to flow in the direction he wants. To the outcome the writer wants.

Then this is something which is very damaging to the entire story.

Maybe there is a slight chance that the existence of the lands is not fiction but this is a real world.

King :

What do you back this theory on, what is your evidence?

As a researcher you have to support your theory.

Jay :

I think both of the theories are equally valid. Then why this one.

King :

Because you are lying. You must know humans when lie give off a lot of tells. Even now you're breathing rate, core temperature, heart rate is being monitored. That's how I determine your lies from your words.

And to top it all off. You mixed a truth with a lies.

Jay :

What I said about the spreading of this message was true while everything else was just speculation. And nothing is certain until I meet him again.

Jay :

I believe your questions are over.

Jay :

My question is about your actions. Any normal ruler would have had us killed. Or atleast imprisoned. Then what about you.

King :

Those Kings and Queens come from royal decree. They do not know anything about the outside or the value of a human life. They are born blind and deaf.

I have seen both your past and present and come to a conclusion : you are really unfortunate.

You became the kings of a nation which broke your backs trying to work for then. Thanks to you we have established new relations with them after being separated for 500 years.

For what you did a millenia ago. Lead to the Foundation being built.

And fkr the reason you're both are not dead is simple.

The God's are fixated on you. Watching your moves as well.

And they don't even consider us. You're the ultimate distraction. Ending you will be a very big disadvantage.

Jay :

We did not have any contact with any gods except for the Demon battle.

King :


When the single word was spoken a spark was made in McElroy.

McElroy :

You've been keep the gods off our backs.

King :

I've been researching you since you came here.

For it a part of my own research thesis as well. For the inhabitants of the lands there are only certain possibilities of how an inhabitant interact with the surroundings if the lands.

While someone from entirely different race, ethnicity even different reality. How do they react, the same as the inhabitants, or what new ways they interact with the lands and the mana.

And your results are much more favorable for me. For I am using your life as an reference to compare and contrast between different literary works and existing research.

Hearing this the intellectual person's from the Tower took over McElroy.

McElroy :

What was the main contrast between your observation and the literary works.

King :

I see my old friend is returning.

First being the battle between us and the God's.

Both of the sides tried to coax you to their sides.

The literary works are biased. For the writers here show them turning towards us.

While those outside the walls. Influenced by the God's will

They show taking the path of God's and ascending.

But you have opened up a third possibility a neutral one.

Pushing away both of them while keeping both parties interested. Is something I did not predict.

Well done my disciple.

Jay :

How long were you monitoring us?

King :

From the moment you stepped in the lands. When you were captured by the bandits I wanted to see your capability.

So I decided to step in myself. If you had disappointed me that day you might have died in the spot.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Phoenix came inside looking at his master

Phoenix :

There's an emergency you have to come quickly.

To the lab where Lord Sein is being examined.

The King in an instant before Jay could perceive was standing in front of the door.

Jay :

I think we should follow him. He isn't looking.

All of them used the stairs as it was faster than the elevator.

And reached the lab below.

There on a stretcher where Seins corpse was lying. He was sitting standing upwards. But he seemed in a daze. He kept looking at the ceiling. His eyes had gone dark from the once colourful eyes.

Jay :

Did that corpse stand in his own?

King :

What is happening.

Coroner :

We were examining the body. But we detected faint pulse signals and his heart was beating. He is alive . But he doesn't seem to respond. To any stimuli.

King turned towards Jay.

King :

You told me he was dead. How is he standing up now?

The King removed his blade and the blade when Jay saw it it immediately struck him. The blade was made by the same dwarf who had guided Jay to make his. The gleaming shine of the blade which was the speciality of the dwarf.

While Jay's blade gleamed blue colour.

Name : Moonlight Thunder sword .

Description : An exact replica of the moon light thunder king's sword. A vibrant shining sword made of Zaetaerium

Jay :

Is that my blade?

King :

This has been my sword for atleast a millenia. Your sword is in pieces because I broke it.

Jay :

You broke my blade?

To be continued.