Back to military schools: Can We Really Trust You?

The next day, Loki's Xp now at 475/800, Daphne and her bodyguards, as well as Nishan and Saltavore, all went back to military school in the same limo, a tense atmosphere filling the silence.

{What had happened the night before}

"You're afraid of taking other's lives," Terrence deadpanned. "But you're perfectly fine with ruining lives?"

"We're not asking you to judge us," Nishan snapped. "So can you help us or not?"

"I still don't trust you," Daphne said, glaring at them in suspicion. "There's no way you just randomly show up at midnight ("it's only 10:00 p.m." Saltavore pointed out), and ask us for help on the very subject that our parents briefed you on a couple of days ago."

"We know it isn't easy to trust us," Saltavore handed them a few stones. "These are Truth Stones. It basically allows you to know if someone is telling the truth or not."

"Loki?" Seraphine asked, questioning.

Loki picked up looked between a pink and a purple stone, before settling on the pink one.

[Name: Truth Stone]

[Level: Advanced]

[This is a stone that was once part of a BeetleQueen's head]

[This stone not only allows you to know if someone is telling the truth to the question, it also tells you if the person is holding back anything]

[To activate, this stone must be held by the interrogator, and the counterpart to the stone, a Truth Stone from a BeetleKing's head must be held by the person being interrogated]

[The stone held by the interrogator will glow pink if the person being interrogated is telling the truth, glow red if the person is holding back information, and glow black if the person is lying.

Loki nodded at them. "It's legit," he told them. "You need to hold on to the pink stones, while Nishan and Saltavore hold onto the purple ones. If it glows pink, they're telling the truth. If it glows red, they're holding back information, and black means they're lying."

"Wait, how would you know if it was legit or not? And how do you know how to use them?" Nishan frowned in confusion.

"Okay, first question," Terrence brushed of Nishan's question. "Did anyone send you here to spy on us, or to shut us up, or to find out what we know?"

"No," Nishan and Saltavore answered together.

The stones glowed pink. "Huh," Seraphine marveled. "They're actually telling the truth.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you!" Saltavore huffed.

"Not so fast," Daphne said. "Did you come here for any ulterior motive other than to not have to take over your place in The Snakes?"

"We wanted to know what's up with him," Saltavore gestured at Loki. "He had this weird way of knowing things about people that wasn't told to him. Plus, he seems to have things that disappear and appear at will."

The stones glowed pink once again. "Well, you're not finding out anything about me, that's for sure," Loki said.

They continued the questioning late into the night, Nishan and Saltavore answering their questions truthfully.

"So," Seraphine said, after they had finally finished questioning. "You want to be a sort of inside spy for us? And we find away to expose The Snakes so that the government would take them out because they're too powerful?"

"Yes," Nishan groaned. "So? Yes or no? We have to get back to our rooms before our parents find out we aren't there."

"Fine," Daphne said. "But we get to keep the Truth Stones."

"Fine," Saltavore grumbled. "You can take one pink and one purple one. We can talk more in school."

The two brothers left the room as Loki stored the stones into his Inventory.

[BeettleQueen Truth Stone stored in Inventory]

[BeettleKing Truth Stone stored in Inventory]

[24 spaces remaining]

{Back to present time}

"So," Seraphine fidgeted. "Does this mean you'll stop being so mean to us?"

"Oh, hell no," Nishan snorted. "We'll be mean to you, all right. Besides," he smirked. "We have to, or else The Snakes might suspect something."

"Of course you would use that as an excuse," Terrence grumbled.

When they arrived back on school grounds, they gathered in the assembly hall.

"Students," Ava announced. "Please get back into the groups you guys were in on the first day of your level separation. It's time for the mid-year level separation to begin."