
I have finally finished the first volumen.

I want to thank all the people who have been with me all the time since the beginning, I wouldn´t have made this far without all of you. Thank you.

Soon a new volumen will start but before that I have to say a few things:

1) The first realese will be a double chapter

In these chapters I will put a cameo of the reader who contributed the most to the novel. And by `contributed the most´ I don´t mean be the first in the contribution ranking (which in that case would be myself), I mean the one who in my opinion have been the one who have been to my side the most, giving donations, power stones, reviews, etc...

(Even though that is the case if anyone want to help me donating something I´ll be thankful

By the way thank you Jati_Pradgja for your balloon)

2) The new volumen will not start immediately

I will not make you wait a lot but I need time to think about how it´s going to be.

Maybe a weak at most.

3) In the moment in which I publish the next chapter will start a new contest about introducing a new cameo at chapter 75.

Why chapter 75? I´m having a bold idea about this but I will not tell you.

4) From now on the chapters will be locked

Yeah, things have been difficult lately so I am thinking that maybe this will help me.

You can use free pass to see it so don´t worry.

5) I will try make the chapters more frecuents

I remark the word try. In the last review I saw you wanted more frecuent chapters.

I want that bills pay themselves alone, everyone have wishes.

I will still try