Hopeless or hopeful?

"Ka Estong!! I need your help please." She pounded the door nearly getting it collapsed by her incessant poundings. The frustration and fear are dominating in her mind right now. Everything that she had been holding dear for years are all now gone. Her thoughts, her future, her life, they all seem unrecognizable to her now.

"Ka Estong, my father is dead, and my mother were slashed with a machete. I beg you to not call the police. We need an ambulance. Please we really need it now."

 Claire was still in shock when people began to thicken. They were all curious as to what really happened and she know that before they can even know the truth, they already reached a conclusion. They are and will obviously suspect her. There were no question to it.

Thankfully, her brother were directly sent at the hospital, while their parents were pronounced dead on the spot by medical examiners that arrived 30 minutes ago. It was just half day, yet she knows her whole life has been change and would never be the same again. 

"CLAIIIRE!!! I'm sorry. I heard what happened. If you need anything I'll be just here on standby." Tessa hugged Claire, aware that what she needed the most now is lots of it. These things are lot to take in for a eighteen year old. Upon hearing the news about her friend while she was looking after the rice fields, she ran quickly from her post.

"Claire, can you tell me what happened?" she talked to her while she wrapped a blanket around Claire's shoulder.

Claire just nodded. She was still shocked and wasn't hearing anything that her friend was saying. The police officers who were investigating the scene could hardly believe what they are seeing in front of them. They were acquainted with mang Mando for a while, especially for some occasions. They could barely remember any event that the man picked a fight, got home drunk, smoke cigarette or even swear. He was the epitome of an almost perfect man for residents of San Sebastian. It may seem like an exaggeration, but that how they see him. They could not believe what the evidence are laid in front of them, leading to suspect mang Mando as the prime suspect. But the fact that he would not be able to defend himself, leaves them to wait for the result of further investigations.

"Chief! Do you believe that mang Mando killed his wife and harmed his son that could die any moment? That part looks hazy, right? It could be his daughter, Claire. How old is she again?" Police officer Hiro bombarded his chief with questions. He was one of those people that mang Mando helped in the past, which made him pretty adamant regarding the ongoing investigation. 

"She's eighteen years old, kid. Do not accuse the child unless you have a concrete evidence. Someone might have done this mess, but there's only one thing I can say, I would not believe a thing that points mang Mando as the prime suspect.

Even the residents have already reached a conclusion that Claire did it. News even spread that there is a big inheritance that was secured by mang Mando for the children and it seems like she wanted it all for her to squander. Details even tell that she planned it for three years.

Claire were not able to come even to her parents' wake while tending to her bedridden brother, which made the suspicions to escalate. Their town mayor paid for all the funeral expenses and hospital bill of the family which lessened the problem Claire is facing. But is seems like her brother recovery would not be coming very soon that is why Tessa comes at the hospital to assist her from time to time. 

"Claire! You've got to fix yourself and be strong for your brother. Hey girl! I know I am in no position to tell you to be strong, but I want you to. Don't let their judgments weaken you. They are using this opportunity find a loophole in you."

Her answer was just another cry. She had been crying for days which evidently shows in her tear stricken face and swollen eyes. She could not stop herself from crying.

Meanwhile, at the nearby place where Claire's family resides, people can't keep themselves from talking about the case. It has stirred every gossip that should have been brought up to light on that dreadful day. They were even adding up unnecessary information to the case; Claire was witnessed to be having a problem on her mental health even when she's in primary school. Frankly speaking, she is mad, crazy and lunatic. They've called her names that would surely make someone who's eavesdropping to raise their eyebrows. Some even claimed to be witnesses on her lunacy.

"I would not be surprised if I hear a news that she is the real suspect. "

"When we were in primary school, she's too timid. Even if you yell at her she would not even budge an inch. Crazy bitch."

"I pity the father, just take a look at the mother, right? She did not even try to guide her children. That should have been easy since it is the only thing she can do."

It was like a feast of fake news outside the sari-sari store.  Everyone seem to have their opinion has their own versions.

The news often reaches Tessa, but her trust and friendship with Claire would not wane and in spite of her parents' disapproval.  She can't leave her now. She's the only one she can depend on. She promised that she would never abandon her friend. She knew her too well to suspect her of killing, attempting or even plotting against her family or even an animal. 

Tessa were about to leave from their vegetable garden, when she heard a wailing sound from a police car. The sound stopped nearby their house. It should be another runaway prisoner she thought. But as she took a peek, to her surprise, it was in her friend's house. She hastily put the harvested vegetables inside their house and ran to the commotion. It was just a minute ago when she took away her eyes from the cars, and now it shows that everyone really do have a great interest on the only awake and alive member of the family. She knew it. She knew it was Claire that they're going to get arrested. This could not be happening. They have to have a rational explanation in this matter. Even at a young age she knows that the evidences clearly points mang Mando. These police officers are clearly a** kissers even to the dead. They did even thought about the daughter.

She went her why through the crowd and saw Claire being arrested. She could not help it. She have to do something.

"Police officers, can I ask you a question?" The crowd looked at her including Claire. She seem to have anticipated the situation that was about to happen.

"Yes, you may." The Chief Officer replied.

"Are you sure that you did not put her as the prime suspect based on circumstantial evidences? What about the evidence of fingerprints from the machete? Are you going to turn a blind eye just because you admire mang Mando?" The murmurings started to rise. No one showed any sign of agreement to her questions. They were muted for a second, but the chief did not want a mere college student could humiliate him in around these curious eyes. She's currently taking up political science although she has a long way to go to finish law school, she surely does her best.

"Your questions are leading, dear. As if you are accusing as that we are tampering the whole investigation and made your friend the scapegoat." He looked at her as if he was scrutinizing her like a criminal. It was obvious what they are doing.

"But---" Before she could answer the question someone grabbed her arms and led her outside the crowd. It was her parents. It was a silent walk until they reached home. Her parents were furious that they let her do the yard works all day. They even mentioned that she's not allowed to have a connection in any form to Claire. Then she realized that this directly hits Carlo. He has no one right now. Claire was arrested and of all the things she has to worry about is her safety in her time in jail. It was a long talk for her before she can persuade them to let her look after Claire's brother. They don't know any of their relatives, unlike them that are just neighbors with her aunt and uncles. She is the only one who can help Carlo. She also need to find a lawyer that could take her out.

Tessa's parents found a lawyer downtown, he should be good as her parents told her, but the only problem is he is one of those people who admired mang Mando. He is atty. Ephraim Reyes.

"So, what really happened Claire? Did your parents decided not to give you any part of the inheritance? Have they told you that they are going to give the seventy percent to your brother that led you in using your father's machete to inflict damage in them, killing both of your parents?" From one question to another, he seems determined to extract information from her that could prove that she's guilty.

"I don't know!!I can't remember a thing! Why are you bothering me?"

You could say that first impressions are important and since this young lawyer had quickly judged her, the honesty and trust she was supposed to give to someone who should defend her disappeared. They are all just the same, they would think of her as the killer, the ingrate child and the money grubber right away without any questions nor doubt. And one more reason is that, she still respect her father and want to protect his image despite his shortcomings. It was just one mistake, but that single one led to destroy even her unforeseen future. Everything are going down the drain. No use to cry over a spilled milk and just have to be brave and clean the mess. She still have her brother if he survives, she's praying hardly for. If she could survive this hell without telling about her parents, she'll do it no matter what.

"Garcia! Garcia! You have a visitor."

She was awakened by the incessant calling of the precinct officer. She climbed out of the bunk bed and went directly to the officer. Well, she's not expecting anyone to visit her now, it could not be her lawyer. He just visited her yesterday. Probably it's Tessa and she's right.

"Tessa!!"She hugged her as if she's not seeing her often. She missed having her friend around in school lunches, she missed having a clean and proper meal and having a family.

Her friend noticed right away the change of tone of her and the way her body changed in just one day.

"Aren't eating even a morsel of food in here? Why have you changed so much in a day? Look here take care of yourself, huh? I brought foods only for you. Don't share it with others. You need it the most."

"Don't be silly. You're talking as if you haven't done a thing. Everything that you're doing now would be repaid someday. Thank you so much. You've been such a great friend to me. I don't think I would survive if it weren't because of you."

"No problem. How's your stay here by the way?"

And just like that Claire's mood began to change. She doesn't want to let her friend know her situation. It's too much to take in for her especially that she's studying now.

"It seems like you're not interested to talk about it."

"Not really, I'm just not in the mood to talk about anything today. I am sorry."

She did not pushed the topic anymore since Claire's mood is kind of off right now. She just silently watched her eating the food she brought. Visiting her is the only way to let her friend breathe and forget what is really happening. But after an hour, Claire's reality beats her up again. For one week, she never felt so lonely and alone in comparison to her previous.