In the darkness of the basement an infant cradled in a quagmire of blood and childbirth was born

Hawkeye tightened his grip on Boarfang's shoulder, he said, "Seeing that it's only a decaying corpse, let's go ahead."

His heart was about to leap out of his throat, so Boarfang nodded uneasily as he nodded. His battle axe was about to be swept into his back when he felt a hand resting on his shoulder, but he was paused in his tracks when he heard the voice of someone he knew.

Boarfang is not, per se, a coward compared to the other tribe warriors; on the contrary, he is a fearless warrior who aspires for a great battle and a superb hunting excursion.

Although exercising vigilance in an unknown environment is essential, acting quickly and decisively without delay is the wisest course of action if you want to survive the situation.

It's akin to a lion going after a rabbit in the open plains. With his huge size and power, the Lion is a fearsome predator at the top of the food chain, but he would chase the rabbit with all of his might to ensure that his hunt was a success at the end of the day.

Shortly below them, the carcass of a mother who had already fallen after being stabbed by a sword on her shoulder sprawled face down on the floor, her unkempt hair concealing her face from view as she died.

Afterward, Boarfang gently turned the body around so that Hawkeye could view her death from a respectable position, using his battle axe.

Due to the rigor mortis, which caused her muscles to go stiff, implying that she had been deceased for many hours. Her eyes open in a frightening manner towards them, and her face is creased, showing that she had been in a great deal of pain before she succumbed to her wound.

"Hawkeye, it seems like she is pregnant," While inspecting the body from a crouching posture, Boarfang found an umbilical cord, which he carefully removed from the woman's private part, enabling her child to escape unscathed.

Boarfang, who was carrying the baby in one hand, looked at Hawkeye with a somber expression on his face as he looked at the infant.

"This woman was stabbed and bled to death when she was pregnant, and her death was hastened since she was carrying a baby and was about to give birth..." The lifeless baby was dangling from Boarfang's grip as Hawkeye said this as he stood there monitoring the spectacle.

"Such is the way of life…" While Boarfang was preparing to situate the baby in her mother's arms in order to allow their spirits to rest in peace, the sound of an infant's cry could be heard in his hand, becoming louder and louder as the voice echoed throughout the room.

It was undeniable that Boarfang was flabbergasted, and Hawkeye reacted with a drop of perspiration that slid down his cheek as he said, "What's up with that? That child is still alive and kicking."

Boarfang's expression quickly changed to one of solemnity as he looked Hawkeye in the eyes and said, "Any thoughts?"

"This baby was born in such horrid place, with her mother dying near him, and then cradled in a quagmire of blood and childbirth..." Hawkeye responds in vague terms, one word after another, to convey the gravity of the situation to Boarfang.

"I say, this kid is a warrior, loaded with gore he held and survived until we showed up, let's take him back to the tribe," Boarfang said as he unfastened a fur cloak around his waist and carefully placed the infant there while he awaited his partner's reaction to his words.

"I'm not sure about that..."

"On what?"

"Isn't he a bad omen? To be picking up a kid in an environment such as this..." Hawkeye stated it with a hoarse voice.

"I think we should get out of here and cease blabbering on about this nonsense. If you persist on refusing, we could just go to the Hunting Chieftain and ask for his approval..." It was said by Boarfang as he went out the door with firm footsteps, having already checked the area and discovered that it was empty. He did not dither before departing.

Hawkeye sighed, but he didn't let that discourage him from following Boarfang out of this terrible subterranean basement.

After a while, they were able to breathe with relief as they came to realize they were no longer in such a dark place, so they continued on their way to find their Hunting Chieftain.


5 years later, Nicolaus was trudging down the slope of a hillside when a foggy untold number of memories flashed through his mind like bolts of lightning.

It was Nicolaus who showed his displeasure at the child's affliction since he had been subjected to constant torment by the tribe's youngsters, whom they thought to be the harbinger of bad luck.

The fact that he was protected by his adoptive father, Boarfang, meant that they did not go overboard in their actions.

In stark contrast to his intimidating appearance, he is a kind and caring person from the inside out.

After Nicolaus glanced at the gash on his wrists, he realized that this child had come close to committing suicide as a result of his depression.

Nonetheless, his adoptive father, Boarfang, is always the light at the end of the tunnel, and his uncle Hawkeye would sometimes come over and play with him since they were the only ones in the tribe that acknowledged him.

Soon after, he took big progress ahead, and he soon emerged in front of the tribe in full display, causing fast repressed whispers to arise at the sight of the supposed deceased bad omen child, who was now getting closer and closer to his old house.

It didn't take long for Nicolaus to identify the house as something he had visited previously, based on his memories, and the sobs of mourning could be heard given the fact that he had recently died just a few hours ago. In fact, the weeping could be heard from the outside indicated that his adoptive family is heartbroken.

In an instant, Nicolaus collected his composure and gently tapped on the door with a scared look on his face and a sobbing tone in his voice, just like any other child would do, leaving no doubt that the person on the other side of the door was, in reality, a guy who was much older than his adoptive father.