Back to full glory but at what cost?

"Old shaman... You..." Boarfang was flabbergasted by the old man's transformation.

His once-dominant body that stands at 7.2ft, had been dwarfed by the old shaman's stature, which had swelled from his normal 5.5ft to 10ft.

and he was still continuing to grow in size, with unusual blackish emerald tattoos spreading all over his body, including a massive demon appearing behind his back.

With each passing second, the shadow of the old shaman enveloped Boarfang's figure, and the terror in his eyes grew as he kept his gaze on the giant ahead of him.

"Boarfang…" It seemed like a heavy husky voice was coming from somewhere, as the old shaman's huge finger reached over Boarfang's head and gently tapped on it, while uttering, "Go to sleep..."

As soon as his head was struck, Boarfang's didn't even have time to respond before his body fell to the ground, and he was rendered asleep.

Whether Boarfang is dead or alive, is up for the old shaman to decide as his height stopped at 20ft tall. He is now forced to duck his head in case the whole cottage is destroyed.

His possessions, which included trinkets, artifacts, and a variety of commodities, tumbled to the ground as his enormous bulk became more cramped in this space.

Fortunately, they were sealed tightly with magic, so none of the specimens were lost in the process.

While inspecting his hands, the old shaman let out a long sigh, his eyes becoming heavy and his breathing becoming ragged as he scrutinized them.

"I'm no longer human… What exactly am I?" Sitting cross-legged on the floor and looking at the small boy, the old shaman pondered, " Is this brat... Going to be my little master?"

With a happy smile on his face, A massive hand shrouded in green flames abruptly chopped down towards that tiny figure.


As a result of the attack, the air became restricting, however, the old shaman suddenly felt something enclosing him from inside his soul, and even his heart throbbed violently as if it were being squeezed by a greenish blazing chain.

He knew that he couldn't stop this power from killing him, as these chains of greenish fire, would tighten as long as he wants to have nefarious thoughts about his little master.

With his great knowledge, the old shaman knew that what he had done was an act of condemnation to the whole human race.

The moment he will die, his soul would be ripped off his body and he would be reduced to nothing more than a piece of meat on a chopping board. Since he has already accepted that being's power in exchange for preserving his own life.

But, at the end of it all, he would still arrive at the hand of that being, as his path would still lead him back to the beginning.

He trembled after thinking that, shortly, he stopped at the middle of his swing as he grunted and halted his spell, then turned his arm back to the way it had been.

"Vicious… What a diabolical monster... Even the might of the elementals is being repelled by this unholy power..."

The old shaman said, his eyes filled with melancholy, "Was it all worth it?" he wondered softly.

"Boarfang… Oh, Boarfang…. You have brought home the devil himself, you shouldn't have done that…."

"I had planned on spending the rest of being a mortal in this place till the day I died, yet here I am... Back to who I once was... I shall return to the world of bloodshed for the sake of this kid..."

"However, despite the fact that I have done enough repentance, the world has other plans for me... It seems that I will not be able to avoid my fate."

"Now... it's time to tie up all of my loose ends...". The old shaman bares his teeth, which have now been transformed into a profusion of spikes, while a burst of green light flashes in his eyes.

"You've raised a son Boarfang, but that son is no more," The old shaman muttered this as his body slowly shrank back to its usual size, but his face has retained its young appearance.

"Kid... Know this: if you don't have ruthlessness and power, you won't be able to stand on your own two feet in this world. Don't make the same mistake I made."

"Although I want to remain here until the day you establish your real nature, whether as a saint or a demon. Though I prefer the latter more..."

"I predict that this planet will soon bleed... In addition, since my power is still unstable, I'll continue to remain in this place for the time being."

At the end of his speech, the old shaman's voice became muffled, and shortly after, no noises could be heard within the hut, with just the crackling of the green flame serving as a source of light.